Knight’s Pledge

Chapter 2: Dawnwell part 2

Allen laid on his stomach with Samuel pushing him down with his body weight. He couldn't do anything even if he could move his arms. Everytime Allen tried to get Samuel off of him Samuel would just do something to force him down again.

"What is your goal in keeping me down like this?" Allen asked

"I did this because I want to show you what it's like to be pinned down. Being the one on the ground can be rather odd depending on who is on top of you. It can be quite a scary experience Allen." Samuel started, "But at the same time it can be quite tantalizing being close to the one you love."

Allen didn't miss the double meaning Samuel told him. His body started to relax as to what Samuel was going to do to him now. No one was around and if Allen screamed for help Samuel would probably do something to shut him up. His mind couldn't help but think of having sex with his father right there on the ground. He didn't even realize that Samuel slowly backed away and stood up before he heard his voice.

"Are you going to get up or stare off into the distance?"

Allen went red in the face at the shameful state he was displaying and quickly stood up, "Seems like you need some time to yourself. Look at how dirty you are." Samuel said about Allen's figure.

Allen took a bath once again and laid down on his bed. Why did Samuel have to say that while being on top of him. He could still imagine Samuel's crotch right on his ass...he could feel his cock growing hard. He couldn't jerk off to his father. He wouldn't jerk off to his father.

He. Would. Not. Jerk. Off.

It was shameful to have such thoughts. Even more shameful if he truly thought to have sex with Samuel. 

Allen rolled around on his bed, clutching his pillow to his chest and looking up to the ceiling. What would Leon think if he knew what Allen thought about their father. He didn't want to know.


His stomach decided to chime in. He was hungry again. Allen got up and put on some loose fitting clothes before he called for Adam and for snacks to be brought to his room. 

Adam knocked on Allen's bedroom door and opened it, pushing a cart with small sandwiches, cakes, chocolate, and tea on top before setting the food down on the table. Allen silently ate, trying to get the thought of sex out of his head.

After a couple of minutes Allen set his knife and fork down before taking a sip of tea.


"Yes young master?"

"Do you know what my father thinks about me and Leon?"

"What Master Dawnwell thinks about you and first young master Leon? Well I have heard that he cares very much about you two."

'Is father scared of losing us like he did with mother?' Allen thought as he stared in his teacup, "What else?"

"Well. He wants you to live a long life." Adam answered

"I see." Allen said no more as he finished two more sandwiches before telling Adam he was done.

Samuel didnt tell Allen or Leon much about his past, but there were things that he did know about Samuel. Allen took off his clothes and climbed into his bed before he shut his eyes. His thoughts going back to the spar.

Allen got up and put clothes on and looked at the time. 5 pm. He still had time before dinner so he spent the last two hours walking to the library that was in their mansion and reading some books. Specifically books on magic and the history of how the empire was created.

Allen sat down at dinner with his father and started to look at him in a different light. 

"Is something wrong Allen?" Samuel asked as he ate 

"No. I'm fine father." Allen replied before eating his dinner

"Well if you have any problems. And I mean any problems you can come to me." Samuel told Allen to which Allen nodded. Allen trying to find some way to make conversation.

"Its been a while since you have been out of the house Father. Aren't you going to go outside and take a walk with me someday?"

"I've been meaning to, but I can't seem to find the time. Between training you and my role as Marquess I barely have any time to myself."

"..." Allen knew that Samuel took his job as Marquess seriously. The empire was in one of the most peaceful times in its existence yet there seems to be some turmoil between one of the empire's allies. A kingdom to the far north. It wasnt his place to ask, but he wished Samuel would just relax with him for a bit.

Allen finished his dinner. He got up and walked back to his room, tossing his clothes aside and climbing into bed to get an early start next morning.

Allen felt his stomach growing hotter as he fell unconscious, 'Damn's starting again.' 

Allen opened his eyes to find himself sitting against a large tree in a white void. Standing up he saw a figure in the distance. Walking to the man he wondered what was going to happen this time. The man was standing with his back towards Allen. Going to touch his shoulder the man turned around to reveal himself. It was Samuel.

"Father..." Allen softly said. 

"Allen..." Samuel responded brushing Allen's fur lovingly, "My sweet sweet Allen. You and Leon have grown up to be such handsome boys." He said with a somber smile.


"You dont know how much I love you two." He said as he hugged Allen, "I wish you would stay with me forever."

"D-dad..." Allen was frozen trying to move away but he lost his balance and fell on his ass, "I know you love us, and we love you too. It's just I wish Leon was here too."

