E067 – If you’re going along then I won’t worry at all.

“Arteon, Arteon, I do apologise for taking so long, Kingly business, I’m sure you understand.” Ares said, his voice overly exaggerating everything. A moment of ridiculousness, for this was dark speaking. “So. A few of your men decided to start an issue with my people, and that wasn’t the best of ideas. You couldn’t have stopped them?”

“A man cannot be possessed by another.”

“Yeah, well, I saw you command your men to slay their own brothers for your own sake, I think you can possess quite a few men.” Ares said as he then sat down opposite them. “I don’t know whether or not I should kill you now or continue with trying to ransom you.” Ares said as he stared deeper into their eyes. “No. I think I will ransom you still.”

Arteon visibly relaxed, and now Ares could see just how haggard the Commander was. ‘The Commander, haggard after such little, and willing to have his men slaughter one another so quickly to save his own hide.’ Ares couldn’t help but feel sick to his stomach. 

Then Ares stood and called for Heria, who had arrived with her wolffolk some time ago and had sent them along to the farmers and carpenters, but had waited patiently for him. He waved a hand and she pounced towards his side. 

“Yes my King?”

“I need three of your best scouts, preferably those that can use bows.” 

“Oh? You don’t want me?”

“I’d rather you remain by my side. I need you here, and I need those to take my demands to the enemy.”

“Oh? I can find three, that’s not an issue. How will I be rewarded?” Her eyes narrowed like a lynx eager to strike.

“I will be quite thankful, Heria.” He said as he chuckled quietly and then shook his head. “Please, business before pleasure.” He said as he watched in the distance, a particular oxfolk glaring at him from the representative group that continued to speak with Rori. He smiled bashfully at Lana and then very quickly turned back to Arteon as Heria left.

“Women, am I right?” He said as Arteon flashed a confused look. “Nothing.” 

Heria returned with a pair of lithe wolffolk and then a familiar face. “Inta!” Ares called out as he went to embrace the wolffolk. “If you’re going along then I won’t worry at all.” 

“I heard that you needed a hand, I’m always ready to help you, my King.”

“Ah, don’t worry about that kinda King stuff. We are battle brothers, after conquering the mountain together I think I owe you that much.”

“I didn’t really conquer much.” Inta sighed, but nodded anyway. “Alright then, Ares.” Heria jabbed then in the side. “My King.” They grunted. “What did you need?”

Ares led them to Arteon who began to give instructions about where they needed to go and meet the current Commander of the army, which wasn’t the same kind of Commander as Arteon, rather a man that was much higher in position. 

Ares called for Asyllia who brought some parchment that she had in her sack and a quill as well as some ink. “Alright, how about you write what I tell you?” Ares said as he handed over the quill and pen. 

“I beseech you, Commander…” Ares stared down at Arteon.


“Bruton, to pay a ransom for Arteon as well as his men. I expect the sum of…” Ares looked at the remaining men. He rubbed the back of his head. “One thousand and four hundred rimars to be paid upon delivery of the men. We shall meet at the base of the mountain range known as Dragon’s Spine ten days after you have been given this note. See you soon, King Ares, Master of Waters, Kin of All Riveans.” 

Ares waited for Arteon to finish with the letter before he then reached down and checked on it. Arteon had written it exactly as he had asked and so he rolled up the letter and then tied it up with a bit of rope. 

“I think it may be a little dangerous for you guys to get to close, so you should probably just shoot this at the end of an arrow into a tree nearby. Then retreat, immediately. Understood?” He asked the three wolffolk. 

They nodded and then he handed the letter to Inta. “Take this and do as I asked. Follow Arteon’s orders on how to get to the Commander.”

Then the trio left and Ares rubbed his forehead before then looking back to Heria, who was waiting expectantly. “Business before pleasure.” He said as he then walked away, heading over to the pond and then he summoned a bowl, scooping in some water from the fountain, and then taking a sip. The water was smooth and fresh, though it tasted as though gems had been sprinkled inside. He offered a bowl to Heria before calling for Torak. Torak poked his head out, and Ares motioned with an arm. “Bring my children and the milk mothers, call for Aspara as well.” 

So he was surrounded by the single milk mother, as well as two other warriors, Torak, and his children who were stumbling over to him. He then lifted Runar up into his arms as the other two walked to the edge of the fountain. They poked their heads over and then reached into the water. Ares then dipped a finger into the water and brought it up to Runar’s lips and then let her suckle on his finger tip. 

“Can the children drink a little water? It is blessed water, and Rivee had asked that I feed them some of it due to their weakness.”

Aspara walked over and then dropped down behind the twin boys and lifted one up, pressing her head against his chest and then pulled his eye lids to see clearer into their eyes, and then checked the inside of their pointed ears. “Yes, they should be able to drink some of the water, though only very little.”

“Alright. If you need to, sprinkle a little into their milk and then feed them in that way.” Ares then looked over to the milk mothers. “In fact…” He gazed upon everyone here. “Let’s start with all of you. Will someone call the Consul and the representatives?” 

They were still in a meeting, but Ares asked Torak to go and bring them regardless. When the group arrived before their King, Ares smiled towards them all. “How wonderful that you all have come.” He said as he then shifted out another bowl and then he scooped some water within each of them. “Come.” He said as he handed a bowl to the Consul and then the other to Aspara. “Take a sip, wipe it clean, then offer it to the next person down the line. Take only a small sip though, for now, you will all be the first to be initiated. Each bowl should be good for thirty of you, so I’ll draw another bowl. If it goes empty, return it and I shall fill it” Ares smiled wide and then he brought out another bowl and filled it before handing it to Torak. 

He watched as each of them took a sip and passed the bowls along, before finally all of them had finished. “How do you feel?” He asked, scanning the group. They all replied, though not exactly enthusiastically. Then Ares raised his out some. “Well, we shall have everyone drink from the pool of blessed water. We’ll start from those on the right, then we’ll circle left. Remember the representative to your side, because you will be responsible to going to them to inform them when your family is done drinking from the water. Bring all those that you represent, so they may take a sip of the water. Those from the next clan will be responsible for protecting your items, so make sure you go and inform your clan to help them so that when they return, you may go and drink yourself.” Ares had finished his rambling and sighed out. “If you have any issues, speak to the Consul.” Ares smiled innocently towards Rori, who merely bowed their head. 

“With that done, I’ll see you later.” Ares dismissed them before turning to look at Torak. “Do you feel any different?”

“No more than before.” Torak replied, shrugging. 

“Alright. I don’t know what I expected but it’s fine.” He chuckled before he spent some time playing with his children. 

“Then who will protect my people’s things?” Heria asked, cocking her head.

“I suppose I’ll go and make sure it’s fine.” He said as he then walked with her, bringing his children with him as he did. He held onto Runar, the other two protected by Torak and another, as the third oxfolk kept an eye out. As they made their way through their village, looking out to see all the various beastfolk on either side, Ares couldn’t help be filled with a sense of wonder. How many people were willing to follow him, that is to say, truly follow him. He smiled to himself though, he couldn’t help himself, as he was filled with a giddiness. 

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