Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

45. Bu Cai’s Attitude, Chen Clan

(Bu Cai POV)

I look towards the source of the unpleasant words and I see a group of kids that are my age, they have haughty expressions and their eyes are looking at me with disdain and arrogance.

So it's going to be like this, huh...

*Sigh* fucking Chen Guanting, I knew trusting him was idiotic...

I then hurriedly stand up and do a bow with proper etiquette, and then reply with a relaxed smile on my face and a sincere tone,

"Greetings young miss Chen, this humble one's name is Bu Cai. I hope you will extend your magnanimity and guide me to the Chen Clan's transportation area."

After an introduction, I hastily do another bow and say with tone of deep regret and shame,

"I sincerely apologise to my fellow clansmen and young miss Chen for my lack of propriety in our first meeting. I was very nervous to meet talented and renowned identities such as yourselves and couldn't help but feel an urge to eat."

"I hope you can forgive me for being so sloppy!"

Looking up again I see their face convey their feelings like an open book.

Shock from my elegant and 'sincere' apology.

Pride and satisfaction from being praised.

Acceptance due to me being so accepting of my position and knowing my place.

*Sigh* fucking noble brats, I'll definitely teach this bitch some respect in the future just you wait.

Chen Ru then responds with a tone a bit more arrogant yet less disdainful,

"I shall forgive you for this mistake on the account that you know what you have done wrong, however I expect that you will not make such an error again or their will be consequences."

"I hope to get back home quickly so hurry up and do not waste my time!"

I respond innocently with a tone of utmost sincerity,

"Thank you young Miss! I have heard that you not only have the appearance of a fairy but you are also forgiving and gentle, it seems it is true!"

She looked away with a slight blush and said to me,

"Hurry up you peasant, or I will punish you for wasting this young miss' time!"

I then quickly caught up to the rest of the group which consisted of three boys and two girls including me.

As we walked along, I started making conversation with some of the boys and we soon got into a proper discussion.

I also checked their stats using [Analyse] and although they were all quite skillful and talented. However, the one that stood out to me the most was...



[Name: Chen Ru]

[Age: 8 ]

[Cultivation: Mortal ]

[Skills: (Sword Arts- Proficient), (Footwork-Advanced), (Etiquette-Advanced), (Arts-Advanced)...]

[Inherent Quality: Arrogant Princess Type(B) ]

[Background Story]

Daughter of the Clan head of the Chen Clan, Chen Long. Her mother was also an incredibly talented member of the Royal Family who was incredible proficient in the water Dao and fire Dao.

Because of a strange mutation, Chen Ru was able to awaken an incredible constitution, Body Of Harmony.

And due to the influence of her mother's Daos it changed into a Body Of Harmony specific to the fire and water Dao, therefore allowing her to combine both during fights to achieve incredible effects.

Due to her losing her mother from an earlier age, she was left with her older brother who only focused on himself and a father who was doting yet unable to provide proper parenting. Hence she always wanted to get attention.

Due to her upbringing, she has always been taught to think of commoners as below her therefore she turned arrogant and hateful.

[Importance in Plot: B (One of Long Tian's non important women) ]


Even this bitch is one of Long Tian's women?

Well it isn't surprising she was left behind by him, as she is very annoying.

By the time we had arrived, which took around 15 minutes, I had fully integrated with the boys, including Chen Bao, and we were having great conversations in the short time we had met.


As we approached the quiet area which is the Chen family's territory, I can see a boat that seemed quite fancy in an open space.

Soon a servant approached us and brought us onboard where Chen Guanting was.

All the Chen clansmen and I bowed politely and greeted him.

He looked through the group and paused a bit to look at me.

He had a slight expression of amusement on his face for a bit, however he soon went back to his usual smile and then said,

"Well done youngsters for getting your fellow clansman efficiently."

"We will arrive at the clan in five days."


This really shocked me as the Chen Clan territory, from what I knew, was very far away.

It just showed how incredible this flying boat is.

We all responded with a, "Thank you, Elder Guanting"

And we soon left to sit down somewhere on the spacious boat.

However just as I was about sit down with the others, Chen Guanting spoke out to me and said,

"Bu Cai, If you have any questions before we arrive you are free to ask me right now."

Thank God!

Although I talked a bit with the Chen clansmen along the way on what the Chen Family teritory is like, they just gave some brief details and didn't go into much detail.

