Justice in the One Piece World

Warlords Part 2

Chapter 77



It was honestly one of the worst dinners I’ve had. Either because the ingredient itself was horrible or because Mihawk sucked at cooking…possibly both. Perona didn’t seem like the type to cook for anyone else so that wouldn’t be it. I was starting to wonder how this idiot, except for swordsmanship, even survived on his own this long without suffering from malnutrition.



Mihawk: Thank you for bringing the wine, I was starting to get quite low on that, so you saved me the trouble from going out to get more.



Diana: Well, we’re not allowed to legally drink outside of Safe Haven so it was kind of useless for us. Good thing you like it.



Mihawk: Indeed, thank you. But I must say, you must not be here just to give me a few bottles of wine. May I inquire why you are here?



Diana: Curiosity. We wanted to ask a few things to the Greatest Swordsman in the World…or should we say for now? Since you seem so eager for someone to finally take that place from you.



Mihawk: Yes. Holding this title for too long… I wish for a proper fight, someone with enough power to finally take my place as the Strongest Swordsman.



Me: Do you mean the thrill of a fight?



Mihawk: Yes, I believe you know what I mean?



Diana: We’ve been facing the craziest out there for a while so we’re good. I don’t think we want anymore for a couple of days at least.



Mihawk: Now that I have answered your questions, would you please entertain mine?



Diana: Go ahead



Mihawk: I am not a fool to not realize that both of you are skilled with the sword. As fellow swordsman, I would like the honor of holding yours, may I?



Yin and Yang huh…? He’d definitely be surprised by the quality of it… yet he’s not the type to use such a small blade anyway so perhaps it’s fine.



Me: I might have learned the way of the sword from my father but I don’t really consider myself of swordsman. I rely on the Devil Fruit as well as my fists in battle.



Diana: I would say the same, but you may see our blades.



We unsheathed our blades and I was honestly tempted to give him Bob instead. It’s hard to part with such a powerful blade…even if it was just temporary and an honorable man like Mihawk.



Diana: My blade is called Yin



Me: Mine is Yang



Mihawk took both blades gingerly and held them in each hand. Looking at them as if they were a world class treasure…which they were.



Mihawk: Marvelous craftsmanship…would you mind sharing the blacksmith?



Diana: Trade secret, I hope you understand. Besides, I think it’s impossible for anyone to get him to make another one now…



Mihawk: Dead…is he?



Diana: Either that or equally unreachable



Mihawk: I see…such a shame



It was my first time seeing someone like Mihawk looking at the blades with…lust?! Well, I guess everyone needs to have something that they put value into.



Diana: I would like to refrain you from killing us and taking our blades.



Mihawk: I do not wish to die yet, and that would be a dishonor on my name…if I can even pull it off even one of you to start with, let alone both of you together. As I said, I would rather die by the hands of someone who considers oneself a swordsman. Besides, it looks like these blades were crafted just for you, and not me. The blade does not like me holding it…I can feel it.



We returned our blades. Perhaps it was from the experience of being held by Mihawk itself but it seemed to have put on some (metaphorical) weight when I send Yang again. I sheathed it as sis got onto the main reason of why we came here.



Diana: Dracule Mihawk, thank you for the short talk but I fear that we must get to the serious part of our talk. We came here to give you a warning. Not from us, but rather information we received that endangers the lives of the 7 Warlords.



Mihawk: hmm?



Diana: The World Government has made a scientific breakthrough, or rather created something that have made the existence of the Warlords meaningless for them. I believe you are following my words?



Mihawk: They plan to abolish to Warlord System, don’t they?



Diana: Yes, exactly so. I do not know when but I expect it to be soon. With the abolishment of the system, the 7 Warlords will be the greatest threats to the World Government in terms of strength, save for except the Emperors’ or the Revolutionary Army. They will come and try and kill you.



Mihawk: And your point is?



Diana: I don’t have a point. I came here to give you a forewarning that they are coming. You can either resign before that happens and the Government will ignore you…or you can wait for it to end and fight them. From how you told me you love good fights, I have a feeling you will take the latter.



Mihawk: You know me well Ms. Diana.



Diana: Why thank you, but in truth Kara has probably read from the moment we met each other.



Mihawk looked at me with a raised eyebrow.



Me: Observational haki, learned it from dad. He can not only sense the location but also the emotions and personality of people. Let’s just say that I had the time to develop that a little further.



And much more with the Rinnegan but Mihawk doesn’t need to know that.



Mihawk: I see, how interesting. Well then, I thank you for taking your time and coming here to warn me. I will wish you a safe sail home. Know that you are welcome at my home at any time, please feel free to come by like today.



Me: Flight



Mihawk: Safe flight home then.



Diana: Before we leave, here’s a last gift for you.



We took out a small pocket knife, like the Swiss Army one but with only one blade instead and a safe guard on either side to match Mihawk’s style.



Diana: You can use that to either cut up weaklings you don’t want to use your real blade on, or use it to cut up your very hard steak. A word of advice too, don’t cook steak Well Done…it’s honestly disgusting.



Mihawk: Your complaints are starting to sound like Zoro’s but I do appreciate the knife. My old one was starting to rust with all the blood.



We shared a few more words but that was the gist of it. We left his castle and back up to the ship to find our Den Den Mushi ringing the moment we set sail.



Diana: Hello? Sarah, what is it?



Sarah: Safe Haven’s under attack! And… we identified the flag as Buggy’s Delivery! The Warlord!



Diana: Hmm? Oh. I thought it was like a big deal or something. I’m sure our forces can deal with them. We already took care of all their most important members, the former inmates, anyway. Good luck!



Sarah: Wait~! Why aren’t you coming back?



Me: There’s class to be considered Sarah. Also, we can’t always be there for you. In a way, isn’t this the first real battle for the Safe Haven Armed Guards? I’d say this is a good opportunity for them to learn anyway. Good luck!






Me: They’ll be fine. If anything, we made sure that their training is harsh to the point that they need to train more on their own to let out the stress. The irony… but it worked.



Diana: I wouldn’t be surprised if Buggy himself gets beaten up by one of our armed forces.



Me: He won’t be there. It’s a mercenary organization that he never really takes the lead for.



Diana: We’ll see



Me: We’ll see. But where to?



Diana: We only have one more anyway. Off to Amazon Lily.

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