Kaidou of the Beasts Would like to Call Me the Strongest Creature

Chapter 112

Chapter 197 Team Up With Rayleigh, Hammer Sengoku!

Rayleigh didn’t speak, but Sengoku looked left and right at Rayleigh and Surrut.

My heart sank a little, things were not easy to handle.

Rayleigh would be here, he didn’t expect it.

Marine issued a large number of wanted notices for the members of the Roger Pirates, raising a huge bounty.

It turned out that the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates was actually on the Sabaody Archipelago not too far from Naval Headquarters Marineford?

What is this?

Dark under the lights?

But it was precisely because Rayleigh appeared here that Sengoku had some doubts in his heart.

Surrut’s words, he thinks that the probability is nonsense.

But the problem is… the facts are in front of you.

Rayleigh is here, why exactly?

Did you make an agreement with Surrut to attack him here?

Or, what other ulterior motives do the two have?

It can’t really be a coincidence, right? There is no surprise in the eyes of these two people, it is obvious that they have met before!

The scene was so stalemate, Surrut didn’t make a move, Sengoku was silent, and Rayleigh was a little unsure whether to make a move.

But after three or five breaths, Rayleigh already had the answer in his heart.

Whether you want to do it here or not, it has already been exposed in Sengoku’s eyes.

It seems that the training plan to learn how to coat the day after tomorrow will be postponed for a long time, at least after today, he must leave the Sabaody Archipelago to avoid the limelight…

It’s a bit troublesome to think about.

But that’s why…why worry about it?

It’s a bit of an itchy technique in itself, and when things come to an end, you don’t need to worry anymore!

Certainly in his heart, Rayleigh no longer hesitated, the jug in his hand loosened very casually and fell to the ground, and then his other hand was placed on the saber around his waist.

As soon as this action came out, there was a smile on Surrut’s mouth.

He hadn’t intended to involve Rayleigh in the first place.

Even according to his plan, it was almost time to say goodbye to Sengoku.

Don’t look at how hot he is fighting with Sengoku now, it looks like he’s on a par, but that’s because he’s in a state of ‘blood burning’, and it doesn’t last too long.

Once this state falls back, the strength will drop by at least half and return to the normal level, then don’t think about fighting with Sengoku like this again.

So Surrut didn’t swell, but he knew very well in his heart that he couldn’t defeat Sengoku on this Sabaody Archipelago.

I’ve already used Sengoku as a ‘whetstone’, and I’ve played a game, so it’s time to quit.

Therefore, Surrut originally planned, when to seize the opportunity to exit.

But unexpectedly, I was bombarded here by Sengoku’s shock wave, and Rayleigh happened to be here…

Then there could be another outcome.

I didn’t dare to defeat Sengoku here, but now… If Rayleigh is willing to join forces, defeating Sengoku is not impossible!

Of course, this is the best situation, this guy Surrut has no morals, if things don’t work, or even if there are other accidents, he has made up his mind, when the time comes, he will leave Rayleigh behind the highness and flap his wings by himself. Running is just as beautiful.

Sengoku felt more pressure when he saw Rayleigh put his hand on the saber at his waist.

But to speak of an accident, there is nothing unexpected.

From the moment he saw Rayleigh, Sengoku knew that, in all likelihood, things were going to get worse.

It’s too late, it’s too soon…

Rayleigh’s fingers rubbed the handle of the knife for a while, then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, the saber on his waist was already unsheathed.

A cold light flashed, and it seemed that the high temperature brought by Surrut had been dissipated a lot.

Following that, a slash cut through the air, pointing straight at where Sengoku was.

Different from Surrut’s slash, Surrut’s slash… can only be regarded as the most common slash, and the rest of the power attached to it has nothing to do with Jianhao.

But Rayleigh is definitely the top swordsman.

This slash shot is faster, more ruthless, and more accurate than Surrut!

Sengoku Admiral also shot at the same moment. As soon as Rayleigh’s slash flew out, he raised his hand and fired a shock wave.

However, the direction of his shock wave was not to block Rayleigh’s slash, but to shoot at Surrut!

And after the fight, without even looking, his feet slipped and he turned sideways.

Sure enough, the next second, Surrut hit his shockwave head-on…

But Surrut was more brave. Although he suffered a dark loss, he was iron-headed, and he forcibly broke Sengoku’s shock wave and continued to charge out.

At the same time, Sengoku sideways dodged Rayleigh’s first slash, but the next moment, Rayleigh’s figure had followed the slash and blocked Sengoku’s other side.

Without a word, Rayleigh raised his hand and slashed horizontally, the blade pointed directly at Sengoku’s throat.

A look of seriousness flashed in Sengoku Admiral’s eyes, and the Observation Haki on his body suddenly burst out, as if he had ‘seen’ something, his chin pressed down, and at the same time he hit him with one hand.

The next moment, as if the budget was set, Rayleigh’s blade slashed firmly into Sengoku’s throat, but was hindered by Armament Haki for a while, and then Sengoku’s chin pressed down, just locking the blade.

Immediately afterwards, Surrut appeared directly in front of Sengoku, with Haki and flames in his hands, as if he was about to punch him.

But Sengoku’s hand, which was played ahead of time, also erupted with shock waves.

With a bang, the shock wave slammed into Surrut’s body, but Surrut still punched Sengoku with the same punch. The flames and the shock wave of the two erupted at the same time, and Surrut was immediately blasted out.

Sengoku was also kicked up with a punch, and the aftermath of the explosion swept Rayleigh into it just right.

The three spread out in three directions at once.

Neither of them was greatly affected. After Surrut landed, his feet sank, he stabilized his body, and raised his hand to wipe off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, as if it was not him who was beaten just now.

