E068 – I am trying to flee, though not from your martial skills.

Ares remained with the wolffolk even after the clan he was remaining with went to go and drink some water. As Heria had already drank some, she opted to stay. She opted to stay specifically on his lap, which did make it rather awkward for the King. Though even so, he didn’t want to embarrass her in front of her own people, even if she was embarrassing him in front of them herself. 

The wolffolk were roasting up some meat, sprinkling their own herbs all over the meat. It tasted fairly bland, though the juices of the meat were somehow preserved. He tore into the meat as any of them did to much hollering, and even Heria brought up some of her own meat for him to bite into, and in return Ares offered her his own. 

Heria shooed the wooing of the other wolves and Ares wondered if he had done something he shouldn’t have, though with the cheery music, the half naked wolffolk dancing, and the oral skill from a wolffolk over yonder half-singing an old story, he couldn’t help but be swept up into the atmosphere. 

It was then a group of warriors walked over to him and then waited expectantly. Ares turned to face them and then waited, though they continued to wait as well. “Yes? May I help…” Then Ares recalled earlier in the day. “Oh! Are you here to show me your skills?”

The wolffolk bowed and one, a rather attractive male with a twunkish physique that reminded him of Inta, stepped forward. “King, we have come to display our weaponry to you, as you have asked.”

“Right, right.” Ares then tried to pull away from Heria, who hopped out of his lap and then licked her lips. 

“I’ll go and get my weapon too then.” She had said and then disappeared in a blur as she bounded away.

Ares rubbed the side of his neck. “Hmm…” He probably should go and inform the others that he was going to accept them here since he had been invited to eat. “Alright then.” He said as he stretched. “Although, how about we wait a little? Let’s meet in the evening, I’ll need to go and inform all the others too. Would you tell Heria that we shall be meeting in-”

She had already returned. “Trying to flee from my skills?”

“I am trying to flee, though not from your martial skills.” Ares chuckled. “Well then, would you like to escort me as I walk back?”

“Alright, fine, fine. I’ll be your Kingsblut for the evening?”

Ares laughed. “I don’t think I should allow anyone to pretend to be Kingsblut, but I’d be happy for you to join me as my friend.”

Even Heria was taken aback, though she smiled. “Very well, I’ll allow it.”

“I’m glad.”

So the pair made their way around, and when Ares found the representative or the warrior for each clan, he informed them of what was to happen. None seemed to take too much of an issue, though a few did try to start something, but Ares quickly shut them down, asking them to bring such heat when it came to their display of skill.

When he saw the pair of oxfolk, the boy and the girl that had tried to attack him and were the first to join him in becoming his Kingsblut, he called them to follow behind and they did so silently.

When they finally arrived to the fountain, where he decided the fighting should take place, a few hours had passed. He had enjoyed the walk, and when they approached the end of it, he spent a little while just chatting with the people, before finally making his way up to spend some time with his family. 

Ozar had marched over to him and then fell right onto his lap, he lifted the boy up and then held him to one side. “Are they causing you any trouble?”

Torak shook his head.

“If they do, let me handle such matters. Bring them to me and I’ll discipline them. I don’t know how you do such things, but I will show you how to from now on.” Ares said, though it was partly a warning. He didn’t know if they struck children in order to teach them, but such things always made him feel sick to the stomach. He brushed his palm along the top of Ozar’s head, feeling the thin strands of hair. ‘It would be a good time to introduce the children to the people, though perhaps when they are older?’ He thought to himself. ‘No, it’s good to get them familiar with their future leaders…’ Ares was taken away from his thoughts as Heria pushed his shoulders gently. 

Lana had appeared, her eyes staring daggers at him. Ares merely smiled, as if to be aloof, though he realised he had been spending much time with Heria and hadn’t done spent much with the powerful oxfolk. 

“Lana, it’s good to see you.” Ares pat the area beside him and then lifted up Ozar to offer the boy to her. She took the babe from Ares’ arms and then placed them on her lap once she had settled beside Ares. 

Before Lana could speak, however, a few of the beastfolk warriors began to arrive. Ares sighed out, though made the mistake of doing it too loud. Lana jabbed him with an elbow and then glanced aside. 

Then they began to show him their work. No doubt it would take many hours for them to reveal to him their abilities, but each set waited. There were hundreds of them, a hundred veterans, and anywhere between three and twelve more for each veteran. 

Ares watched for the next few hours, crossing his arms as he stared at the warriors. There were some that decided to get a little fancy with it, flipping around like pelicans, but he remained silent until they were done. Then he motioned for them into one of several spots, keeping those that fought in some-what familiar styles. 

There were those that were extremely structured, they would thrust and slash in the same patterns. Others were so much more individual and there were quite a few veterans who fought several warriors together, not just using their weapons but their bodies too. Some of it was staged, that was for certain, but Ares wasn’t going to mark off any points as they all there were staged in some manner or another. Ares was glad to see there were so many archers around, and there were even a few warriors that rode oxen or wolves as part of their fighting style. 

Already, Ares was trying to math out just how many warriors he could utilise if push came to shove in the next few months. He tapped his knee with a finger, his brows furrowed deeply. Then he leapt up onto his feet as he looked at the groups. 

“Alright.” He said as he glanced between them, still forming the final thoughts and then he began to walk from one side and then returned once more. “My intentions for bringing everyone here were to see what kind of skills each clan possessed, and more importantly, to organise our resources. We already have a few carpenters and farmers, though I have no doubt we’ll need many more. The same goes for warriors, but for now, I would like to ask that tomorrow morning you bring me any that wish to become soldiers, and to return to the places that you found yourselves. I thank you all for the beautiful displays that we have just seen, though I have much thinking to do. The next few months will be the most important months of Rivea, and though I have some idea of how to continue, we must be malleable, we must be able to act swiftly. Tomorrow, I shall have much more for you, but for now, please, take my thanks, and my hope.” He bowed his head. “Before you go, please take another sip of blessed water, as my thanks.” 

He motioned a hand towards the fountain. “Orderly, if you would be so kind as to wait in line.” He motioned to the group closest. “Once they are done, you may continue in this order.” He motioned to each group before turning and then leaving to his own tent in order to think. He didn’t even eat dinner, instead remaining by himself to think, writing in the dirt with a branch to math out the various thoughts he had of how to order out the units. He recalled he had close to six thousand, so at least he should expect six hundred soldiers if push came to shove. Yet… If the enemy had thousands, that would be rather difficult. Hell, he didn’t even know the situation about equipment or anything of that regard. He clutched at his head as it began to pound and then he grew cold. 

‘What am I even thinking?’ He clutched at his head and then he felt the cool metal of his crown, suddenly shuddering. He hid his head between his knees and began to breathe in deeply.

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