Samuel pushed himself into Allen and rubbed their erect cocks together as he held his son's hands, "I dont know what I would do without you two."

Allen started to go red in the face as Samuel did that. Soon black tentacles appeared all of Allen's body, seizing control and binding him and Samuel together. Samuel didn't mind, in fact he enjoyed the experience, "Dad...what is aaah! N-not there!" Allen cried as several tentacles invaded his ass. The tentacles exploring every inch of Allen's ass. To prevent Allen from cumming too early a tentacle went inside Allen's cock.

"W-what is this. These tentacle ah~~ s-seem haa~ familiar~ mmmm." Allen said between moans as the tentacles invaded his ass and cock and balls trying to find the most sensitive spots.

He tried to look back on his memories and specific book in particular stood out to him when he was in the library. It was a small worn black book with no title. And inside the book was a type of magic that was designed for greater sex so Allen dubbed the magic as Sex Magic. Inside he found four techniques if you could call them that.

Tentacles, enlarge cock and balls, greater orgasms, and greater cum production. The other pages were ripped out. Nowhere to be found. Thinking nothing of it Allen put the book back.

So that's where it came from, but why where the tentacles appearing in his dream? What Allen didn't know was that he was being violated by the same tentacles in reality.

Meanwhile Samuel got up from bed and headed out into the hallway. When he couldn't sleep he usually walked around the mansion to clear his head. He was worried for his sons. Particularly his youngest since he wanted to go to Evean Academy with Leon. 

He approached Allen's room deep in thought when he heard Allen moaning. He instantly stopped, wondering what would make his moan so loudly in the middle of the night.

He open the door to Allen's room slightly and what he saw made his face go beet red.

Allen was writhing in pleasure on his bed. Samuel leaned away but tripped on his foot as he covered his mouth. He could hear Allen moaning his name out. He could swear he saw something wrapped around Allen's body. Taking a closer look Samuel soon saw black slimy cylindrical rods on his son. 

Samuel took a minute to connect the dots, but realized that it was Sex Magic. A forbidden type of magic that can make someone depraved if they were not careful. Thankfully it was Allen's first time using Sex Magic so the magic couldn't corrupt him as easily.

"Mmmm~ daddy~~" Allen moaned


Samuel was beside himself in embarrassment. If the other nobles found out that Allen called him daddy unintentional or not they would eat his family alive. He wouldn't be able to live with such shame on the Dawnwell name.

Slamming the door shut not caring if his idiot son heard he walked back to his room with heavy footsteps.

Daylight broke on the Dawnwell family mansion with Samuel getting little sleep through the night he woke up irritable. Sloppily getting his clothes on and not bothering to comb and maintain his mane he trudged to his office and plopped down on his chair with a huff. His shirt wasnt tucked in, nor were his pants zippered as his boner leaking pre-cum made obvious the scene last night.

"Call Allen here. NOW." Samuel rose his voice at his assistant who flinched at the tone in his bosses voice and nodded. A couple of minutes passed by before Allen came in wearing his pants, but not a shirt.

"You called for me father?" Allen asked

"I called you here because I want you to know what happened last night." Samuel said with a disappointing look in his eyes. His hands locked together with his forehead pressing into them.

A shiver went down Allen's spine, "What did I do last night?"

"You were moaning my name and calling me daddy." Samuel revealed with much embarrassment as his face went red thinking back. His eyes shifting to look somewhere else.

"What do you mean father?" Allen confusingly asked

Samuel's face went redder at the thought, "Do you want me to spell it out for you? I'm embarrassed to have a son who moans out daddy in the middle of the night. If you're going to have dream sex about me at least moan out dad instead of daddy. Its improper of you."

"H-huh?" Allen was flabbergasted 

Samuel huffed again as he started to get a headache, "Think of our reputation Allen. What do you think the other nobles would think of us if they found out that you call me daddy. What would the commoners think?" Samuel practically spat out.

"Daddy? You're not embarrassed about me having dream sex with you. You're embarrassed because I moaned out daddy instead of dad?" Allen was incredibly confused

"Yes." Samuel hissed 

"Um. Are you coming to breakfast?"

"No. And I forbid you from training for a week."

"No training for a week? But father the entrance exams for Evean Academy are 3 months away. I can't wait-"

"Yes you can." Samuel interrupted, "Now if you can stop your whining. Leave." Samuel ordered to which Allen got the message loud and clear and left without any resistance.

When Samuel was the only one in the room he laid his head down on his desk as he blushed again. Covering his face with his hands.

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