King of Industry

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 – I Will Solve It Myself

Chapter 37 I will solve it myself

Looking at Hua Guosheng’s back, Zhao Guoyang shook his head helplessly. He looked at the old horse and old Wang who were looking at each other and said with a smile: “I really can’t help it. Master Hua is so impatient. Forget it, then I will try to repair these fuel tanks by myself. I also ask the two masters to help me.” Give me a hand!”

“No problem! As long as you can repair these fuel tanks, Mr. Zhao, it will be no problem for the two of us to work as coolies!” The old horse said, patted his chest.

Zhao Guoyang picked up the fuel tank with one hand and the blueprint in the other with a smile, and said to the two of them, “Then please help me move this batch of fuel tanks to the welding team in the workshop, and I will repair them on site for you to see.”

“Okay, let us take care of it.” Old Wang smiled and picked up the three fuel tanks, followed Zhao Guoyang and left.

Old Ma followed suit, picked up the other three fuel tanks, and quickly followed.

“Hey, where is Guoyang?” Xu Dongfeng shouted.

“You wait here, the director Wang and Lao Hua will come later, take them to the welding team to find us!” Zhao Guoyang said without looking back.

When Zhao Guoyang, Lao Ma and Lao Wang from the inspection station came to the welding team, Liu Linzhi, the welding team leader, was chatting with another welder, Zhou Jingfang.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang approaching, Liu Linzhi smiled and waved to him.

“Ah, little Section Chief Zhao, don’t you want to build the new frame of the Siyang Group? Why are you free to come to our welding team right now?” Liu Linzhi asked.

Zhao Guoyang spread his hands and said: “There is no way, there is a problem with the fuel tank made by our factory for Minke Tractor Factory, I have to help solve it.”

“Lao Ma, Lao Wang, what’s wrong with the fuel tank, so many have leaked, right?” Looking at the seven fuel tanks in the hands of the three of them, Liu Linzhi trembled for a while.

“Hey, you really guessed it.” The old horse put the fuel tank down, sat on the iron stool beside him and said with a smile.

“Ten fuel tanks came to our inspection station in the morning. Unfortunately, seven of them have leaks!”

“Ah, what happened?” Zhou Jingfang who was on the side was shocked when she heard the words.

“Where can you make a joke here, Jingfang!” Old Wang said.

“No, Section Chief Xiao Zhao said that he has a way to fix these unqualified fuel tanks, and he still wants to make a bet with me.”

Looking at the puzzled eyes of Liu Linzhi and Zhou Jingfang, Zhao Guoyang just smiled slightly: “Master Wang is right, I really said so.”

After Zhao Guoyang admitted, Liu Linzhi showed embarrassment. To be honest, he still admires Zhao Guoyang, a young man, and admires his professional ability.

But on the issue of fuel tank welding, Liu Linzhi can be said to be the authority in the factory. Basically, every new fuel tank is welded by him for demonstration.

Liu Linzhi is well aware of how serious the problem is if the fuel tank leaks.

Even he, a senior welder in the country, can’t guarantee that he can easily repair a leaking fuel tank, let alone such a batch accident.

Thinking of this, Liu Linzhi said embarrassingly: “Xiao Section Chief Zhao, I know a little about the repair welding of this fuel tank, but I am really not sure. The fuel tanks produced in our factory have never had a batch leak before. Question. I think…or forget it!”

After listening to Liu Linzhi’s words, Old Wang felt complacent for a while, and looked at Zhao Guoyang as if saying: How about it, you heard me, this repair welding of the fuel tank is not as simple as you think.

Zhao Guoyang turned a deaf ear to Lao Wang’s provocation, shrugged his shoulders and said to Liu Linzhi: “Group Leader Liu, I am here to ask you for help, not to ask you to repair these fuel tanks for me, but to borrow a few from your welding team. Such welding tools, I will solve it myself.”

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Lao Ma and Lao Wang looked at me and I looked at you, with smiles in their eyes. The two had never seen Zhao Guoyang’s performance in the welding group before, so they naturally felt that he was bragging.

Seeing the half-smile expressions of the two, Zhou Jingfang couldn’t help but said: “Lao Ma, Lao Wang, I said, don’t underestimate Guoyang. His welding level is even higher than that of a fifth-level welder like me! “

Seeing that Zhou Jingfang didn’t seem to be telling lies, Lao Wang and Lao Ma blinked and put away their smiles.

Zhao Guoyang on the side has already brought Liu Linzhi’s welder’s uniform and welder’s cap.

Liu Linzhi, who had disarmed the equipment, patted Zhao Guoyang on the shoulder and said: “Guoyang, the welding torch is ready-made. If you need anything else, just say it.”

Zhao Guoyang nodded and said, “Group Leader Liu, I really need to trouble you to find something. There should be copper wire in our workshop, please help me find some. Not too much, it only takes about a dozen grams. it is good.”

“That’s no problem, there are more on the electrician team.” Liu Linzhi waved his hand and said, “You wait here, Guoyang, I’ll be right over.”

Not long after Liu Lin Zhi left, the deputy directors Wang Youchang and Ma Jian hurried over accompanied by Hua Guosheng and Xu Dongfeng.

When Hua Guosheng reported to the factory office on the third floor, Mu Aijun was not there, only Wang Youchang and Ma Jian were present.

Hearing that this batch of fuel tanks might need to be restocked, Ma Jian came along in a hurry.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang chatting with Lao Ma, Lao Wang, and Zhou Jingfang, Wang Youchang asked eagerly: “Guoyang, Xiao Xu said that you are sure to repair these fuel tanks. Is it true?”

Ma Jian also asked repeatedly: “Yes, Guoyang, this is not a joke. If you are not sure, I will go to prepare materials now. Mingke Tractor Factory is an old customer of our factory, and there must be no delay.”

The two factory directors asked questions at the same time. If it was someone else, they would definitely be somewhat nervous. But Zhao Guoyang was not affected at all.

He said to the two factory directors very seriously: “Director Wang and Director Ma, don’t worry, I have 99% certainty to repair these fuel tanks. Moreover, there will be no stress after the repair welding question.”

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s confident words, Wang Youchang and Ma Jian looked at each other, and their hearts were inexplicably relieved.

The two of them basically knew Zhao Guoyang now, and knew that this young man would never target without purpose. Since he said he was 99% sure, it was impossible to go wrong.

Another person who was encouraged at the scene was Hua Guosheng. Originally, after this incident happened, he was already prepared to be severely criticized. Who knew that Zhao Guoyang said that there was a way to make up for it, which is really great .

While everyone was discussing in low voices, Liu Linzhi walked over with a stack of copper wires. Seeing the two factory directors Ma Jian and Wang Youchang present, Liu Linzhi was taken aback.

“Old Liu, don’t just stand there stupidly, quickly bring the things here!” Wang Youchang beckoned to him eagerly.


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(end of this chapter)

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