Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

47. Experiences Throughout The Years (Part 1)

(Third Person POV)

On a small hill that has lush green grass covering it completely, a single living abode could be seen.

The home looked simple yet elegant, and was very large. It looked incredible similar to a traditional Chinese home. 

Inside the home, past all the rooms, there was a large courtyard at the back.

And a large stone platform was in the centre of said courtyard.

On this platform, two young men could be seen swinging their swords at each other with ferocity.

One of the boys had long ink black hair that was tied up, his face was defined and very handsome with smooth skin, and his eyebrows were sword like. His eyes were abyssal black, so dark that they could draw you into it, however in that darkness laid a bright spark of hope.

The other boy had dark red hair which was also tied up, his face was also quite handsome, with sharp features and an angular face. His green eyes reflected complete excitement at this moment.

They both were panting heavily and their bodies where covered in sweat. However, one had a calm expression on his face meanwhile the other had a huge smile.

As they continued to slash at each other with immense speed, each blow seemed to create a whirlwind due to the sheer force of the impacts.

If an ordinary mortal was viewing this, they would only be able to see blurs as the pace they were swinging and moving at was well beyond any mortal's perception.

However, just as it seemed like it would continue like this, a sword suddenly went flying into the air from the red haired boy's grasps.

In an instant the black haired boy had his sharp blade's edge pointing at the dark haired boy's neck.

The red haired boy's eyes widened and his smile fell as he sighed and said,

"...I admit defeat, Brother Bu."

In response to this, the calm expression on Bu Cai's face morphed into a large smile and moved the sword away from the red haired boy's neck.

Then he said in a playful manner,

"It seems like it's my victory once again, Chen Fei. What was the score this time... 12-0?"

"It seems like heavens truly favour the less fortunate!"

Chen Fei's eyebrow twitched after hearing such words, he responded with a slightly annoyed tone,

"You jest Brother Bu, you are one of the most talented in the generation. It would be a dishonor to say it was all luck!"

Bu Cai then replied with his nose pointing to sky,

"Humph, tell me something I don't already know!"

After hearing such shameless words, Chen Fei couldn't hold back his annoyance and his fist was soon covered in flames and he punched towards him with,

[Flaming Fist, First Form]

Bu Cai frantically started dodging and running, he then started to express his complaints towards Chen Fei's actions by saying,

"Hey, calm down!"

"Who will pay for repairs if my beautiful courtyard is in ashes?!"

Soon another flaming fist approached his face and Bu Cai once again avoided and yelled at him,

"You madman! You almost hurt my handsome face!"

"Do you know how many of your sisters would weep knowing that they wouldn't be able to see the splendor of my face?!"

Soon came an even stronger Fiery punch from Chen Fei,

[Flaming Fist, Second Form]

A punch full of bright flames was let out and it burned the part of the ground that Bu Cai stood on a moment ago.

He clearly didn't appreciate Bu Cai's Complaints.

Seeing this, Bu Cai's complaints soon turned into pleading,

"Brother Fei! We are brothers right?"

"Please stop this and maybe we can talk this over peacefully!"

Chen Fei responded with an angry tone,

"Brother my foot! If I don't make you apologise for your blatant disrespect, where would my face as the older brother go!?"




Eventually, the ordeal ended with Bu Cai kneeling on the ground desperately trying to save his poor tree, and Chen Fei walking off with a content expression.


(RIP-Treetree, will forever be missed and never forgotten.)



(Bu Cai POV)

Sitting on my comfy sofa in the living room, I close my eyes and recall all my pains and experiences over the years of being here.


From day 1 at the clan, I came to realise that the Chen Clan fuckers were ruthless to anyone who isn't a blood related individual. Even to a young child like me...

I, at that moment in time, had no one.

I couldn't contact my parents, friends, or sect.

For the first time in this life, I got to understand the feeling of being completely isolated.


So I made my way around the sect for the first time after getting annoyed at being neglected and I eventually ran into people whom I assumed to be Chen Clan members.

Good news!

I quickly asked them for some help since I was completely lost and thought that they were staff or something of the like, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Once I gave a brief of my situation to them, they gave me a look of pity and told me the real situation I was in...

They told me that this place was in fact not the nurturing facility.

...Rather it was the servant's area. A place where people are trained to be loyal dogs for the Clan members' comfort.

After hearing this, I restrained my seething anger as I had hopes that by verifying my identity, I could escape this place.

However, it turned out I was being too naive.

The members who were overlooking the servants area were in a specific faction in the Chen Clan which despises unrelated individuals the most...

The Blood Supremacists.

These bastards therefore just laughed in my face and told me to fuck off back to the servant quarters, probably finding glee in knowing they will be restraining someone non-blood related like me.

And from then on. My life became terrible.

With no way of escape in short term, I had to suck it up and make an opportunity. 

And so I struggled...

I clawed my way up the ladder of authority here with all I could muster, as I knew that I must get out of this place as soon as possible if I ever wanted to beat Long Tian.

In the beginning, I completely clueless about the intricacies and schemes within this shithole, and so I got fooled multiple times alongside being framed and betrayed.

Although I had some more wits than a usual child from being a grown man. It didn't mean much here.

How could I compete with people who know the ins and outs of this place from being here for years?

And so, after a year of experiencing the hardships and overcoming the adversities.

I had learned how to curry favour with those in power and act like a true opportunist would.

And finally I had been able to convince someone to take me away from here!


It was honestly horrible.

In that 'Servant Area', I was whipped and beaten by the corrupt Chen Clan fuckers for any slight mistake, or just out of fun.

And how could I possibly retaliate with a measly mortal body, against already established cultivators?

Top five in the youth tournament or not, It didn't mean shit.

The servants constantly stepped on the heads of each other in hopes for them to get in the good books of the Clan members and get out of this hellhole.

So true friends here were non existent, and only benefits mattered.


Eventually though, through the help of [Analyse], my identity token, and my own luck... I had been able to get out in just a year, which is very good compared others who had stayed for years, yet been unable to get away.

Sadly, after I overcame my first trial in this foreign land. I was thrown another one.

Once I had arrived to were I was originally meant to be, I had found out information on the system of the nurturing facility.

Everyone in the school was given a set amount of materials based on their ranking in the monthly tournament that is held for each age group.

Due to me not having competed at all yet, I had nothing for a month and even found out that the token I had for the library was invalid hence I was unable to acquire any martial arts or techniques.

So the only thing I could do was bide my time for another month and train by myself.

Of course, I had spent a good amount of time befriending just about anyone I could in the first month. As It was bound to be helpful, and why not put my newly refined skills into use?

Through that I overcame the next trial, having no new techniques to practice, by sparring with others and picking up on their techniques. I was very thankful to the A-rank herb which boosted my comprehension, and my own natural talent, as without them this way of practice wouldn't be viable.

Soon enough though, my first tournament had arrived and I won.

I didn't just simply win though. I completely dominated.

Even after a year of not focusing on training at all, my advantage over the others of my generation was substantial.

And like that, I had been able to achieve the goal of having a somewhat stable position.

However, I soon came to the realisation that simply getting first place and making friends here will get me nowhere.

After all this nurturing is finished, I will still be just some above average brat considering I had a normal spirit root.

Hence I had to do something drastic.

Something that will make me stand out, allow me to improve on myself, and also help relieve my frustration with those Blood Supremacist bastards...

And so I done what someone of peasant blood was expected to do,

I hustled.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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