King of Eschatology

Chapter 1060 - Moth fling

Upon hearing the words of the Protoss of the Protoss, the atmosphere at the scene cooled down instantly.

Ye Ye still raised his eyebrows, and saw a trace of obscenity in the depths of the other person’s eyes, and immediately disliked it.

Seeing Ye still not talking, the protoss messenger didn’t care, and took two steps forward again, stretched out the salty pig’s hand, and wiped it off Ye Liang’s pretty face.

“This skin is so tender!”

此时 At this moment, a black spear burst suddenly, and the bright sun burst in this space, bringing unparalleled terror energy.

Ye Ye is still the inverse scale of Ling Ce, and the messenger of the Protoss dare to face Ye Ling in front of Ye, and Ling Ce will certainly not let him go.

The sudden attack frightened the Protoss messenger. He hurried back two steps, avoiding the spear’s severe attack again and again.

At this moment, Ling Ce stood in front of Ye still holding the scorching lance, and there was no longer the hippie smile before him.

The messenger of the Protoss complexion was iron-blue, but he didn’t check it for a moment, but he was forced to take two steps back by an underworld evolver, which is simply a shame!


The protagonist of the protoss tribe was furious. He shot it with a palm of his hand, a **** energy fingerprint appeared out of thin air, and he patted it to Ling Ce.

Ling Ce did not dodge, and headed up, the scorching dragon gun broke out, colliding with the scarlet fingerprints.


The power of the envoys of the Protoss tribe is too tyrannical, although the scorching dragon gun is the best among the Yang-class weapons, it still cannot bear such a huge power.

With a blast, followed by the scorching dragon gun that Ling Ze had fought for a long time, he was exploded into a mass of iron filings.

Ling Ze himself was even more miserable. A fist-sized hole was blown out of his chest, and his entire arm was blown up. His blood was desperately rushing outward, and a large number of life sperms were passing quickly.

“Ling Ce!”

Ye Ye was still shocked, and hurriedly leapt up, catching the opponent’s broken body before Ling Ce landed.

Xun realized that Ye still hugged herself, Ling Ce grinned immediately, and blood rushed out along the corner of his mouth, staining his white teeth into a scarlet red.

“Ahem …”

“this is……”

“For the first time …”

“Hug me, cough …”

“Okay … cool …”

Ling Lingze exhausted his whole body strength, his voice was intermittent, and said vaguely that his consciousness had fallen into vagueness.

But when saying this, Ling Ce’s mouth had a sweet smile.

This sweetness makes people feel extremely bitter.

“Why are you so stupid!”

Ye Ye still hugged Ling Ce tightly, tears could not help but burst out of her eyes. She hurriedly took out the potion of life and desperately poured Ling Ling’s mouth.

However, the potion of life came out along Ling Ce’s wound, and the speed of life recovery was not as fast as the loss.

Ye Ye was still able to clearly see that Ling Ce’s vitality was fading, and at this time she burst into tears and never felt so helpless.

Many things, do n’t cherish when you have them, and you wo n’t be able to regret them until you lose them …

Although Ye still refused to accept this love, in fact, she was used to the days when Ling Ce was in love.

Perhaps, every young girl has her own hero complex. I hope that one day, the one in her heart can marry herself with colorful clouds.

Therefore, Ye still worships Lu Fan, thinking that Lu Fan is his true destiny, and he is unwilling to accept Ling Ce.

In fact, Ling Ce is the true love that suits her.

For a moment, Ye still seemed to understand a lot, and the frozen door opened suddenly for the man in front of him who was willing to die for himself.

其实 “Actually …”

“You have a crush on the boss …”

“I already knew …”

“I just want to … tell you …”

“I loved you …”

“I still love you as I do now …”

After Ling Lingze said this sentence, he seemed to have exhausted the last strength in his body. He felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier than ever.

Ling Lingce felt so tired, he really wanted to sleep beautifully, so lying in Ye’s arms, never separated …

“Ling Ce!”

Ye Ye is still crying and running, she is crazy.

第 一次 For the first time, she felt such heartache more than seeing Lu Fan married Lin Xiaoxiao.

“I won’t let you die, how can you die!”

Ye Ye still held Ling Ce tightly, with flames beating deep in her eyes.

At the same time, when 300,000 soldiers of the Lujia Army saw Ling Ce was killed, everyone yelled wildly.

Everyone took out a weapon, and rushed towards the Protoss messenger without fear of death, as if a moth fluttered fire.

Lu Jiajun only has the soul of death, no ghosts who are afraid of death!

The envoys of the Protoss did not expect that even a trivial act of their own caused such a great resistance.

“A bunch of ants, I don’t know if they live or die!”

With a wave of his hand, the envoy of the Protoss tribe waved out a mighty breath, instantly lifting everyone out.

More than 300,000 soldiers of the Lujiajun Army were hit by this shock, all of them fell to the ground in weightlessness, fell on the barren planet, and could no longer get up.

“If it wasn’t for you to be a subordinate of this seat, you would have lost your life!”

Protoss of the Protoss said frantically.

In fact, the Protoss messenger did not dare to kill so many people at once.

You have to know that what the messenger of the Protoss did in the Nether can be found in the chaos.

Before he slayed, he didn’t care about killing the soulless evolutionaries, because they were the people of the underworld who belonged to the enemy camp, and they killed them.

I may also increase performance.

However, an evolutionary with a soul cannot kill indiscriminately. This is the foundation of the Tenjin family. The Tenjin camp needs to add fresh blood here ~ ~ Therefore, the protoss messenger only wounded the Lujiajun soldiers seriously and did not dare to hurt. Killer.

此时 At this moment, the metamorphosis protrudes.

I saw Ye still those bright eyes, suddenly burning a green flame.

Soon afterwards, her eyebrows glowed, tearing the space directly in this cosmic starry sky, and numerous infernal fires poured out, as if the surging river water poured on Ye still body.

Ye Ye still lowered Ling Ce’s body and rose into the sky.

I was surrounded by Fengming around her body.

The **** fire phoenix once summoned by her, at this time burst into a bang, turned into a huge flame, and burned under Ye still’s feet.

Ye Ye is still himself, completely wrapped in this turquoise flame, like a dazzling ball of flame, emitting a rumbling sound.

“Hellfire Phoenix, Nirvana Reborn!”

This is the latest ability that Ye still evolved to the superior life, which can let her gain extraordinary power in a short time.

The price is: Sacrifice your life!

Ling Ling Ce died, Ye still didn’t want to live alone.

“I couldn’t be together when I was alive. After death, let me go to Huangquan with you!”

Ye Ye still murmured to himself, the flames soared into the sky, and an incomparable and terrible power rose rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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