King of Industry

Chapter 994

Chapter 994 – What Development Opportunities Do You See

Chapter 994 What development opportunities do you see

On the direct flight from SJ City to Sao Paulo State, Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi were talking and laughing.

Today is the first day of their honeymoon, and the first stop of their trip to Latin America is naturally the Samba country that has been planned for a long time.

Since the two private jets of his own “Xingtai International” are maintained by Bombardier, Zhao Guoyang chose to take a business jet for this trip.

Of course, both of them are sitting in business class.

Based on his excellent record in major airlines, he can enjoy business class treatment at a 30% discount price, so why not do it.

Zhao Guoyang’s position is relatively close to the window, so he can clearly see the scenery outside the window.

Looking at the surrounding clouds slowly drifting by, Zhao Guoyang said to Mu Yiyi, who was slightly tired beside him, with emotion: “Yiyi, are you tired these days?”

In the past two days, Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi have been really busy with their wedding.

For three days in a row, the two of them were almost always dealing with the guests in various venues.

Especially Mu Yiyi, as a girl, she is not as physically strong as Zhao Guoyang, and she must be even more tired after running around.

However, Mu Yiyi’s temperament is very strong.

Originally, Zhao Guoyang thought that she would not last long and would retreat, but in the end she forced her to survive these three days.

There were five or six waves of guests from the two families, but none of them was left behind, and they all tried their best to be courteous.

It wasn’t until the 11th day of the first lunar month that the young couple really got away and started their honeymoon trip.

Hearing Zhao Guoyang’s concerned words at this time, Mu Yiyi pursed her lips and said with a smile: “I’m fine, Guoyang. Although I’ve been busy these days, I feel happy, so I feel tired.”

Hearing what she said, Zhao Guoyang was amused: “Yes, when the spirit is uplifted, there is indeed motivation to do things.”

The two chatted and laughed a few words here, and a beautiful stewardess in the business class came over to ask about the menu for the two of them.

In the mid-1990s, the service of business class on domestic intercontinental flights was basically on par with international ones.

As long as you buy a business class ticket, you can choose several sets of menus provided by the airline, or even make your own.

Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi are not fastidious people, so naturally they will not be picky when it comes to the choice of recipes.

The two casually ordered some steak and fruit, and then sent the beautiful stewardess away.

While the stewardess was busy preparing the food for the passengers in the business class, Zhao Guoyang gave Mu Yiyi an overview of the honeymoon trip he had ordered.

“Yiyi, the first stop of our trip to Latin America is Samba, you know that, right?”

Seeing Mu Yiyi nod her head slightly, Zhao Guoyang said again: “Samba is a big country, only a little smaller than our Huaxia. In addition to Sao Paulo, we have to go to Rio and other places. Experience the customs and customs of different regions in the Samba country…”

Listening to Zhao Guoyang’s introduction, Mu Yiyi nodded with a “huh”.

When she was studying in England, she has been to almost all famous cities in England, and she is considered a senior tourist.

However, after all, England is too small in terms of land area, and it is still far behind China and Samba, which are large countries with an area of several million square kilometers.

Even if Mu Yiyi traveled all over Britain from south to north, it didn’t take a few days.

Now it is the turn of Samba, and the situation is naturally completely different.

Zhao Guoyang roughly talked about the time and place of the two of them staying in Samba, and then went on to talk about the next stop.

“I expect ten to fifteen days to travel in Samba. Basically, it takes such a long time to visit all the meaningful attractions!”

Paused for a while, Zhao Guoyang continued: “After Samba, our next stop is Argentina.”

Hearing what Zhao Guoyang said, Mu Yiyi let out an “uh” and said, “I know Argentina, it’s the country where tango is very famous!”

Zhao Guoyang nodded with a “huh” and said: “Yes, the tango dance in Argentina is indeed famous all over the world. However, this country is not only tango, they have many scenic spots, such as Iguazu Falls, Tierra del Fuego National parks, etc., are all well worth a visit.”

“Compared with Samba, Argentina’s land area is much smaller, but it is 2.7 million square kilometers. It is definitely not something that can be played in two or three days…”

Listening to Zhao Guoyang’s introduction, Mu Yiyi was amazed.

What she admires most about her husband is his erudition.

No matter which country or city in the world, he seems to have a relatively in-depth understanding, which is really amazing.

Zhao Guoyang didn’t know what Mu Yiyi was thinking, he touched his chin, and then explained: “Speaking of which, the reason why I put Argentina as the second destination of our honeymoon trip also has some other intentions! “

“Oh? Listen to what you said, Guoyang. Could it be that Argentina has any opportunities for development, have you seen it?”