And Sengoku also didn’t care about the charred fist mark on his shoulder, but he still raised his hand and wiped his throat, there was bloodline on it, because Rayleigh’s blade was too sharp.

Rayleigh landed on the other side very dashingly, slapped the saber in his hand, and smacked his lips and said, “Can you cooperate a little bit, Balrog bastard…”

Obviously, in this set just now, Rayleigh and Surrut played very substandard, and the reason was that… they didn’t cooperate.

“Ahahahaha, what cooperation do you want? I know everything, you can order it!” Surrut said with a big laugh.

Rayleigh shook his wrist, causing the saber in his hand to sway constantly, but his eyes were fixed on Sengoku, and he said softly, “It’s just like you and Roger, can you?”

On Fas Island, Surrut and Roger cooperated quite well, which made Roger cheer and Garp was very uncomfortable.

But that doesn’t prove that Surrut and Roger have a natural rapport.

Because that kind of cooperation is very rare, yes, but it is definitely the simplest.

The principle is very simple, Surrut is responsible for holding the damage, Roger is responsible for cutting people…don’t be too rude.

What Rayleigh wants now is this kind of cooperation.

After all, the two of them shot at the same time just now, and they didn’t cooperate, and the effect of the shot was seen. It was like pulling the hips, and Sengoku easily followed.

But it’s not realistic to say what kind of subtle coordination, Rayleigh doesn’t know Surrut, and Surrut doesn’t know much about Rayleigh’s shooting habits.

So don’t fix those fancy things, just use the simplest, most rude, but the most effective cooperation!

Surrut is in charge, Rayleigh is in charge!

“You guys are really standing and talking without back pain, it’s not you who dare to be beaten…” Surrut said with a slightly unhappy expression on his face when he heard this.

・・Ask for flowers・

But soon, he looked at Sengoku seriously and said to Rayleigh: “Laozi will have to reimburse Laozi for medical expenses…”

Rayleigh didn’t answer, stomped his feet and rushed towards Sengoku again, with a cold light flashing in his hand, and the blade swaying back and forth, making Sengoku a little uncertain about this guy’s attack trajectory for a while.

At the same time, Surrut moved, but instead of rushing towards Sengoku this time, he moved diagonally, approaching Rayleigh.

The two were almost in tandem and arrived in front of Sengoku at the same time. Rayleigh’s shot was a knife, but this knife, instead of slashing or slashing, was a straight stab!

At the moment of the shot, the western sword in his hand had already wrapped around the extremely powerful Armament Haki!

Sengoku Admiral’s eyes sank, he took a deep breath, and his hands slammed together in front of him, followed by a move of ‘take without a sword’, pinching Rayleigh’s Western sword precisely, the blade rubbed against Sengoku’s palm With a clanging sound, Haki’s hedge also burst out.

At the same time, Surrut, who was supposed to be in charge of ‘carrying the damage’, did not hesitate. Taking advantage of the situation, he pushed his hands forward and stuck them on Sengoku’s left and right chests.

The hot flames burst out from Surrut’s hands immediately and slammed into Sengoku’s body.

With both hands loose, Rayleigh’s Western sword lost its shackles…

After all, who is the top master who has been fighting in the sea for half his life, when Rayleigh noticed the change in the strength of the blade in his hand, the corner of his mouth twitched, his wrist was twisted, and the Western sword that had been stabbing straight spun half a circle at once, and he picked it to the left. .

The next moment, a blood mark appeared on Sengoku’s shoulder, and then a powerful penetrating sword gas permeated his body, penetrating his entire shoulder, leaving a hole that seemed to be pierced by a bullet.

And Sengoku just groaned, raised his leg and kicked Rayleigh’s chest.

Sengoku has an advantage in height, Rayleigh is just a normal body, and this foot is completely enough!

It’s a pity that Surrut turned his fist into a palm just after Sengoku kicked it out, and then cut it with a palm knife.

With a click, the Haki wrapped around Surrut’s hands exploded first, but his strength was very strong, and he slashed Sengoku’s calf with a savage palm knife, splitting his golden light a little, and at the same time the scorching high temperature. It also burned his muscles.

Surrut took this blow and attacked his feet with his hands, which naturally lowered his waist a lot, but he also had his own routine, and it was as expected. After his own blow, Sengoku was knocked back half a step, and his figure was a little staggered. , At the same time, this guy Rayleigh did not miss this opportunity, and stabbed Sengoku in the left eye again.

Sengoku instinctively raised his hand and slapped Rayleigh’s western sword away. At this moment, whether it was Rayleigh or Sengoku, the door was wide open, and the old force was gone, and the new force was not born.

On the other hand, Surrut just stopped and came back, ready to go!

If he wanted to shade Rayleigh here, he would probably succeed in nine out of ten.

Fortunately, Surrut wasn’t so mean, his feet slipped, and his lowered waist touched his shoulders, directly on Sengoku’s heart.

Sengoku was carried by Surrut, the soles of his feet were lifted a little, and there was panic in his eyes.

What is the most dangerous thing in close combat?

Fist? No!

The most dangerous is the shoulder and elbow!

“Open!” Surrut shouted violently.

His shoulders twitched, and he lifted Sengoku half a step higher, and then slammed into Sengoku with an elbow.

It can be seen to the naked eye that after this blow, Sengoku’s ribs seemed to be broken a few times, collapsed inward, and then a strong energy permeated his body, and then Sengoku was like a cannonball, and he was elbowed by Surrut. To the top flew out.

“Don’t you really think that I’m only in charge of beatings? Hahaha…” Surrut laughed wildly and said to the engineer.

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