I need this information to make a good impression and know what I am getting into.

I quickly stop walking away and approach him whilst the others leave.


We sit down and I respectfully say,

"Thank you Elder for this opportunity for me to clear up some of my doubts and get to learn more."

"My first query would involve what the layout of the Chen territory is like and where I will be going?"

He replies to me by saying,

"No need to be so polite Bu Cai, I initially gave you this chance to question me due to my own curiosity and the fact that you were able to quickly make friends with your fellow clansman."

He then pulled out a map from a storage ring and then began explaining,

"To answer your question, I will start by showing you how or territory is spread out."

He then showed me a huge piece of land that had a silver colour that covered about 15% of the map.

Knowing that this realm was many times larger than my previous world and the fact that half the world was still wilderness, I could tell that the land owned by the Chen's was incredibly shocking.

It was akin to the russia of Earth's standards.

He then started to tell me about the different areas.

It had many different terrains if you look at it all, however it was mainly split into three areas,

The Outer Area which took up most of the area.

It was mainly a place where anyone could travel around, and was basically just a piece of land were there are large mortal cities, sects, or just wilderness.

The next area was the Inner Area, this is where branch families and the like where located, they had their own rankings and disparities between each other however it is mainly kept under control by stationed main Clan's clansmen to prevent any major conflicts.

The final area was the Core Area, this is where only people who have been recognized by the main Clan or are direct descendants can enter and stay.

Basically, the closer to the middle of the large land you are the higher your importance is.

The Clan Leader's palace is located in the very middle around many important places, such as the The Great Elder's abodes and even the Grand Court where incredibly important decisions are made.

And finally there is the place I will go with the rest, The Nurturing Area. It is located in the core area.

This is where many clansmen from everywhere are gathered and trained, and is basically a large school until they reach a certain stage where they are then assigned positions and responsibilities.

It has living quarters, dining quarters, teaching areas and training grounds alongside many other useful places for nurturing.

Basically a Xianxia training facility.

It's complex structure confused me for a bit as in novels it usually only consist of a more basic structure, however it made sense that the most important individuals are in the center (E.g Important Descendants), as it will be harder for anyone from outside to hurt them, and the main clan will be able to deploy members to anywhere more easily.

I then asked about if it was really this complicated for everywhere, however he answered me surprisingly,

"No, It is not..."

"The reason our land is organised in a more complicated manner is due to us having to ensure that we can protect the royal family with utmost effectiveness, we are the shield of the empire and royal family, therefore we must also be able to manage our own land intricately."

"Other family's and Sects mainly only focus on one part of their huge land and make that an Outer, Inner and Core area where they separate their members according to importance. However we must maintain our dignity and act according to our status and therefore our land is fully managed to the best we could achieve over the thousands of years."

What a way to uphold face.

I couldn't help but complement them for their methods.

I continue inquiring about many questions such as:

How is authority organised?

What will I start off as?

When will I be allowed to visit family?

Anything I should be particularly aware of?


He answered everything smoothly and by the time it got quite late and I was going to sleep in my dedicated room on this spacious boat, I had already had everything I wanted to know answered.

I left after thanking him and I was honestly shook.

I realised that before even being able to think about authority and shit, my strength and skills need to greatly be increased.

And I must also have good quality spirit roots.

I really am small in comparison to this world of cultivation...



Author's Notes:

I tried to explain it as best as I could, but here is a basic version of the layout:

-Outer Area is basically just cities and areas for anyone.

-Inner Area holds branch members who are less important unless they have a talent for nurturing.

P.S- They hold Trials and shit for branch family members to be able to be nurtured by the clan, if said branch members don't meet certain requirements, they are either trained by their own branch family or are kicked out.

Core Area- Has the usual clan part where younger generation who have been deemed talented are trained until they reach a certain age where they must complete missions or tasks.

Also the area where Important individuals cultivate and live when they are not out the Clan.

Hope it all makes sense and the other Sects and Families follow usual Xianxia script with Outer disciples, Inner disciples, Core disciples and corresponding things.

Just made this to show how different the Chen Family is in the empire and how important they are, also to see how much Bu Cai will have to struggle up the ladder to be something here.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any questions or feedback then feel free to leave them in the comments. Thanks for reading!

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