Seeing that Mu Yiyi was transparent, a smile appeared on Zhao Guoyang’s face.

He nodded slightly and said: “Yiyi, you guessed right, there are indeed many opportunities in Argentina waiting for us to develop!”

“As we all know, Latin America is the region with the richest brine lithium resources in the world, accounting for about 85% of the world’s brine lithium resources. The most widely distributed area of these brine lithium resources is the Puna plateau area at the junction of Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia. .It is also known as the ‘Lithium Triangle’ in Latin America.”

“Almost all the salt mines in this mining area have brine rich in lithium, potassium, and boron ions. The ratio of lithium to magnesium is low, and there are potassium and boron that can be used comprehensively. Superior, it is rare to find in other areas!”

Listening to Zhao Guoyang’s introduction, Mu Yiyi somewhat understood.

She blinked her eyes and said thoughtfully: “I probably understand what you mean, Guoyang. You went to Argentina this time to obtain the mining rights of these lithium deposits in their country. Then use these lithium mines for You and Ms. Kim Soo-joo are about to establish the ‘Xingtai-Daewoo’ mobile communication company?”

Zhao Guoyang didn’t expect Mu Yiyi to figure this out so quickly, so he couldn’t help giving her a thumbs up right away.

Speaking of which, he and Jin Xiuzhu had just decided on the idea of establishing this mobile communication company not long ago.

Under his persuasion, Kim Soo-joo has decided to reopen several stalls of “Daewoo Group” and launch a full-scale challenge to Hyundai Group.

The idea of entering a mobile communication company was newly added after Zhao Guoyang proposed it later.

Because he has a very in-depth understanding of the future direction of industrial technology, Zhao Guoyang certainly knows how popular the electronic communication industry is in the 21st century.

Although there are still more than four years before the 21st century, time waits for no one.

If you can’t take advantage of the fact that there are not too many competitors and start to get involved in this industry, then after “Apple” and “Samsung” make efforts in the future, you and the “Daewoo Group” may never be able to catch up.

With such an idea, after Zhao Guoyang and Jin Xiuzhu talked about it, the two hit it off.

After some final discussions, the two decided to each invest 500 million US dollars to establish “Xingtai-Daewoo Mobile Communications Company”, focusing on the mobile phone business.

If you want to engage in the mobile phone business, the most important resource is lithium.

This time Zhao Guoyang’s honeymoon trip paid so much attention to the country of Argentina, a large part of the reason is to obtain the country’s lithium element.

Sighing, Zhao Guoyang “confessed” his thoughts to Mu Yiyi.

“Yiyi, you may not know how rich Argentina is in lithium resources. Its total reserves are almost 8 million tons, of which 7 million tons have been proven reserves. It is the second largest country in the world with lithium metal reserves.”

“If we can reach a cooperation agreement with Argentina’s mining companies, or even establish a joint company with them, our Xingtai-Daewoo Mobile Communications Company’s lithium reserves for the next few decades will not be a problem!”

After listening to Zhao Guoyang’s narration, Mu Yiyi nodded repeatedly in agreement.

She brushed her hair and said in response: “I understand, Guoyang! But, since Argentina is so rich in lithium resources, why didn’t you tell Miss Suzanne earlier and let her take the lead?”

After hearing Mu Yiyi’s question, Zhao Guoyang was delighted.

He smiled and explained: “Yiyi, you don’t know about this matter.”

“The two big countries in Latin America, Samba and Argentina, have not always had a good relationship.”

“Think about it, people in the Samba country love samba and have a bold personality; people in Argentina like tango and have a reserved personality. These are almost two extreme personalities. It’s strange that they can have a good relationship with each other!”

After Mu Yiyi listened, she nodded suddenly and said, “I understand! Because of the different concepts of these two countries, even though they are very close, there is very little trade between them, let alone mineral resources. Something that involves national interests!”

Zhao Guoyang nodded in admiration, and said: “That’s right, that’s the reason.”

“The Argentines have always been dissatisfied with the people of Samba. If Suzanne wants to do business with them, there is no doubt that she has little chance.”

“On the contrary, these two countries are relatively friendly to China. This may have something to do with the moderate character of our Chinese nation. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing. Seek common ground while reserving differences!”

After hearing Zhao Guoyang’s simple explanation, Mu Yiyi smiled in relief.

Zhao Guoyang paused, and then said: “In addition, there is another reason why I value Argentina so much, and that is the country’s rich boron resources. Its reserves are as high as 2 million tons, the largest in Latin America and the second largest in the world. Large boron producer.”

“Boron is indispensable in glass, metallurgy, medicine, enamel, paint, daily chemical industry, agriculture and defense cutting-edge industries…”

(end of this chapter)

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