King of Industry

Chapter 81

Chapter 81 – Thinking Ahead

Chapter 81 Thinking ahead

In the factory director’s office, seeing Mu Aijun and Wang Youchang discussing the purchase of new equipment enthusiastically, Ma Jian next to him groaned secretly.

This is not in charge of the family, and he doesn’t know how expensive the rice is. As the deputy director of the factory in charge of purchasing and sales, Ma Jian knows the family background of the factory best.

Although the efficiency of the factory has improved by leaps and bounds since the second half of last year, it still can’t stand up to such a big deal.

The market price of a laser spot welding machine is tens of thousands of yuan for domestic ones, and at least hundreds of thousands of yuan for imported ones. Ma Jian basically knows these prices.

Of course, although more than 100,000 yuan is a huge sum of money, it is not impossible for the factory to spend it.

But Ma Jian was worried that Director Mu and Lao Wang were talking too speculatively about technology, and if they really wanted to purchase other supporting equipment, who would be able to bear it?

Thinking of this, Ma Jian looked at Zhao Guoyang, who was on the side, with pleading eyes, and winked at him. There is no doubt that Zhao Guoyang is the only one who can convince these two in this regard.

Zhao Guoyang was so amused by Ma Jian’s winking expression that he almost couldn’t laugh out loud.

However, he still forced himself to hold back his laughter, coughed, and finally interrupted the conversation between Mu Aijun and Wang Youchang.

Mu Aijun looked at Zhao Guoyang’s strange expression, and knew that this kid had something to say.

He is a soldier, so he doesn’t think Zhao Guoyang’s directness is presumptuous.

“What’s the matter, Guoyang? Lao Wang and I support you in technological innovation. Why do you seem to have some concerns? There seems to be something wrong.” Mu Aijun laughed.

Zhao Guoyang rubbed his nose, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: “Master Mu, it is of course a good thing to purchase new equipment in the factory, and it is of course a good thing to engage in technological innovation, but this kind of thing needs to be tailored to the individual’s needs and proceed step by step. There is no rush.” .”

“After all, the price of good equipment is not cheap. If we really want to build a state-of-the-art production line, it is estimated that it will cost at least a million dollars. I guess it will definitely far exceed the capacity of the factory.”

Zhao Guoyang’s words made Mu Aijun and Wang Youchang’s fiery mood suddenly cool down.

Wang Youchang frowned and said: “Well, Guoyang, your worries are justified. Indeed, even if our factory develops a new production line, the financial conditions will not allow us to purchase all the best equipment.”

“About the equipment, you should have been in contact with a lot in college and understand the market better. At that time, you have to check more.”

Zhao Guoyang said simply: “Okay, Director Wang, I will do my best.”

“But to be honest, I personally think it is necessary to expand the new production line, but it is still debatable whether it is necessary to purchase the most advanced equipment.”

“Several leaders, this is how I think about it. At present, the pace of reform and opening up is further increasing, and the production technology level of our country will also be greatly improved.”

“In such a big environment, the localization of some equipment is definitely imperative. The replacement of equipment will naturally speed up.” Zhao Guoyang opened his fingers and explained to the three factory managers.

“In this way, the so-called top-level equipment we are pursuing now may be on the verge of being eliminated in two or three years, and it is obviously unnecessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing. Therefore, I think that the equipment we purchase mainly focuses on In terms of practicality, if you can buy it, you can bring benefits!”

After Zhao Guoyang’s explanation, Mu Aijun, Wang Youchang, and Ma Jian showed solemn expressions on their faces. Undoubtedly, his words touched the three leaders a lot, and every sentence hit the point.

“The thinking of young people is to be ahead of us old comrades!” Mu Aijun sighed.

Wang Youchang also nodded in approval, and said: “Yes, Director Mu. Guoyang is not only outstanding in technology, but what is rare is that he is also very insightful in other aspects. What he just said, think about it carefully, It still makes sense.”

When Mu Aijun and Wang Youchang praised Zhao Guoyang, Ma Jian secretly gave him a thumbs up.

Zhao Guoyang was very clear about the meaning of Director Ma’s action. He was thanking himself for helping him hold the wallet.

Several people chatted about this topic for a while, and finally Mu Aijun assigned another task to Zhao Guoyang, asking him to go to Songjiang to find out the situation of equipment procurement in the near future.

After you have a specific goal, let Ma Jian go with him to buy.

Zhao Guoyang naturally agreed to this task.

In fact, after rebirth, he has not been to Songjiang yet.

He is really interested in taking a look at the largest metropolis in China in this era.

After talking about the business, Zhao Guoyang remembered that he still had a truckload of oranges to tell.

“Oh, by the way, Director Mu.”

Zhao Guoyang scratched his head and said: “Well, Xiao Feng’s car is loaded with hundreds of kilograms of citrus. It was sent by Siyang Group to thank us for suggesting frame rectification suggestions. Look, this distribution…”

Hearing this, Mu Aijun couldn’t help being amused: “Hey, it’s okay, Guoyang, you are on a business trip, and you even get benefits for the factory. You are a skill that ordinary people really can’t learn.”

“Haha, what Director Mu said is true. My subordinates have traveled so many times, and I have never seen them bring back a gift from the manufacturer!”

“Hey, I really regret that I gave up Guoyang to Lao Wang. It would be great if he purchased and sold for us…” Ma Jian sighed with grief.

“Don’t even think about this wishful thinking!” Wang Youchang glared at Ma Jian and said.

Seeing that the two guys who had been fighting for more than ten years began to quarrel again, Mu Aijun persuaded: “Come on, Guoyang is a young cadre that our factory focuses on training. He is competent. You guys, stop arguing.”

“By the way, old horse, in a while, you can send a few people from the purchasing department to share the citrus brought back by Guoyang evenly. A few hundred kilograms is enough for each person in our factory to share ten to eight catties…”

“Okay, leave this matter to me, factory director!” Ma Jian agreed.

This kind of welfare distribution is actually a good opportunity to win the relationship between all parties.

Although Ma Jian has a high position and authority, if he has the opportunity to win over the cadres and workers in the factory and make a favor, how could he refuse.

Out of the door of Mu Aijun’s office, Ma Jian grabbed Zhao Guoyang and said, “Guoyang, you brought these tangerines back. When it’s distributed later, you have to be present and help me!”

Zhao Guoyang just wanted to refuse, Wang Youchang smiled and patted his shoulder: “This matter, Guoyang, you can just listen to the old horse. He has rich experience in this field, and you can learn something by following along!”

Looking at the back of Wang Youchang going away, Zhao Guoyang seemed thoughtful.

(end of this chapter)

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