King of Industry

Chapter 995

Chapter 995 – Is This Plan Feasible?

Chapter 995 Is this plan feasible?

When the plane landed at Sao Paulo International Airport, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon local time.

Because she had contacted Suzanne early in the morning, when Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi arrived, she was the one who drove to pick them up.

Susanna didn’t drive her own Ferrari sports car today, but a Bentley business car.

After all, although the sports car is cool, the comfort of sitting is not very good.

Besides, Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi were two people, and they couldn’t fit in a sports car. After thinking about it, Susanna drove a Bentley.

Of course, the driver must not be her herself, but an old driver hired by their family.

Sitting opposite each other in the back seat of the Bentley, Zhao Guoyang chatted with Suzanne.

The initial topic of the two naturally revolved around the yacht business of the “Samba Kingdom”.

Zhao Guoyang asked Suzanne about the reliability of the dealer who wanted to buy yachts in large quantities.

After hearing his question, Susanna smiled and explained: “Guoyang, don’t worry about the reliability of this dealer, it must be fine.”

“Speaking of which, this dealer called Antali Trading Company is very famous not only in our country of Samba, but also in the entire Latin American region.”

“The boss of his company, Philip Antari, is the son of our “Philip family” in Samba, and his net worth is definitely very rich.”

“If he would renege on his debts, basically we don’t have any trustworthy dealers in Samba…”

After listening to Suzanne’s explanation, Zhao Guoyang gave a “huh” and nodded in approval.

In fact, after hearing a few words from Suzanne, he already roughly guessed the identity of Philip Antali and his family.

Needless to say, the other party must be a veteran merchant family in Samba.

Moreover, there is a great possibility that this “Philip family” is a supporter of Suzanne’s father running for vice president.

So this time the cooperation with the other party is clearly a win-win thing, and there is no need to think too much about it.

Of course, because of her own existence, Suzanne must seek her own opinion, and it is impossible to act arbitrarily.

But her attitude has explained a lot of problems.

With such an understanding, Zhao Guoyang naturally felt more at ease.

Speaking of which, it is extremely rare in the world for such a big dealer to buy dozens of yachts worth tens of millions of dollars at once.

The reason why Zhao Guoyang put the first stop of his honeymoon in Samba country this time is that he is not at ease about this matter, for fear that Susanna will fall into someone else’s trap.

Now it seems that I am worrying too much.

“With Suzanne keeping an eye on you, then there’s nothing wrong with this matter! In the future, you can arrange for me to meet with this Mr. Philip Antari, and tell him about our ‘Xingtai International’ yacht project. Let him feel at ease with his superior strength!”

Zhao Guoyang stroked his chin and said complacently.

Suzanne was overjoyed when she heard the words, and she said with a smile: “Mr. Zhao, you can rest assured about this. This Philip Antali has heard of you and the name ‘Xingtai International Foreign Trade Company’ for a long time. But full of confidence.”

“The main thing is that some of his clients want to know more about the performance and practicality of our yachts.”

“Uh, this is no problem. Now that I’m here, it’s no problem to explain to these potential customers!”

Zhao Guoyang responded and thought of something again.

He paused for a moment, and then said: “Ah, by the way, Suzanne. When I have a bilateral meeting with this Mr. Philip Antali and the customers, you can bring some of our ‘Sunmoonstar’ Bring it on.”

“This time, I want them to experience the atmosphere of this level of talks; another thing, let them know more about the performance and technical issues of the yacht that I talked about.”

“Ah, this is great!”

Susanna cried out excitedly when she heard the words.

Indeed, Zhao Guoyang’s technical level definitely convinced everyone.

”Sunmoonstar Trading Company” has developed very rapidly in the past two years, and its business has expanded rapidly.

But only in terms of technology, it has been somewhat stagnant.

Now Chairman Zhao is willing to condescend to personally guide these technical backbones under his command. This is definitely a golden opportunity.

Susanna was even thinking about whether to make this meeting a little bigger, and at the same time send a notice to the University of Sao Paulo and the Polytechnic University of Sao Paulo.

With the reputation of his partner in industrial technology around the world, this conference led by him will definitely be popular with everyone.

If I make a little more effort and take the opportunity to promote my “Sunmoonstar Company”, maybe I can recruit a lot of technical talents in these two top universities in the country.

Thinking about this, Suzanne immediately sent a proposal to Zhao Guoyang.

She clenched her fists tightly and said excitedly: “Mr. Zhao, do you think this is the case? Our company simply uses this meeting between you and Philip Antali to form an academic salon.”

