Kaidou of the Beasts Would like to Call Me the Strongest Creature

Chapter 111

Chapter 196 Surrut: Rayleigh, I Brought Sengoku, Let’S Go Side By Side?

Confirmed that Surrut is not a bluff, but a real explosion.

Sengoku no longer continued to fight with Surrut, his big golden hand slammed away the Ashbringer, and then with the force exerted by Surrut, his foot slipped, and the figure quickly broke away from the entanglement with Surrut, towards the After pulling it open, he pushed it with one hand and turned it out of the deep pit.

It was only after Sengoku landed that he realized that the No. 62 area of Sabaody Archipelago had been completely set on fire!

There is no introduction. It should be because of the existence of Surrut that the surrounding temperature has exceeded the acceptable range of matter.

A large number of houses, grounds, lawns, and buildings were all steamed and baked to the point of spontaneous combustion.

Thanks to each island area, there is a trench to isolate it, otherwise, it is estimated that not only the No. 62 area will be completely ignited!

The Alchiman mangrove tree, which had extinguished the flames, was now blazing with flames again.

Before Sengoku could take a closer look, Surrut’s figure rushed out of the pit.

Sengoku frowned and stepped forward to fight Surrut again.

This time, there were no fancy moves in the fight between the two, that is, punching to the flesh, Surrut took a shock wave from Sengoku, and then slashed Sengoku with a backhand.

They never stayed in the same place. As soon as the two fought each other, they ran everywhere, and they hit the Arqiman mangrove tree all the way.

Then Sengoku shot out a shock wave, which directly smashed the huge Alchiman mangrove tree from the bottom!

The tall mangrove tree was burning with flames and fell down with a bang, shaking the ground a little.

The two of them fought hard here, and the rest of the Sabaody Archipelago was messed up.

The Celestial Dragons are dead on the island, Marine Admiral is at war with the boss of the Beasts Pirates, and the entire battlefield area is in flames.

The high temperature of Surrut has begun to spread towards the rest of the islands, and many people feel the unbearable heat.

Frightened and anxious, the crowd who came to the celebration began to flee the Sabaody Archipelago frantically.

Marine sealed off some more areas, and the crowds had to start pounding the blockade, and the chaos was overwhelming.

In the illegal zone, Rayleigh looked at the burning area of No. 62 from a distance, touched his chin and smacked his lips: “That guy, when he was on Fas Island, shouldn’t be so fierce, right?

When I was on the Isle of Fas, the newspapers reported that Surrut punched Garp and kicked Zephyr.

But as one of the parties, Rayleigh saved Surrut from Zephyr.

Naturally, there was still a big gap in strength between Surrut and Zephyr at that time.

According to Rayleigh’s understanding of Zephyr and Sengoku, although they are both Marine Admiral, Sengoku should be stronger.

But at this time, did that guy Surrut fight Sengoku so fiercely?

“Ragnaros Surrut…is the guy who robbed your boat?” a woman asked, standing behind Rayleigh with a cigarette in her hand.

It’s Shakey, Rayleigh’s old friend.

Rayleigh smiled and said, “Yes, that guy is a complete asshole, I hope Sengoku can kill him..””.”

“You said that, but you didn’t think so in your heart.” Xia Qi said with a smile.

Saying that, Shaqi looked at Rayleigh’s waist again.

I saw Rayleigh at this time, holding his own small jug with one hand, while the other hand was placed on the hilt of the saber.

Those two fingers kept rubbing the lines on the handle…

“Itchy hands?” Xia Qi asked suddenly.

Rayleigh was stunned for a moment, then glanced down at his fingers, and couldn’t help shaking his head: “It’s really an old problem, when I see such a big scene, I can’t help but want to mix it up… Hahahaha .

“Why don’t you go soon?” Xia Qi also said with a smile.

Rayleigh’s expression hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head and said, “Forget it…”

“What’s the matter? Are you worried about me?” Xia Qi asked.

Rayleigh removed his fingers from the handle of the knife, opened the flask, took a sip, and then smacked his lips: “I finally decided to get out of this turbulent sea, and if I go in now… it’s very troublesome. .”

After a short pause, Rayleigh looked at Shaqi with a smile and said, “I made a deal with old Mosca, and I will go to him to learn how to coat the day after tomorrow. After that, I will be on this Sabaody Archipelago, quietly. , to be an honest coater…”

“Then you don’t need to ask me for pocket money? It’s a good thing…” Xia Qi’s eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from the flames of the distant battlefield. This golden light seemed to cover the sky that was dyed red by the flames.

Rayleigh’s expression suddenly became more serious, and he said softly: “It’s Sengoku’s Great Glass Light!”

As soon as Rayleigh’s words fell, the golden light in the sky quickly converged into a line, and then the golden light was transformed into transparent energy fluctuations, and then burst out.

What made the expressions of Rayleigh and Xia Qi change slightly is… Sengoku, the impact beam, is coming from the direction of them!

“Is this fate?” Rayleigh said slightly amused.

