Justice in the One Piece World

Time Skip Over

Chapter 59



How Safe Haven conducted Peace Talks was relatively simple. One side would request a meeting with another, or perhaps a group of them would choose to have a meeting. Then, we would act as the intermediary between the two or more factions.



After choosing a specific date, each faction would sent their group of ambassadors or representatives to conduct the talk with each other. They can either use the person who is staying at Safe Haven or get an entirely new person just for the meeting.



They will meet at the ‘Society’ at the designated Meeting Hall at the right time. When they are meeting, to prevent anyone from disturbing them, the entirety of Safe Haven as well as the sea nearby floats to the height equivalent of that to the Red Line. This is to ensure that no other forces or factions would disturb the peace talks…or some other talks who knows.



Of course, this date is made to the public so everyone can prepare what they can do that day.



In other words…unless it is the day for Peace Talks, I am not needed! Well, they used to require me in every small detail but Sis and I implemented a Prime Minister system (voted by the people) to take care of most the work. Keep in mind that this still is a Monarchy, it’s just that sis and I don’t want to do this job so we ‘lend out’ power to voted individuals for specific amounts of time. By law, we are above law, and can always take the power back if we deem it unfit. Lovely rule we made if I can say so myself.



The last year has been incredibly busy for me, but for the other crew mates, they’ve been having their own Straw Hat crew level time skip of their own. Developing and running an entire country has really forced them to think about their own development and force them to grow. Not only have they’ve become excellent ambassadors, but with the constant threats in the initial days of Safe Haven, sis and I sent our crew instead to deal with them.



Most of them didn’t suddenly develop a new power or skill but…damn did they get a lot more experience against some of the tougher enemies of the New World. Also, in order for people to actually reach our seas, we cleared out the surrounding seas of any threats…including the weather.



The weather one took a lot out of me. It came with a lot of studying and studying patterns for months, but in the end I was able to pull it off. The sea around Safe Haven is safer than most seas in Paradise. Of course, I couldn’t completely stop it, but if they can’t even handle this much, then they really don’t deserve to be in the New World.



Finally, the more people there are, the faster we could grow. We offered citizenships easily as long as we made sure their backgrounds were secure and they no longer possessed another country’s citizenship. We also made them all sign a document which we kept for everyone, most people didn’t even read it but it pretty much allows the government to take action for or against them in emergencies. I’m sure this will prove useful someday. I’m a firm believer that people’s freedom comes second when safety of the masses are concerned. Save lives first and we’ll give you your freedom back once it’s over. Freedom can be given back by laws and rules but no medicine’s going to being people back from the dead.



Anyway, what’s going on? The Newspaper’s been selling like crazy.






So the time-skip is over…



Just then, sis entered the room



Diana: Kara! Oh… so you’ve seen it too. What do you say? Another visit to Fishman Island? But we kind of already solved the issue with Hody and the mystery of their Queen’s death. Hopefully that wouldn’t change the story too much.



Me: They never needed that arc anyway if it wasn’t the only way into the New World. Besides, we’ve already created a new Power in the World. We’ve already messed up the Story way too much. A little here and there isn’t going to make much of a change at this point.


Diana: SARAH!



Sarah: My God, Diana! Keep your voice down. You’re still the official ruler of this place.



Diana: Not really. Everyone knows I don’t really do anything anyway. Get the Requiem, we’re going to Fishman Island!

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