E047 – I’m going to conquer that f*cking mountain.

“Ares!” Torak exclaimed, waking Ares up from his second nap of the day. Something about the reverberation of Torak’s voice put Ares on edge, so he leapt to his feet. 

“What’s the matter?” Ares sped up to them, before his heart began to pound wildly. Torak only had a single role in this tribe, and if he’s panicking, then there’s only a handful of things that would be a problem when it came to him, but each of them would be disastrous.

“Runar is hot like fire and has grown pale. There is a blackness in her skin that pulses.”

“Show me.” Ares demanded as he marched towards Runar, who was bundled in a blanket. Her body was sweating and her skin was pale. There were black veins on her face that disappeared into her neck that squirmed and then pulsed brightly every so often. “Shit…” Ares whispered as he reached down and then caressed Runar’s face with his finger tips. As he brushed her face, his fingers twitched as though daggers made of ice plunged through them. “She’s cold.” Ares looked up to Torak.

Torak stared back, his body straightening. “I’ll get the Elder.” He said as he then turned and left, leaving Ares there with Runar in his arms. “Runar… sweetie.” He whispered. “Everything’s going to be okay.” He whispered and then began to rock her in his arms. 

Torak returned with Marina who saw the girl in his arms. She dropped down beside them and then examined the baby with her eyes. He looked up at the Elder, waiting for a call as several other shamans appeared. 

Shouting began to fill the air as Lana barged her way with Emerli slightly ahead of her. Several of the oxfolk had come around, following them from behind. 

“What’s going on?” Lana asked as she then saw Ares with Runar in his arms. She let out a gasp and then placed her hands on Emerli’s shoulders, keeping an eye on the others. 

Torak had his fists clenched and was glaring towards the witch. “To think you could work so quickly.” He growled.

Emerli pulled her robes slightly up to hide the lower half of her face as she leaned back into Lana.

Torak stepped towards Emerli and Lana pulled the witch to her side, ready to confront her once fellow horn. 

“Enough.” Ares’ voice cut through the air, though the tension was still heavy. “Stand down, Torak.”

Torak turned to face Ares, though it was not as though he became any calmer. He was still holding his fists clenched and he was visibly shaking now, his eyes were filled not with rage, but guilt. “We should return the favour to the vile creature! She has poisoned your daughter!”

“Torak. What evidence do you have for your words?” Ares asked. 

“The witch appeared and then your daughter was poisoned. She was fine before such a matter. This could be revenge for our treatment of her.”

“Indeed, it could be.” Ares clutched at his knees so tightly that his knuckled turned white. At the sight of this, Marina returned Runar to him, and he held her close once more.

“Then let me seek justice.” Torak brought up his fists. “I’ll use my own two hands.”

Ares began to speak. “That foolish chief. He almost cut at one of our shaman over the life of this child marked for death.” Ares stared down at his little girl. He brought her up so his cheek pressed against her forehead. “Let us wait for our time for our revenge. What fortune, a witch has appeared. Perhaps we should strike now.” Ares continued.

He looked up to Torak. “Perhaps it wasn’t the witch. Perhaps it was someone who wished to frame the witch since it was convenient to them.” His eyed then fell to Marina for a moment. After a moment of silence, he continued. “What is the matter with her?”

“I do not know… she seems to be… cursed. There are so few illnesses it could be, and with the appearance of the witch, it could easily be her work. However, it may also be an illness.”

Ares spoke out then. “A witch may be an ill omen. For the good of the tribe, I should force her out, or get rid of her for good. Perhaps I should hit the chief the hardest. The girl should have died, such a thing is a small price to pay for the good of the tribe.”

Then he looked over to Emerli who was still at Lana’s side. The others seemed shocked by Ares’ behaviour, and even Emerli was faltering. 

“They invaded my home. They captured me and humiliated me. They took all my items, and they keep whispering about me. I can’t take it, I want them to suffer too. The chief looks close to his children, I’ll break the chief and then the tribe.” 

Then Ares’ eyes fell to Torak once more. “Even you could have your own motivations for such a thing. Yet…” He placed a kiss on Runar’s forehead. “It could very well be a mysterious illness that only affects those children that you usually kill. Is there such stories?” He asked Marina, looking up at them. 

“There may be. Such sickness did possess those born with the weakness.” Marina offered.

“Is there a way to save her?” Ares pulled Runar further up. His sons were nearby and had began to shift when they heard the shouting, but now they had started to cry. Ares turned to look at them and then down to Runar. He closed his eyes.

He then looked over to Emersli. “Emerli. I don’t care if you were the reason behind it, I won’t ask you. I will ask you one thing… will you help me?” Ares stared up into her eyes, but his own were verging on tears.

Emerli remained frightened, but she swallowed. “Rivea.” Emerli whispered. 

Ares stared up at her, a little confused by the name. “Rivea? What about Rivea?” Rivea, the god…

Emerli then reached up with a shaking hand and pointed to the mountain. “Shrine.” 

Ares looked up towards the mountain. “A shrine? You’re saying…” He looked at Emerli.

She withdrew once more. Marina spoke soon after. “She is right. There is a shrine of Rivea in Dragon’s Spine. You could seek Rivea’s favour there and perhaps they will heal your child.”

Ares continued to stare at the mountain for some time, his heart thundering to the point he could hear it in his ears. ‘I’m going to conquer that fucking mountain.’

“Let Rob know that we’re heading out, now.”

“No.” Rori called out from ahead. “To leave whilst everyone has yet to rest is a death sentence.”

“My child is hurting.” Ares said, trying to control his voice. 

“She is your child. She won’t die so easily.” Rori replied, staring deep into Ares’ eyes. He turned his head to the Marina. “How long does she have?”

“A few days at most.” Marina replied, bowing her head.

“Alright. We rest.” He turned to look at Marina and then Emerli. “You as well. The pair of you are coming with me.” He said as he lay down with Runar above him, cradling his sick daughter to his chest. “Don’t disturb me unless it’s serious.”

With his words, the others left him be. Emerli remained nearby with Lana, who continued to look out for her. Marina remained nearby as well, Nomar keeping her company. 

There was a howl in the air that died down after a short while. ‘You better get ready for me, Rivea.’

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