Justice in the One Piece World

Warlords Part 1

Chapter 76



As we flew over the Grand Line, we saw a burning Island that previously used to belong to an allied crew of Whitebeard.



Diana: My god… the plot is real. Thanks ??, I guess you did give us what we want.



We both jumped down from a height that would make skydivers kind of hesitate down onto the island. There, we saw the very two we were looking for.



Diana: Hello Edward Weevil, or should I call you Whitebeard’s son?



Weevil: Yes! Yes! I am Whitebeard’s son! Finally, someone who realizes the truth. Look at that mama.



Bakkin: Be careful dear, those two are the Twin Monarch of the Seas! They are the ones that killed your father!



Weevil: What?! Then you’re my enemy!



Diana: Wait! Just think about it for a couple seconds. How many times did your mother tell you someone was your dad’s killer?



That made Weevil pause for a second.



Diana: Also, you keep saying that you are Whitebeard’s son, but you don’t bring the evidence. Don’t you know that evidence is what you need to get people to believe you?



Weevil: Huh?



Diana: 2 people say that they have 10 Million Beri. One person just tells you that they have 10 Million while the other literally shows you 10 Million Beri. Which one would you believe?



Weevil: One with the money



Diana: Good job Weevil, you’re so smart!



Sis’s words were drenched in sarcasm but it seemed like he didn’t pick up on it.



Me: Weevil, why don’t you just go to the nearest hospital and do a test from the World Government to see if it’s true. I’m sure they’ll have a way. They even found out about Ace who didn’t even match the time period.



Weevil: Really?



Diana: Yes, and also may I know why you’re going around destroying Whitebeard’s legacy? His men are the only thing he has left about him…and you’re killing them? You’re making your father cry up in heaven.



Weevil: I’m making dad cry?



Diana: Yes! If you’re Whitebeard’s son, then you should be leading those men to his TRUE enemy! Not destroying what Whitebeard wanted to save with his life. Even if they are not Whitebeard’s son, he loved them like you like your blade…he cared for them.



Weevil: I don’t understand



Diana: Whitebeard loved you as much as you love you mom. Whitebeard loved his crew as much as you love your blade.



It was total bullshit in my opinion but whatever got through his thick skull would have to suffice.



Weevil: Ahh~ I think I get it now.



Bakkin: Now wait a minute dear, don’t list—-



Diana: Excuse me Mrs. Bakkin but I am talking to your son. Edward Weevil! You are You! Why do you always let your mother make your decisions for you? When was the last time you decided on your own who to fight?



Weevil paused, realizing for the first time that he never really had an opinion…ever.



Diana: Your father’s blood might be a part of who you are. People who are precious to you, like your mother, can also be an influence… but the thing that makes you is YOUR OWN CHOICES and ACTIONS. If you continue to live like that, you will be nothing more than an extension of your mother!



Weevil: Whaa??!



Diana: Do you want to live as a Puppet?!



Weevil: No!



Diana: Then make choices yourself! Deny what you think is wrong! Do what YOU Like, but always have a reason so OTHERS, like Whitebeard’s crew will follow you.



Weevil: Woah~~



This must be the most thinking he’s done in a while. This idiot.



Bakkin: Now dearie…we must be goin—-



Weevil: No Mama! I don’t want to go and kill Whitebeard Pirates anymore! I want to be their NEW Captain!!



Bakkin: What are you talking about?!?!



We used this chance while they were arguing to float back onto the ship. I honestly don’t think it was going to be enough but should fate help our stance, this should help Marco’s position in keeping that small village safe.



Me: So where to next?



Diana: The Greatest Swordsman in the World; we’re going to see Dracule Mihawk.




We arrived on his eerie and quiet castle before night fell. Mostly due to a lot of Devil Fruit powers but that wasn’t important.



I was sure that he knew that we were here. He either simply didn’t care or he was advanced in observation haki enough to sense our emotions and knew that we didn’t come here to fight him.



While walking up to the massive castle, we found Perona around the castle with her ghosts. Which led me to wonder what was the difference between her ‘Hollows’ and our ability with ‘Souls’.



Diana: Hello Perona. I believe we have never met before



Perona seemed pretty shocked by the fact that the Twin Monarch of the seas know her.



Perona: You…know me?



Diana: Not much, but enough. I believe you are looking for that failure of a Warlord?



Perona: He’s not a failure!



Diana: He’s still alive.



Perona: What?! Really?



Me: Yes, but would you like to know why he was marked off as dead during the Paramount war?



Perona: Why…?



Me: Apparently he lost to the Straw Hats on his home turf, the Thriller Bark. After that, he got beat up by former Warlord Jimbei, like quite badly, in front of the world watching. So they deemed that he was too weak to hold the title so they tried to kill him right after the war…but he escaped.



Perona: Thanks God…thank God…do you happen to know where he is?



Diana: Not really, but I think I heard that one of his underlings was kidnapped or killed by Blackbeard. If I know Gecko Moria, he’ll probably try to invade Blackbeard’s territory and take his crew back. Am I correct?



Perona: Yes…



Me: I’m not in any position to give you advice but I strongly advise you against going to find Moria if it means crossing paths with Blackbeard.



Perona: I understand…



With that, we entered Mihawk’s castle. It honestly felt like his name-play lived up to its name. It gave off a very Dracula like feel from the castle. After a while of walking, we arrived to a long banquet table that was honestly quite dusty.



At one end of the table was…



Mihawk: Hello Monarchs. May I interest you for dinner?

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