King of Industry

Chapter 82

Chapter 82 – House Division

Chapter 82 The matter of dividing the house

When I returned to the factory, it was almost time to get off work. I had a conversation in the factory manager’s office, and then shared the citrus with the factory manager Ma. After finishing the get off work, I had a meal with the factory manager Ma. It’s past eight o’clock.

Seeing the empty dormitory, Zhao Guoyang couldn’t help muttering to himself, it seems that Xu Dongfeng went out to ask his girlfriend again, and this guy has become more frustrated and courageous in terms of relationships, which makes people have to admire him.

It was too early to go to bed at the moment, Zhao Guoyang thought about it, and then prepared to go out and wander around.

As soon as he left the door, Zhao Guoyang heard the whispers of two factory workers.

“Old Qin, did you hear the letter? When spring comes, the factory will be divided into houses again.”

“Yes, Lao Fan, I’ve also heard about it. It seems that because the factory’s profits were good last year, an extra house was built.”

“Who says it’s not! Hey, did you know that the houses in the factory are divided into five grades this time, 120 square meters, 100 square meters, 90 square meters, 80 meters and the smallest 60 square meters. Lao Fan you He is an old employee, so he should be able to get the second grade, 100 square meters, right?”

“Fart, don’t even think about it!” the old Fan complained.

“One hundred square meters, but among the middle-level cadres in the factory, the treatment enjoyed by the head of the department is only six or seven people who are qualified. I am not even a middle-level cadre, how could I get my turn…”

“Don’t be discouraged, I heard that it seems that this time, in addition to the level of cadres, the level of technical titles and years of service in the factory are also considered in the comprehensive consideration of the distribution of houses in the factory.”

“Old Fan, you have the title of technician, and you have been in the factory for 30 years, so why should you have the same treatment as the head of those departments?” Lao Qin reassured.

“Hmph, it’s about professional title and length of service, but when it’s time to actually distribute the house, look forward to it. I can get into the third tier. The standard of 90 square meters, which is the same as that of ordinary middle-class workers, is not bad.”

Old Qin let out a long breath and said: “Hey, no matter what, Lao Fan, you still have something to look forward to. In comparison, I am miserable.”

“I’ve been a worker all my life, but now I haven’t even got a job title. Even if I get a house, it must be the lowest level.”

“That’s not what I said. You have been in the factory for more than 20 years, right? The housing allocation standard only needs to be 10 years of service. You are obviously better than ordinary people in your 20 years. Maybe you can get it One grade, get an 80-square-meter house.”

Someone was worse than him, Lao Fan immediately felt better, and comforted him.

Zhao Guoyang heard all the chats between the two of them, and he couldn’t help but feel very relieved when he thought of the fact that the factory would soon be divided into rooms.

After all, the social reality that housing prices were too high in the previous life made countless people become house slaves has always made Zhao Guoyang feel uncomfortable. Right now, he has never had a house of his own in the city, which is also unreliable.

It’s better now, the factory has built a dormitory building, although I have been in the factory for less than a year, but with the mid-level status of technical section chief, it should not be difficult to get a house.

Moreover, if it is true what Lao Qin and Lao Fan said just now, I might be able to allocate a big house of 90 square meters, that would be a pleasant surprise.

Early the next morning, as soon as Zhao Guoyang entered the office, he heard everyone talking about the house division.

In this day and age, houses are not so sought-after. Basically, as long as you work in a unit for long enough, you will always be assigned a house, big or small, or far or near.

It’s just that although there are houses, the gap between them is still quite large.

It’s like the highest-grade house and the lowest-grade house. The size difference is doubled, which is a huge difference.

Therefore, many well-informed employees began to try their best to open up relationships before the formal distribution of houses, just to raise a grade when they were assigned.

Seeing Zhao Guoyang coming in, Huang Xiaohua, who was temporarily idle, was as indifferent as ever and ignored him, while another backbone of the technical department, Hua Guosheng, came over to chat and laugh with him cheerfully.

“Guoyang, went to Yangcheng and came back so soon?” Hua Guosheng asked.

“Yes, isn’t there something else going on in the factory, it’s better to come back quickly.” Zhao Guoyang replied honestly.

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s words, Hua Guosheng was very happy. He turned his head to see that the people in the office were chatting in twos and threes, then leaned closer and lowered his voice and said to Zhao Guoyang: “By the way, Guoyang, our factory is going to divide the house in the spring. thing, have you heard?”

Zhao Guoyang had heard the wind last night, so he nodded immediately, indicating that he knew.

Hua Guosheng was silent for a while, seeing Huang Xiaohua going out with a teacup, he said to Zhao Guoyang: “Guoyang, this is related to personal interests, you can’t be careless, you should have some snacks!”

Zhao Guoyang tilted his head in doubt, looked at Hua Guosheng, not understanding what he meant.

“Hey, don’t you understand this?” Hua Guosheng reminded anxiously.

“You and Huang Xiaohua are both the deputy chief of the technical department. Although his position as deputy chief is suspended temporarily, his rank is still there. If the house is divided, the two of you will have conflicts…”

“There is a conflict, what is the conflict?” Zhao Guoyang asked rather puzzled.

“Oh, Guoyang, you are usually such a smart person, how can you…”

Hua Guosheng said with a look of hatred on his face, “You should have heard about the standard of house allocation this time, right?”

“That’s right, five standards, isn’t that surprising?” Zhao Guoyang asked suspiciously.

“Since you know that there are five standards, do you know which grade you should be in?” Hua Guosheng asked seriously.

“Uh, it should be the third gear!” Zhao Guoyang said frankly without thinking too much.

“Wrong!” Hua Guosheng shrank his neck and looked around secretly. Seeing that no one was looking at him, he continued.

“Guoyang, don’t you understand? Our technology department, although we don’t have a regular section chief, the factory will still give us this position.”

“That is to say, the technology department will definitely be able to get a second-grade house, and the competitors for this spot are undoubtedly you and Huang Xiaohua. Can you not care about this matter!”

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang understood a little bit.

Indeed, the chief of the technical department has always been the deputy factory director Wang Youchang. In this case, the factory director is naturally the first grade.

So, Director Wang himself will not take up the second place in the technical department, so this place will undoubtedly fall to the two deputy chiefs of the technical department.

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang seemed to have come to his senses, Hua Guosheng kindly reminded him again: “Guoyang, although you are currently in charge of the technical department, your level is actually the same as Huang Xiaohua’s.”

“His working years are much longer than yours, and you may suffer when the house is divided. So I think you should talk to the factory manager…”

(end of this chapter)

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