Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

46. Arriving At Clan, 8 Years Later!

(Bu Cai POV)

Sitting down on my bed in the little room I have been given to stay in, I can't help but think at how quickly I have been left on my own.


During the three days of travel, I focused on deepening the friendship with the disciples and also make an impression on Elder Guanting who may or may not be a mind reader.

This all would have went swimmingly, however one certain little girl was devoted to testing the limits of my patience and almost made my persona of obedience slip.

Chen Ru...

That bitch wouldn't leave my poor self alone. At all!

Whenever I was starting to get comfortable, she would come over and order me about like a slave.

And whenever I completed said tasks, she would complain to me about how clumsily I had done it and made Chen Yong(the other girl) show me how to properly do it.

And then she made me do it again, and again, and again...

Add on the fact that every time I made a small mistake, she would mutter under her breath at a volume that I could clearly hear,

"Of course a filthy lowborn like you can't do something so simple. I wonder what trash your mother and father must be to give birth to someone as useless as you."


If I didn't have things to lose in this life, I would have definitely give the little shit a whack in the face and taught her some manners.

And the worst part of this whole thing was that I could literally do nothing as she was technically a princess (although not an official one), and therefore I would be hung, drawn, and quartered if I even thought of doing something like violence against her.

So I could only roll about and cater to all her wishes as she found amusement in my inability to perfectly do tasks to her liking.

Anyways, I will surely teach that bitch the consequences of fucking with me in the future.

And even if I don't and die due to some reason, Long Tian himself is already a huge surprise for her.

Hehehe, just thinking about her wallowing in sadness after only being used as a bed warmer makes me cheer up a bit.

After that awful trip of slaving away for an entitled little girl, I got separated from everyone else and lead to a place where they basically made me an ID.

All that I had to do was drip a drop of blood on some stone thing and viola, I am now a Chen family member.

Technically I could even be Called Chen Cai.

But fuck that!

My name is mine!

As if I will change my name to something so generic as 'Chen'.

It would be undermining my prestige!


After becoming an official member, I was led by some boring old guy to the nurturing center. Then left with a token to get some techniques and martial arts from the library, and a few sets of robes.

And after that I was left to go fuck myself!

No guides, no rulebook, no tips and tricks... NO NOTHING!

Sitting on my bed was not what I was determined to do in my days here.

I was here to achieve big things!

And so onwards I went to wherever the my legs would take me.

It's not like there isn't enough to explore in this huge place...

So I opened the sliding doors that led out to a new world where my actions would determine whether,

I will concede to the cockroach, or if I will prevail over the pest.




(8 Years Later)

(In a sophisticated study room)

(Chen Guanting POV)


Skimming through the exceptional candidates list from this years batch of youngsters, I see a name which I recognized as he left quite the impression on me from the moment I met him...

Bu Cai.


I still recall watching the youth competition of that year.

The crowd was watching in complete Silence...

All were looking down at a young boy, no older than 8.

He was being completely mutilated by one of the monstrous geniuses of the younger generation.

Someone who was deemed to be almost invincible in the tournament.

It was determined to be a hopeless match for him.

Yet even whilst getting slashed over and over again... he never once gave up.

His eyes were filled to the brim with a frightening will that seemed to convey how much he wanted to win.

His whole body was drenched in his own blood and sweat, and he seemed to be able to break down at any moment.

Bu he kept moving.

He dodged, jumped and blocked as much as he possibly could.

However it simply wasn't enough.

The crowd lost hope for him, the representatives lost hope for him, and even his own opponent lost hope for him...

Yet he, himself, never did!

And eventually a miracle no one could predict happened!

The untouchable opponent that was in complete control of the match, was slashed by his blade.

It was completely ridiculous...

As the fight continued, the crowds roars seemed to be unable to drown the sound of metal to metal clashing.

And although he lost in the end, it was something that got my blood boiling.

A mere eight year old could make MY blood boil from a fight?

I knew at that moment I had to get him.


And now, eight years later, the young boy who had only his will to rely on... became the first sixteen year old Qi Condensation cultivator in the Chen Family's younger generation this time...


I can feel my Promotion coming soon!

He truly is a boy of miracles...


Author's Note:

Thanks for Reading the chapter, If you have any suggestions or feedback; Feel free to leave it in the comments.

Next chapter we will be able to see Post-Time Skip Bu Cai!


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