Knight’s Pledge

Chapter 3: Downtime

Allen couldn't be bothered by going to the dining room to eat his breakfast. He needed to process what Samuel said to him. Sitting down on the couch in his room he looked back on the conversation with a fine tooth comb.

'Why was father embarrassed over the fact that I moaned out daddy instead of dad? Argh, I must've dreamed of something, but I can't remember. Why can't I remember what I dreamt? ...Don't tell me father has feelings for me...wait...if father has feelings for me what about father and Leon? Is father in love with Leon too? But I've never heard of a father falling in love with their sons before!' 

Allen's mind continued on this downward spiral of incest between father and sons and between brother and brother before a knock suddenly sounded.

"Young Master. I've come to give you your breakfast." 

"Come in." Allen responded

Adam walked in with a cart with a couple of plates of food and placed the plates in front of Allen, "Thanks. You can leave now Adam. Don't want to see or talk without anyone right now." 

Adam stayed silent but bowed and left before closing the door. Now it was just Allen and his thoughts again. 


He couldn't fathom the thought of Samuel being in love with him. Perhaps he was overthinking this but he didn't care. He needed time and space away from Samuel, away from home, and Evern Academy was the only place he could think of right now. He would be able to meet new people, play with his older brother again, and find himself. And if finding himself meant that he too was in love with his father then...Allen shook his head. He would get to that very far bridge when he got there. For now, he had one goal. Get accepted into Evern Academy.

Allen huffed in frustration as he ate breakfast in silence. Now that his training was on hold for the week he was wondering what to do. Perhaps he could go out with his father? Samuel did express interest in going out with him. Maybe he could do that today. Or right now even. 

Allen quickly ate his breakfast and put on a button-up white t-shirt, white socks, and comfortable dress shoes. Walking out of his room Allen ran into Samuel, now properly dressed, walking toward him.

"Ah...hello father. Did you want to talk to me?" Allen asked

Samuel nodded, "I was wondering if you wanted to shop for new clothes with me."

"Sure. Perhaps we could grab a bite to eat as well."

"Wonderful, let us be off," Samuel said as he walked with Allen towards a fancy carriage fit for a Marquis.

Getting inside, the carriage started to move towards a shopping district frequented by nobles.

Samuel gave the coachman 5 gold coins, "We will be back later. Grab something to eat in the meantime."

Then Samuel and Allen walked into a rather sophisticated clothing store. An employee approached them and asked, "Ah Sir Dawnwell, welcome. Is there anything I may help you with?"

"Yes. My son and I were hoping to buy some new clothes."

"Hmm. New clothes...well it's almost at the end of the year." The employee shook his head and focused on the present moment, "Of course. Follow me." 

The man lead Samuel and Allen into the VIP section of the store where more of the expensive stuff was kept. Soon carts came in and the other staff brought out the clothes one by one. All in deep, rich colors: blues, blacks, whites, reds, and purples etc. All of stunning quality and styles.

Allen takes some clothes and walks into the changing room to try them on. The first outfit he came out in was a dark blue trench coat with a black V-neck shirt, dark blue pants, and black boots. Next, he tried a subtle light brown parka coat with silver fur around the collar, a gray t-shirt, and gray pants with black dress shoes.

Allen looked in the mirror to see how he looked in the new clothes, "Hmmm..." He liked both of the coats.

Meanwhile, Samuel wore a pure white parka with silver fur, a dark gray V-neck, and black pants.

"I quite like this casual style. What do you think Allen?" Samuel asked

"We don't have enough casual wear. Let's buy all of them. Leon needs them too." Allen responded to which Samuel nodded and agreed with his son.

Samuel turned to the employees, "Wrap all of them up and send them Dawnwell Estate." The employees nodded and started to put the clothes away and wrap them to ship them to the estate as Samuel paid them for the amount.

Leaving the store the duo walks to an expensive restaurant to get something to eat. Sitting down at a table with a window view, shortly a waiter came up to them to take their orders. Allen picked a pastrami sandwich with a side of garlic bread and Samuel picked a medium-rare steak with bacon and scrambled eggs on the side.

The waiter jotted down the orders and walked away, 30 minutes later the waiter came back with the plates of food, and Allen and Samuel talked as they ate. After paying for lunch the two went home to find out Samuel's brother came over to meet them. The butler lead them to the drawing room and saw a lion almost exactly like Samuel sitting on one of the couches and drinking tea.