Then, just look at the powerful beam brought by the shock wave, blasting on a hill about 200 meters away from the two of them…

Rayleigh’s eyes were good, and he saw at a glance, Surrut’s tall figure was poured into this hill by the beam of light just now, and then exploded together!

As soon as the smoke of the explosion passed, Sengoku’s golden body fell from the sky, just like pressing one hand in front of him and pressing the other down from the top of his head.

It is simply a ‘palm technique that fell from the sky’!

In the deep pit of the explosion, Surrut roared, and a flame rose, but the next moment, Sengoku’s figure had already fallen, covering the flame with a palm, and then the figure crashed into the deep pit, and the ground trembled again…

It didn’t take a moment for Sengoku’s figure to be knocked out of the deep pit, with a scorched black hoof mark printed on his heart, he slammed into another hillside, half of his body was stuck in it, only It stopped the force.

Then, watching Surrut wielding the Ashbringer, climbed out of the pit and roared: “Come again!

But when he opened his mouth, the Bloodline in his mouth poured out like he didn’t want money, looking fierce and a little funny.

The next moment, this guy Sengoku didn’t talk much, and he rushed out of the hillside, like a golden cannonball, and hit Surrut directly. .

The two landed together, and Sengoku’s reaction speed was faster. Just as he was holding Surrut to the ground, he raised his hand and punched Surrut’s wrist, followed by a sharp slap with the other hand, forcibly knocking the Ash Messenger from Surrut’s hand. It flew out.

At the same time, Surrut kneeled forward, hitting Sengoku’s old waist directly.

But Sengoku didn’t care at all, and immediately grabbed Surrut’s neck with one hand, and brought up a transparent energy light wave with the other hand.

Surrut’s nose was interrupted immediately, and the blood spurted out like a fountain.

But it was also at this moment that Surrut slapped Sengoku with his backhand, like a shrew, and slapped Sengoku in the face. , He also stumbled as a homeopathic fan.

It was this stumbling that Sengoku couldn’t hold his body steady, and swayed a little from Surrut’s body.

And Surrut didn’t delay, and suddenly another knee pressed against his old waist, turning Sengoku over.

The two of them fought until this moment, and it felt a bit like a street fight. A complete set of fighting skills or something was completely useless. They were all based on the situation and played on the spot. There were no moves.

Just like now, Surrut pushed Sengoku out with one knee, but his other hand grabbed Sengoku’s wrist tightly. At the same time that Sengoku fell over, Surrut grabbed his wrist and twisted it back, and hurriedly crawled over, Before he could get up, he forcibly threw himself on Sengoku’s lap, pulled him inward, and forced Sengoku into a strange posture, and fell to the ground!

The next moment, Sengoku lifted the script and kicked Surrut’s face directly, trying to break free from Surrut’s restraint. With two consecutive blows, he flattened Surrut’s broken nose.

Surrut held these two feet, and finally squatted up first. Like Sengoku just now, he grabbed Sengoku’s neck with one hand, and turned the other hand into a burning iron fist, facing Sengoku’s eyes with a bang. Bang punch.

The rogue-like fight between the two, who were almost lying on the ground, made both Rayleigh and Shaqi look stupid in the distance…

An Admiral of Naval Headquarters, a second-in-command of Beasts Pirates… How does this fight, the style of painting is so cool?

Of course, both Rayleigh and Xia Qi also know that many times, the real battle is like this. When you put on a stance, you make a move and I do it, and it often only appears at the beginning of the battle.

One-on-one duel, once it reaches the white-hot stage, and if you still hold on to it, it will often be like this ghost.

He Rayleigh used to roll and fight with people on the ground…

Sengoku was punched a few times by Surrut, and he struggled to get an opportunity. Taking advantage of the moment when Surrut was punched and his waist was not lowered, he pulled out a foot and hit Surrut’s abdomen with a move of a rabbit and an eagle.

With a slamming kick, with an explosive shock wave, it directly kicked Surrut, who had originally pressed (good money) on Sengoku, and flew dozens of meters away.

It was only then that Sengoku stood up gasping for breath. At first glance, although he was still golden and radiant, upon closer inspection, one could see that he had many burnt burns on his body, and even a braided beard on his chin. They were all burnt to pieces!

The glasses hanging on his face have been blasted by Surrut’s hammer. The frame is completely deformed and embedded in the wound on his face!

Obviously, while it seems that Sengoku still has some advantages, Surrut is also really embarrassed by him!

As soon as he stood firm, Sengoku took a few breaths, as if he noticed something, looked in another direction, and then he was stunned.

If…he read it right.

The blond, sloppy man with a jug in his hand, wearing a pair of flip-flops, a bit shabby, and a beard on his chin showing a sigh of disarray…

Is that Pluton Hilbaz Rayleigh?

As for Xia Qi, he has already slipped away…

Seeing that Sengoku finally found him, Rayleigh put on a smile on his face, raised the jug and waved at Sengoku: “.Yo, long time no see, Sengoku…”

At the same time, Surrut got up from the ground tens of meters away, covered in blood, and shouted at Rayleigh: “Old Ray, we brought Sengoku to you as agreed, and then we walked shoulder to shoulder. ?”


what are you saying?

Who made an appointment with you?.

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