Justice in the One Piece World

Warlords Part 3

Chapter 78



POV Sarah






Whoever this Buggy thought he was, renting out his Mercenaries to anyone…he was in for some big trouble.



The attack force on Safe Haven was repelled almost instantly with no casualties. After all, the moment they started attacking, Kara quite literally gave us the ‘high ground’ by lifting up all the islands to a height they can never hope to jump up.



How she can do that when she’s nearly halfway around the world? I don’t know, but I’m not one to complain.



Currently, I was leading the attack force to where one of the captives said the Buggy’s Delivery Headquarters were.



Brown: They’ve made a big mistake haven’t they? Most of the mercenaries were dumb enough to not realize that they were attacking Safe Haven. They thought they were doing an island raid.



Me: It’s their fault. Who would look at a line of cannons on a heavily manned wall and think it’s a good idea to attack? I mean, who’s dumb enough to call for an attack when they’re outnumbered, at a disadvantage in terms of location; and most importantly don’t need to fight?!



Alisha: So we’re going to beat up a clown?



Me: Yes *pet* We’re going to beat up a very bad clown. So we need you when everyone’s running towards him, okay?



As I looked back, I saw 5 Large Safe Haven Warships behind us in formation, heading to absolutely destroy this clown.



We let our Deputy Prime Minister, who was covering for our Prime Minister who was still at the Reverie, to call the World Government that e were going to attack a Warlord for his misconduct, direct or indirect, on a neutral country and that any interference to save or support him would be seen as an offense.



Well, with that we didn't need to worry about any Marines or other World Government organizations stepping in to save his life. As good Safe Haven Armed Forces officer, we made sure to look through every file we had on Buggy the Clown.



He was surprisingly more of a threat than we realized…or he used to be. From our database, he used to be on the Pirate King’s crew as a Chore boy with Red Haired Shanks; however, unlike Shanks he was found to be incredibly weak.



He was beaten by Monkey D. Luffy while he was still in East Blue (whom I have met at that time in Cocoyashi Village). Of course, it would be natural to think he has improved since then but most of that time was spent running a business instead of actual fighting to improve himself. In other words, other than his ability that makes him immune to blades, he is quite weak.



A few hours later, this was proven to be true.



Buggy: Please! *crack* Ow!!! I didn’t know they would use my force to attack *thud!* Safe Haven!



Honestly I didn’t give a shit about what he said. We burned down his little circus tent and arrested or killed most of his men. I was done interrogating Buggy, from what we knew it would probably earn him a couple years in our prison or a lifetime in Impel Down if we hand him over to the World Government.



I honestly felt like I should do that. We secured him with Sea Stone so he can’t cut himself and escape…well not like he can leave his hands and feet behind anyway, and contacted back to HQ.



Me: We got him, what do we do with him now?





POV Kara



The talk with Boa went as expected. I tried to keep the topic off of Luffy as much as possible but Boa’s talking just made it impossible. So after a few minutes of listening to that nonsense, sis decided she had enough and went straight into the main point.



Diana: Alright Boa, we get your love for Luffy and we are all for you getting him. But right now, we have slightly less important stuff to talk about so save that Luffy talk for after this ok?



Boa: Yes yes…nothing could be more important than Luffy…ahh~



Diana: I’ll get straight to the point. The Marines have come up with a weapon that is strong enough to make the Warlord system useless. Are you following me?



As sis said that, Boa’s face became serious again as she understood the gravity of the situation.



Boa: They’re going to try and kill us, aren’t they?



Diana: I believe that is highly likely. Once they abolish the system, you become a threat to them and they will try to eliminate you. I would personally advise resigning before that happens.



Boa: Where…where did you get this information?



Diana: Let’s just say at the Reverie from a reliable source.



She wasn’t wrong judging that this information was shared to the readers at the Reverie arc and the reliable source is Oda himself.



Boa: I trust you…I think I will declare my resignation from the system before they come for us. While I am not afraid myself, I have people to take care of…I can’t let them be hurt.



Me: I understand how you feel. I would still advise preparing for a war since we can’t be sure that they’ll leave you alone just because you resign a couple of days before you do that.



Boa: I will, thank you for warning me Diana and Kara



Me: No problem.



Diana: We did have a small favor from last time to repay, did we not? You gave us the location of where Luffy and Rayleigh was, which was how we were able to complete our journey so quickly. So I guess this could be seen as a repayment for that.



Boa: I’ve got to say this information is undoubtedly more valuable, but I will take it. I hope you have a safe sail back.



Me: Flight



Boa: Safe flight back then.



I felt a little DejaVu feeling from the same talk happening with Mihawk but that must just be my imagination right?



With our talking done, we went back onto the ship and started heading back for Safe Haven.



*ring* *ring*



Diana: Hello Deputy Minister, what could be the matter?



Deputy Minister: We might have gotten ourselves into a bit of trouble… a new power has emerged in the seas.



I got a bad feeling about this…



Deputy Minister: Marshall D. Teach, better known as Blackbeard or the Blackbeard Pirates have defeated the escaping forces from Big Mom and declared himself an Emperor.



I knew it…



Deputy Minister: He is demanding a spot at Safe Haven as one of the recognized independent forces in the World.

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