Justice in the One Piece World

Vacation on Fishman Island

Chapter 60



Having Vegapunk’s apprentice in our direct crew is really helpful. Over the course of last year, he never stopped tinkering with the Requiem and when we needed to visit Fishman Island, he added a function to turn the ship into a Submarine. Very helpful, this way we don’t need to go to Sabaody to get Bubble Coated every time we need to go under water.



It’s been a while since I’ve seen everyone. All 8 of us gathered at the ship. Of course, we’ve seen each other on a daily basis but not all of us together at once. Each of us had work to do, each of us were busy training. Now that everything has been put in a pattern and a proper system, we can finally relax.



Diana: So we’re kind of going on a Vacation. We’re going to Fishman Island



I knew John and Tim was still kind of busy, but probably because they needed that vacation more than anyone, they didn’t say anything.



The travel down to Fishman Island was quite boring. It wasn’t like what was shown in the manga or anime where SeaKings try to kill you or a Giant Kraken is there waiting to eat you…ok, there are a few hostile Sea Kings but Conqueror’s haki takes quick care of that and they stay away from our ship.



No Visa, no pre-warning, no nothing. As one of the benefits of being the ruling class of a perfectly neutral nation, we didn’t need any of those. As we entered to air bubble, we floated in and docked on dry land. It was safer here than out there with the Sea Kings lurking and all. I mean, some were the size of the entire Kingdom. They might think that our ship was a small snack.



On the other side of the island, we saw dozens of ships docking for trade (Merchant Submarines who began trade a few months ago officially) as well as Pirate Crews who were making their way to the New World.



Fishman: Hello…! Your majes—-



Diana & Me: Stop, we hate formalities.



Sarah: We’re just here for a short vacation. We’ll be staying here for a couple of days before going back. You can inform the Royal Family if you want but please tell them not to have a full banquet again. We came here to relax after all.



Tim and John nodded at that. They were definitely going to go to the Mermaid Cafe, I could already tell.



Alisha, Spade, and Doc were eager to look around all of this. It was Alisha’s first time here and I already put her in Doc’s supervision. He was becoming more of a father figure to her day by day…actually from the way he treats me, he’s like a second father as well.



Well, I guess it’s time to relax until the Straw Hats arrive.



We spent a wonderful day of doing nothing. Sis and I went sightseeing, enjoyed the best seafood. We visited a spa and went shopping…a lot of shopping. They had a nice mall that wasn’t shown in the Manga but honestly, it was a pretty nice shopping district. They didn’t have a lot of stuff we can take back since most of them were just daily utensils that was made for underwater life, but still it was pretty nice to see everything. We bought a few of those air bubble tubes that the Fishman (and mermaids) used when they were out in the air. It felt pretty interesting but honestly it was kind of slow and I would rather just float around…which I actually did more than walking now. Sis tells me I should walk but why should I if I can just will myself in one direction? It’s not like I’m not getting my exercise with our crazy training schedule.



It took 2 days for the Straw Hats to arrive and damn did they arrive in style. Even without the Kraken or the New Fishman Pirates to disturb them they managed to create problems with their ship with the Caribou brothers’ crew behind them in tow. Seriously, never underestimate the trouble a Protagonist can attract.



Well, since everything else is already taken care of, looks like the Straw Hat’s biggest concerns and antagonist would be their fake Straw Hat crew and that ‘already beat up’ Caribou brothers.



We didn’t go searching for the Straw Hats after they docked, after all, there was no need. Some sort of plot would make us meet eventually. That was the conclusion I came to after my years as an Admiral and Monarch. Whenever someone even remotely powerful is in the region, we end up meeting. Often times we end up fighting too, thanks God, really helpful. At least, that was how I got my pocket money most of the time.



So we ignored them and spent our time in peace, and as expected, plot did its job. Our crew was at a pretty nice restaurant eating some of the specialties of Fishman Island when the Straw Hats came in. Convenient how plot works, that the Straw Hats chose the same restraints when there are at least dozens to choose from.



Diana: Oy, over here Straw Hats. How is it that we always meet each other even when we’re not trying to? Arlong, Alabasta…Enies Lob, wait, we were trying to find you at Enies Lobby never mind. We also met Sanji unintentionally, seriously. What is this coincidence?



Me: Most of you look a bit different now, and Luffy, Sanji, nice to see you again. I trust that you are well?



Luffy just nodded and then dived at his brother.



Luffy: AC—



Spade quickly shut his mouth. It would be bad if other people knew that he was still alive. Good move Spade. I know it’s impossible but it would be wonderful if you could knock some sense into your brother. Please?



It took a while to explain the situation of what happened, but we made sure to talk quietly while I made sure there were no one listening to us talk with my observation haki…it was safe. In the end they all agreed to keep this a secret.



Diana: Nice to meet you again Robin. It was a shame we didn’t meet you last time, even though you spent time with the Revolutionary. Tell me though, did Dragon deliver his promise on Mycan?



Robin: He did. He wanted me to convey his thanks if I ever met you. With this, the Revolutionary can make bolder moves against the Government without having to worry about leaking their whereabouts. As you said, that place was quite literally a ‘Impenetrable Barrier’. Nobody knows the pattern, only the three that met you knows so there is no risk of betrayal either.



Me: Robin, your crew has been to Skypiea haven’t you?



Robin: Yes, how did you know…?



Me: Not important. What is important is that one of those cubes are here. If you get the opportunity, you should ask King Neptune to allow you to see it. He’s a pretty nice guy so just don’t mess up.



Diana: Chopper, could you come over here?



The small reindeer hobbled over as sis handed over a few blood packs.



Diana: The mermaids here are way above the average beauty. This is to keep Sanji alive, it’s his blood type right?



Chopper nodded.