"John." Samuel said with a smile on his face, "What brings you here?"

John looks up and smiles in kind, "I just wanted to stay for dinner and see my cute nephew."

"Really? You didn't want to escape the marriage proposals?"

John chuckled, "That's part of the reason. Still haven't found anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with." John then looked at Allen, "Ah Allen. My cute nephew. Arriving home from a date with your old man hmm? Do you still want to marry him? If not I'm available." John grinned as Allen's cheeks flushed red.

"It was not a date..." He mutters under his breath

"Brother, can you not tease my son 5 seconds after we meet?" Samuel asks to which John shrugs. The hours pass as they talk and play some games, soon enough dinner arrives, and the three walk into the dining room. Dinner finishes quickly as John asks Samuel for a private conversation. Allen gets the hint and walks to his room hearing something about Belburn being in a state of unrest, with the previous king dying suddenly, leaving his only daughter as queen. 


"Yeah. Most likely. And the ones pulling the strings want to use the newly coronated queen as a puppet ruler."

Allen gets to his room and does some squats and push-ups before stripping off his clothes and retiring to bed for the night.

Months fly by as Samuel continues to train Allen in the ways of the knight. Sometimes training Allen and sometimes watching Allen train himself. The times that Samuel does train Allen some of the matches end in compromising positions with Samuel straddling Allen and Allen getting a boner from those times. To which Samuel laughs it off.

"Why do you always have to end the fight with us being on the ground?" Allen asks Samuel

"Because it's usually the best way to end a fight."

"And not a way to get me horny and flustered? I swear every time you do this you make me have inappropriate thoughts about you." Which Samuel just smiled at his son.

The dreams Allen has about his father and brother become more frequent as they become more sexual in nature. Soon Allen leaves to go to the entrance exams of the Academy and two weeks later a letter arrives saying Allen has passed to which Samuel celebrated with Allen. March arrives and on the night before Allen is supposed to leave for Evean Academy, Samuel walks the halls after having trouble sleeping to Allen's room. The last time Samuel will, at least for now, get to see his son again. Samuel looked back on the months training Allen. Realizing that he had feelings for both of his sons. Did those feelings appear during those long months or were they there when his sons grew up? He didn't know. Maybe he didn't want to know. 

Samuel watched Allen sleep peacefully in his bed silently sauntered into the room and climbed into the bed. Pulling the covers over him and wrapping his arms around Allen's stomach. Allen stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up. Samuel smiled before he closed his eyes again and drifted off into a deep sleep. 

The next morning Allen woke up to see his father's hands wrapped around him. Softly blushing Allen stayed still as he could hear Samuel breathing softly. He could practically imagine Leon sleeping in the same bed too. Which made him blush even harder. What kind of family did these things with each other? Yeah, he could understand a parent holding their child's hand before the child goes to sleep, but not this.

Allen slowly got out of bed and looked back at his father's sleeping face before tearing his eyes and getting dressed in something comfortable rather than making a fashion statement. Around an hour later Samuel woke up and got dressed in the clothes that one of the servants brought from his room. 

Walking into the dining room like nothing is wrong Samuel and Allen ate their breakfast, with Allen eating his faster than usual, in silence before Samuel prepared a carriage for Allen to ride halfway to Evean Academy in.

Outside the estate, Allen had a suitcase for his school supplies.

"Well, Allen. Make sure you learn all you can at the academy and be sure to have some fun with your brother and send letters my way so I know how you are doing."

"I will. Don't worry about me dad I will be fine."

"I sure hope so." Samuel smiled as he saw Allen off. Allen turned back to wave goodbye before boarding the carriage.

Samuel watched as Allen left. Seeing that made Samuel realize something. He didn't want Allen nor Leon to leave him. He wanted both of them to stay. He saw in his mind's eye racing towards Allen, hugging him, begging him not to go, kissing him, and telling him how much he loves him and Leon. And then his mind went back to him seeing off his wife while a little Leon clutched his pant leg and him holding a sleeping baby Allen in his arms, "..."

"Is everything alright?" His assistant asked

"Yeah..." Samuel replied taking a deep breath, "Yeah. I am doing fine." He said before he walked back into the estate.

Why? Why didn't he realize sooner that he loved his sons? That he was scared for them and that he didn't want to let them go? But he had to. And that hurt the most. Like he would find their dead bodies as he did with his late wife. It truly hurt his heart. Perhaps he didn't want to acknowledge it. And now, when it was too late, he was alone.

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