E046 – That might be what I want.

Ares listening intently to Marina as she explained just what he could expect. Apparently there were large lizard creatures that could breathe flames, though they did not possess the same level of intelligence or even wings like their greater counterparts, the drakes were a powerful foe indeed. There were drakes, which were powerful enough, but also greater drakes. The mountain, which continued for about a hundred miles, and at the widest point was about twelve miles across in some points, though precariously narrow in other parts, were home to many such beasts.

Greater drakes, however, were much more dangerous. There were very of them, but there were a larger variety of them. “Not just fire, but ice and poison, such devious creatures, the machinations of a mad god. Some say Peros himself, in another form, had created such foul creatures. Their intelligence is not to be underestimated.” She warned. 

Ares couldn’t help but to smile, not hiding the grin on his face at all. ‘How fun, how fun!’ He thought to himself. To defeat such powerful creatures, what a blessing to any man. Yet, as he continued to think, his smile faded and he went deeper into thought. ‘Couldn’t we capture a few and then breed some? We could raise them from birth to fight alongside us… if greater drakes are intelligent, we could even strike a deal with them, in some way at least…’

His thoughts were cut by a woman that appeared. Ares did not exactly recognise her, though as she was holding Runar, he assumed she was a milk mother. 

“Chief.” She bowed her head, and Ares returned the bow before asking her to continue. “Runar has been quiet recently, she is not moving as much as she had previously.”

“Hmm? That sounds pretty good to me.” He joked, though quickly continued more seriously. “What’s the matter? Has she been eating well?”

“She eats well, but she does not walk as much as her brothers. She used to walk around when you had left, but has been resting more often.”

“Well, isn’t that because…” Ares cut himself short. There was no need to bring his own views into the matter, that may end up causing a dangerous precedent. “Why do you think that’s the case?”

“She may be sick, though I’m not so certain myself. It could be something that we don’t need to think about at all… I just thought it would be a good idea to speak with you, though I am sorry if I have wasted your time.”

Ares smiled, his eyes relaxing somewhat. He reached up and then placed a hand on her hand. “No. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Would you please keep an eye on her for me, and please inform Aspara of the matter as well if she doesn’t already know, Torak as well. If anything changes, please bring the matter to me again.” 

The woman bowed her head and then left to do so. Hopefully it would not manifest to anything beyond just Runar being a little lazy.

He spent a little more time, letting Marina ramble about a great many different things. She spoke of Peros and his power, noting that he held the ability of fire, as well as having the typical abilities of a god, which amounted to basically being enhanced in every way. They say that only the blade of Medaia could defeat him.

As she continued to speak, Ares saw Lana and Emerli approach. Marina stopped speaking once they had arrived.

“Are you girls getting along well?” Ares teased. 

Lana wrapped an arm around Emerli’s neck and pulled her in close as she had done with Ares many times. “Yeah we’re having plenty of fun, aren’t we?” 

Emerli winced as she closed her eyes and nodded, turning red as her cheek rubbed against Lana’s breast. 

“Lana, could we have a quick talk?” Ares asked as casually as he could.

Lana left Emerli with Marina and then walked with Ares. 

“Lana. You are very strong. You could say that I am happy that you are strong, perhaps more than happy, but would you please be gentle with Emerli?”

“I am being gentle with her.” Lana said, surprised that Ares had called her out for such a thing. 

“Lana. As much as I derive much pleasure from you rough housing with me, I’m glad you’re able to express yourself around me, I don’t think Emerli is quite as tough as me.”

“She’s plenty tough.”

“I would disagree. I think she’s not quite as hearty as you and I think. I’m not sure how hearty she is. Though… I will say this. Thank you for being sweet to her.” He reached over to rub along her arm. “I’m glad that I’ve put my trust in you, because you always return it back to me.”

“Well you should put a little more trust in me.” Lana said as she rubbed her hand along his arm. 

“In the future.” Ares said, turning a little red. He hadn’t realised that his words could have been taken so forwardly.

“I hope you will consider me your companion soon, mm?” Lana teased him. 

“I can’t say it will never happen.” Ares said as he rubbed the side of his neck. “Do you think I’m a good chief?”

“I think you are a great chief, Ares.”

“Thanks.” Ares smiled and then he rubbed his elbow against hers. “Well, we’ll be heading off into the mountain soon. Are you prepared for it?”

“Yeah. I heard that one of the wolffolk already seems eager to go.”

“Yeah, yeah…” A thought then popped into Ares’ mind. “Did you see how the oxfolk are in the plains? I want to make sure they’re happy there, but I don’t really know what oxfolk like.”

“I think you know enough. Just keep us fed, safe, and give us a chance to fight for ourselves, that’s all we’ll ever ask for.”

“As a group, perhaps… I know you’d like a little more.” Ares chuckled. “Well, anyway… I’m going to go check the tribe to see if anyone needs anything. Oh, did Emerli need anything from me?”

“Yes. I was going to lead you back before you escaped.” She winked.

Ares returned to Emerli, who seemed to look shaken. “I hope Marina didn’t bully you too much.” He said as he offered her his hand. She took it and then walked beside him, though Lana flanked the other side and then wrapped it around his head but let it dangle down his front. He sighed, though didn’t do much else about it.

“Corner.” Emerli said. “Yes?”

“You want the corner?”

Emerli nodded her head. “Well yes, as long as it isn’t taken by anyone else. If anyone gives you trouble, rely on myself, Rori, or Lana.” 

“Yeah, you can leave it to me.” Lana said as she reached over to Emerli’s hat and the pushed it down a little.

“If Lana bullies you, you can tell me. I’ll be sure to deal with her.” 

“Deal with me?”

“I’ll choke you out again.”

“I’ll always get my revenge though.”

Ares sighed. “That might be what I want.”

“Then I’ll bully Emerli.”

“Don’t do that, please.” Ares chuckled and then pulled away from Lana. “Well then, I’ll leave you to settle then.” Ares quickly escaped from the pair of them, going off to see how his tribe was for the rest of the day, and the wolffolk too, before then finally relaxing once more. 

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