Diana: Also please tell him once he’s accepted the blood that it was from the ugliest men I could find.



Actually, it was just blood from a blood donor from Safe Haven from who knows who but Sanji didn’t need to know that. The pervert cook can struggle with that mind for a little later. I’m sure he’s going to faint the moment he enters Mermaid cafe anyway.



Diana: So, I guess I have to say a congratulations to your crew Luffy. You have made it to the end of the first half of the Grand Line. Now, you are entering the second half, the New World. I believe you know why it was named that way?



Luffy: Wha? The sea wasn’t named after what was on the map?!



I could hear face palms all over our table.



Nami: No you idiot! The first half of the Grand Line is said to be much easier compared to the second half. So those who have been to the second half referred to the first half as “Paradise”. That was how it got its name. The Second half presents challenges from nature on a scale never seen before, just like a “New World”.



Diana: That’s right. And I’ll promise you that any stories you’ve heard about the climate and seas of the New World…if anything was watered down.



Me: Not only that, you are entering the only sea in the world where the Marines are not the strongest player. You are entering the sea of the Emperors’ and… our sea.



Luffy: what? Your sea?



Robin: Luffy, where have you been this past year? How can you know nothing!



Nami: Kara and Diana are referred to as the ‘Twin Monarch of the Seas’. They have conquered much of the New World for themselves. Some people even state that they are the single greatest power in the New World, overpowering any single Emperor.



Me: That wasn’t confirmed and nor do we have any interest in fighting one of them…yet. At least not until they break their deals they’ve made with us.



I quietly passed an eternal Log Pose to Safe Haven to Nami. While most islands in the New World could easily lose their magnetic signature… not our island unless I wanted it to. With my powers, I stabilized it completely so that any log pose would be able to grasp it, not to even mention an Eternal one.



Me: That’s an eternal log pose to Safe Haven. If your crew needs a place to rest and get everything set before your next journey, you can always visit our place. Just please don’t come running away to here with someone like a Yonko in tow.



Nami gave me a thankful nod before hiding the log pose from Luffy. If it was Luffy, he would definitely either lose it, break it, throw it off, or somehow make them unable to come to our island.



Diana: So, what are you guys going to do now? There’s really nothing holding you back other than Caribou…by the way, where is he?



Me: He ran away, he’s near the shopping district of Fishman Island and trying to find a way back to the surface.



I could tell because of my Observation haki.




Me: Don’t you guys want to beat him up?



Zoro: No, it’s too much of a hassle. Just let him be, he’ll just go back up to the surface or he’ll be stuck down here.



Me: Alright then, fine. Sis, I’ll be right back.



One thing I learned from experimenting with my Devil Fruits was that in a way, I was faster than Kizaru. First of all, while Kizaru states he could move at the speed of light (and thus kick people at that speed), if that really was true, then the world would shatter at each kick…which it doesn’t. During my time as an admiral, I was only barely slower than him which means he is actually only about a third of the speed of light.



However, I have an ability that he can never hope to have.



Me: *Magnetic Field* … *Teleportation*



It wasn’t moving to a specific place at lightning speed, but rather reassembling myself there perfectly. Just like Enel, I only had a 16km Radius from my previous location and I can’t use it in conjunction too many times… but this was overpowered in its own right.



Me: Hello, Visa please?



Caribou: WHAT THE FUCK?!



Me: No visa? That’s illegal~



The fight was over immediately as I cuffed him with seastone before handing him to the local Fishman Police. I wouldn’t have cared really but he was a Logia Devil fruit user as well as quite cruel. Not to mention the weakness of Fishman despite their Bullshit about how strong they were. If their strongest really consisted of Fisher tiger and Jimbei…then their race really couldn’t be considered strong. After all, after a certain level of power, quantity doesn’t really account for anything.


Next moment, I was back in my seat.



Me: I’m back. Cuffed him with Seastone and gave him to the Police. They’ll take care of him from there. Maybe give him to the World Government as a message of goodwill?



*pet* *pet*



Me: muu…sis, not here! Other people are here as well.



*pet* *pet* *pet*



The petting intensified as Alisha joined in the petting session. I just gave us and slouched back against sis.



Diana: Franky…your design…



Franky: What, are you impressed by the SUPER~! Armored ME?



Diana: First, it’s a terribly designed form. Other than fighting, it’s going to be hard to move around with those shoulders of yours. More importantly, my observation is telling me you run on Cola, which is an even bigger issue.



Franky: What? How is it an issue!



Diana: Tim, please explain to him about exactly why that is a terrible idea.



Tim: I’m guessing that the Cola that fuels your body are the ones that are produced and sold industrially? The common ones?



Franky: Yes!



Tim: And exactly why would you be using that as your energy source? First of all, it’s dangerous. Continued consumption of it will break down even your robot bits from the inside. Especially so if you hold it inside your body. If you ever burn it to release the energy inside it, the residue sludge can block your core pipes and plug where things are supposed to go.



Luffy: What?



Tim: Just think of it like losing your butthole.



Luffy: WHAATT? Franky doesn’t have a butthole?



Tim: Ignoring the fool, Cola is also very inefficient. Oil, electricity, or other forms of industrial energy sources are used for a reason. You get a lot out of it for a small price. Meanwhile, Cola wasn’t made for being used as an energy source of Cyborgs like yourself. They hold very little energy other than high amounts of Sugar. Sugar in which organic beings use, not you. Also, even if you did function like an organic being, then just buy sugar instead of getting it through Cola.



Franky: … I…wanted to be cool, so when I first designed myself I made my parts to work around Cola. It’s too late to change it now.



Tim: Well, it that’s the case then I can only say that I wish you the best. make sure you stock up on that beverage since you’ll probably need to recharge every few hours.



Seriously, what an idiot.

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