King of Eschatology

Chapter 1061 - Back in time

Over the barren planet, the cracks in space became larger and larger, and countless **** fires poured wildly between heaven and earth.

As Ye’s strength improved, her summoning ability became more and more terrible, and she could tear the space barrier for a long time.

At this moment, it seems as if the gate of **** is opened, and the fire of **** begins to spread throughout the world.

However, all the flames rushed towards the fireball in the center, turning into billowing energy, which was still forcibly absorbed by Ye.

At this moment, Ye’s strength continued to rise, sing along all the way, the powerful momentum was suffocating.

Superior eighth!

First Class Nine!

Tenth class!

Puppet power continues to climb, and now has reached the peak of the top ten ranks, comparable to the strongest evolutionary king.

Opposite the cricket, the protagonist of the protoss realized that Ye’s strength continued to grow, and finally revealed a stigma.

He goes down to the divine realm.

In order to succeed in the lower realm, the messenger of the protoss suppresses his own strength to the elementary level of the **** realm. If Ye’s strength soars to the **** realm, his strength may be surpassed.

However, the protoss messenger has a deity order. In this interface, he is the supreme master, and even if a higher-level deity appears than him, he cannot compete with it.

Because he can directly use the power of heaven and earth to crush everything.

I thought of this, the messenger of the protoss was finally relieved, and there was a **** order in hand, and he was not afraid of any challenge.

What’s more, this is just a lower-level world, and there is no possibility of a divine powerhouse. Even with special secret methods, it is impossible to reach the divine power.

This is the law of heaven and earth, an unchangeable fact.

The protagonist of the Protoss looked at Ye still as if it were a cat or a mouse. The teaser said, “How are you, are you ready? This seat is a little impatient.”

The envoy of the Protoss clasped his arms and shoulders, and held the God’s Order in his hands, with a fearless look.

“To tell you the truth, I like your little pepper the most, the more intense your resistance, the more irritating I feel.”

来 “Come, come here with confidence, this place will make you die in excitement!”

The protagonist of the Protoss continued to taunt, trying to disturb Ye’s mind.

To be honest, Ye’s strength has become so horrible now. To say that the protoss messenger is not worried at all, that is false.

Ye Ye is still without sorrow and joy, and her body gradually becomes hazy, completely turning into a flame man.

Hair flying her hair, blue flames surging at the tips, exuding a captivating power.

Behind her, a pair of huge flame wings spread out.

With the emergence of the wings, Ye’s strength climbed again, in a blink of an eye, he surpassed the limit of the evolutionary king and instantly stepped into the realm of God.

First order, second order, third order …

Ye’s strength did not gradually stabilize until the fifth level of Shenjing.

At this moment, Ye’s strength still shook the universe. It seemed that the world could not hold such a powerful force at all and would collapse at any time.

At this moment, Ye still opened his eyes in vain, and two deterrent beams rushed out, like the sharpest blades, and instantly penetrated the void.

On the opposite side, the messenger of the Protoss changed in shock.

“Fifth Order in Divine Realm, how is this possible?”

The Divine messenger was scared. At this time, he did not dare to hesitate at all, and directly used the order of the gods to mobilize the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

He has to start first and kill Ye in the bud.

However, it was only now that it was too late.


Ye Ye still seemed to be a flame elf, with flowing flames all around her body, her wings spread, her body flew out quickly.

Time is urgent, Ye still has to shoot as soon as possible.

She exchanged her mighty power at the cost of sacrificing her life.

虽然 Although this power is strong, it can only last for thirty seconds.

Thirty seconds later, the dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the soil, including the leaves, everything will dissipate invisible.


The flame wings are like flame sky knives, and they cut directly at the messenger of the protoss.

The emissary of the sacred tribe retreated madly, the gods made the light shine, and the numerous runes of law and order were condensing, turning into a light barrier of space barrier, blocking him in front of him.


The light shield shattered, and the flame of the sword passed through, creating a mouth with deep bones directly on the protoss messenger, and the wound was burnt.

The protagonist of the puppet clan uttered a sigh of pain, but before he could scream, a terror attack followed.

He was another flame-sword that swept away. The angel of the protoss did not dare to resist, and his body flashed towards the distance.

He took a step, with the runes of rules under his feet, directly shrinking into inches, avoiding dangerously.

No way out, Ye’s attack power is too strong, even if he can use the power of the heaven and earth in this universe to attack, he can’t withstand such a terrible attack.

Because Ye’s attacking power has already exceeded the limit of the laws of this universe.

Ye Ye still follows the shadow, and immediately catches up with the messenger of the protoss, opening his mouth to emit a dazzling flame, directly hitting the key of the protoss messenger.

The Divine messenger is terrified. He has found that the gods are a bit difficult to use, because Ye’s strength has surpassed the power of heaven and earth in this universe.

There was no way. The Protoss messenger had to take out a black shield and inject it with divine power, and then stand in front of him.

盾 This shield is more than thirty meters high. It was originally a weapon that he used in the form of a protoss evolutionist, and it now looks a bit larger.

Most importantly, this shield belongs to the artifact, and its defense is extremely strong, and it can resist all attacks within the fifth level of Divine Realm.

I can say that with this shield, the protoss messenger is already invincible.


Ye Ye’s attack is still blocked by the protoss messenger ~ ~ The strong anti-seismic force makes the protoss messenger vomit blood, which looks extremely wobbly.

Fortunately, he finally blocked Ye Shang’s attack.

In the next time, Ye still launched the most violent attack on the messenger of the protoss, but unfortunately all were blocked by the shield.

For thirty seconds, Ye flashed helplessly, and finally failed to kill the other party and failed to avenge Ling Ce.

Pian Xingguang little bit, escaped Ye Ye’s body, and after procuring the secret method, she began to pay the price, the life essence was passing by quickly.

“Hum, stupid!”

The protagonist of the Protoss scolded, and he really did not expect that in a lower world, he was attacked so fiercely that he almost capsized in the gutter.

此时 At this moment, the air exploded, and a light cluster suddenly appeared. Lu Fan displayed a star to change buckets and appeared directly in this star field.

As the master of this universe, He knows everything that happened here during the interstellar movement.

“Who are you?”

The envoy of the Protoss was terrified. On Lu Fan’s body, he noticed a strong danger.

Lu Lufan didn’t have time to talk to each other at this time. At this time, he held his hands up to the sky, and the power of evolution was surging, madly violent towards the whole world.

“Back in time!”

(End of this chapter)

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