“How about you, host this academic salon, and then I will arrange for our company’s technical staff, sales staff, and faculty members from several local universities in Sao Paulo to attend.”

“While listening in, we can also interact and communicate with the elites in these universities. Take this opportunity to promote the yacht project of ‘Xingtai International’ and the various industrial products of our ‘Sunmoonstar Company’… You see, Is this plan feasible?”

After Susanna finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Guoyang eagerly.

Deep in her heart, she was really full of anticipation for this proposal.

Zhao Guoyang is not keen on this kind of sales promotion.

In his view, several industries under his umbrella are now on the right track, and there is no need to deliberate marketing.

Of course, since Susanna is so enthusiastic, he will not refute the face of this good partner.

So Zhao Guoyang touched his nose, nodded and said: “Interactive salon can be held. However, it’s better not to highlight me too much. Let that Mr. Philip Antali talk more.”

“I think the students of these universities in Sao Paulo must also prefer to see entrepreneurs and business elites in their own country talk more about it?”

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Susanna nodded in relief and agreed.

The two discussed some future development ideas of “Sunmoonstar Company” for a while, and Suzanne turned her attention to Mu Yiyi who was silent at the side.

Although Mu Yiyi is married to Zhao Guoyang, she never talks too much when her husband talks about business affairs, and she has a good sense of proportion.

Zhao Guoyang and Susanna had discussed so much just now, and she didn’t interrupt a word.

On the contrary, Suzanne felt that she had left her out a little, so she couldn’t help but said to her: “Miss Yiyi, I’ve already arranged the accommodation for you and Mr. Zhao. For these two days, we will stay in the biggest hotel in Sao Paulo— How about the Hilton Sao Paulo Morumbi?”

Mu Yiyi didn’t expect Miss Susanna to speak to herself suddenly, she hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: “Anything is fine, Miss Susanna, I listen to Guoyang!”

Susanna smiled slightly, and explained with a smile: “Originally, I wanted to invite the two of you to live in my house. After all, the manor at home is very large, and the conditions in all aspects are more suitable.”

“It’s just that I was afraid that you might not be used to living in my house, Miss Yiyi, so I changed the plan!”

Susanna’s words imply that she is worried that Mu Yiyi doesn’t like living in other people’s homes.

Especially because I didn’t hide my admiration for Zhao Guoyang at first, and this Miss Mu Yiyi would be even more upset if she saw it.

Actually, Mu Yiyi has always been very appreciative of Suzanne’s admiration for Zhao Guoyang.

She knew about the friendship between Zhao Guoyang and Suzanne, and also knew that they were the earliest and closest partners.

The good relationship between the two even surpassed that of Zhao Guoyang and Miss Jin Xiuzhu at the earliest.

Of course, with the passage of time, coupled with the convenience of geography, Jin Xiuzhu and the “Daewoo Group” received more care from Zhao Guoyang, and the contact between the two became more frequent.

But Suzanne’s position in Zhao Guoyang’s heart cannot be ignored.

As far as Mu Yiyi is concerned, before she married Zhao Guoyang, she secretly made up her mind that she must be a good helper to her husband, and not be jealous of trivial matters.

Therefore, she has no special opinion on the two mall elites, Jin Xiuzhu and Suzanne.

As for the appreciation of these two strong women for Zhao Guoyang, Mu Yiyi can also understand.

After all, a genius like her husband should be dazzling, right?

After Suzanne gave a teasing explanation, Mu Yiyi thought about it, then smiled and said, “Miss Yiyi, I think it’s better to live in your manor. After all, it is more secure in terms of safety.”

“Besides, it is more convenient for us to travel. After all, the private car in the hotel is definitely not as comfortable as your car, and it is impossible to serve us 24 hours a day…”

After Mu Yiyi finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang nodded in response and said, “Yes, yes, yes, I really wanted to talk to you, Susanna just now!”

Turning his head to look at Susanna, Zhao Guoyang explained with a smile: “Before I came, I told Yiyi about your Samba Carnival.”

“Yiyi has never experienced it before, and wants to participate.”

After listening to Zhao Guoyang’s explanation, Susanna suddenly realized.

Indeed, the local carnival in Sao Paulo will definitely last all night.

If Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi were tired from playing and wanted to go back to sleep, it might be three or four o’clock in the morning.

If you are staying in a hotel, it is definitely impossible to have a special car pick-up during this time period.

From this point of view, it is definitely better to live in your own manor.

(end of this chapter)

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