Konoha: Inventory of the Top Ten Show Operations at the Beginning

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Seeing this, Kai suddenly said angrily: “Damn it, you dare to injure my eternal competitor, it is unforgivable!”

As he said that, he was about to explode the Eight Door Dunjia, but Uchiha Itachi hurriedly pulled Kisame away without knowing what was going on.

The screen ends here.

Everyone in the ninja world is a little confused.

Just like last time, the operation of this Maitekai is extremely normal.

Even a little handsome.

You must know the three people who fought here just now.

One is the strongest phantom ninja in Konoha Village, and the other is the son of three generations of Hokage.

There is also the son of Konoha White Fang, Kakashi who is known as the copy ninja.

As a result, the three of them were beaten like elementary school students in front of Kisame and Itachi, and they were powerless to fight back.

However, this little-known Maitekai came on the stage and just kicked them, scaring the two of them away!

One can imagine how strong his momentum is!

【Ghostfish: “What’s the situation? Why did we retreat?”】

【Didara: “Hey, are you two afraid of this watermelon rind?”】

【Fei Duan: “I’m going, this watermelon rind looks so silly! You guys are afraid of this kind of person!?”】

At this time, Uchiha Itachi’s lips moved slightly.

In the picture, he is obviously releasing water.

But it’s not enough to say it directly. After thinking about it, Uchiha Itachi explained: “You don’t know, Maitkai can be said to be Konoha Village… No, even the strongest Taijutsu ninja in the entire ninja world, if he opens Door Dunjia, even I have no strength to parry.”

【Didara: “Bragging, how can there be such a strong physical skill! Isn’t it over with just one glance?”】

[Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost: “No, but don’t underestimate the watermelon rind, don’t you know? When there were seven people in Wuyin, when they met Maitdai of Konoha, after the opponent opened the door, he slapped him to death The four of us…”].

CHAPTER MITKAY: Have you met me before?

【Li Luke: “Of course! The eight-door dunjia is a physical skill that the teacher has spent his whole life practicing! After opening all of them, he can burst out with strength that is dozens or even hundreds of times greater than his own!”]

【Sakura: “No wonder Uchiha Itachi just took a look and ran away, so he couldn’t beat him!”]

【Onoki: “This Uchiha Itachi is a well-informed person, and he is from Konoha Village, so he probably knows the power of Bamen Dunjia, so it is only natural for him to run away.”】

【Black soil: “I didn’t expect that in the end it was that thick eyebrow that saved Kakashi and the three of them…”】

Everyone sighed with emotion about Maitekai’s strength.

At this time, the screen turned and came to the next scene.

In a huge cave space.

Seven or eight phantoms with indeterminate figures stood on the hands of a huge golem with strange shape, crossed hands, and a face full of eyeballs.

A cloud of blue-red chakra floats in the air.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that in the blue chakra, there are strands of orange-red chakra that are being drawn out.

Then it was sucked into the mouth of the golem.

A camera flashed, and everyone saw clearly the face of the chakra-drawn person.

It’s Gaara from the Land of the Winds!

[Naruto: “I’m going! What’s the situation? Gaara was caught by the Akatsuki organization?”]

【Sakura: “It seems to be! Didn’t you see that those people are all wearing the uniforms of the Akatsuki organization?”】

【Terumi Mei: “Ah… Is this drawing Chakra… What exactly does the Akatsuki organization want to do??”]

【Tsunade: “This golem looks disgusting…”】

【Sakura: “That’s right! Why do you have so many eyes?! It’s scary!”】

[Samshoyu Hanzo: “Wait a minute, that golem… **** it! Isn’t that the golem that Nagato channeled in the Land of Rain back then! That thing took away my entire elite army with just one move Your life!”]

【Oshemaru: “Uh, extracting the tailed beast chakra… Could it be that the Akatsuki organization wants to revive the legendary ten tails?”】

[Senju Bashima: “What? Ten tails? That one called Orochimaru, aren’t you kidding me? There are still ten tails in this world? Isn’t there only nine tails at most?”]

【Oshemaru: “Hey, yes, according to my research, there is a tailed beast with a tail in the legend, and to revive this ten-tailed beast, you must gather the power of all nine-tailed beasts!”】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Resurrecting such a terrifying thing, what on earth do these **** from Akatsuki want to do?”】

Looking at the barrage floating across the screen.

A group of people from the Akatsuki organization were all dumbfounded!

“Hey! Is this exposed?”

“Isn’t it our final plan to capture Jinchuriki and extract the tailed beast? Why did it get released!”

Originally, arresting Renzhuli was done by surprise.

And they know the purpose of the organization has always been a mystery.

Capturing Jinchuriki and extracting the Tailed Beast Chakra are the final plans of the Akatsuki organization.

The result is fine now.

Let this video be fully exposed!

At this moment, except for the Xiao organization.

Obito, Uchiha Madara, also feel chilly in my heart…

This shit…

What is the origin of this Orochimaru?

He even found out about this kind of thing?

He couldn’t even find out the secret of Moon Eye, right?

Just when everyone was surprised.

Jue opened his eyes: “I feel that an enemy is approaching our base, and it is a very high-level enemy. The name is Maitkai. Who of you will stop it?”

After hearing this, Guixie immediately stood up and said: “Then let me go, I have some personal grudges with him… Yale, yale, I can finally avenge my revenge that day.”

As Kisame thought about it, he recalled the scene of meeting Maitekai in Konoha Village that day again in his mind.

It was the video that the audience just swiped to for the second time!

screen everything.

in the forest.

Maitekai led his small class Tiantian, Ningci and others, and hurried on the road.

When they walked out of the forest, they came to a wide open space.

Suddenly, a huge white stick-shaped object protruded from the ground.

Then, accompanied by a huge explosion, a figure popped out from the ground.

The standard black cloud uniform with a red background has a face resembling a shark, and a large sword shark muscle covered with bandages on its back-dried persimmon ghost shark!

Seeing this person, Kai’s team stopped immediately, and everyone put on alert!

And Maitekai himself was also surprised.

I saw him staring at Ghost Shark, with a drop of sweat dripping from his forehead.

“You are………”

Ning Ci, Tian Tian, and Xiao Li all turned their heads nervously and stared at Maite Kai.

Expect him to tell the origin of this enemy.

However, Mikey frowned: “Who are you…?”

Seeing this scene, the entire ninja world froze for a while, and then burst into loud laughter!

【Sakura: “Hahahahaha! I didn’t recognize it!”】

【Kakashi: “Akai, you…”】

[Naruto: “Thick eyebrow teacher, you are too sloppy! People can remember you, but you can’t remember others!”]

【Terumi Mei: “Hahaha, this is embarrassing!”】

The whole ninja world burst into laughter!

In Akatsuki’s organization, the corners of Guixier’s mouth twitched slightly, and his face was a little unsightly.

“Damn it, did this **** actually forget about me?”

“What kind of memory is this guy?”

on screen.

Kisame is also a little angry.

Nima, I came here with the mentality of avenging my revenge, but the other party didn’t remember me at all!

This is simply too embarrassing!

Next to him, Hyuga Neji opened his eyes wide open, and was very shocked after watching the chakra flow on Kisame’s body!

“This… is amazing!”

“Besides Naruto, this is the first time I’ve seen a person with so much chakra!”

After hearing this, Xiao Li and Tiantian were so shocked that their faces panicked!

Kisame also felt that Neji’s words were an entry point.

So he looked at Metkay and asked, “You really don’t remember me?”

hear this.

Maite Kai’s whole body moved completely, as if he had suddenly realized it!

Even the body can’t help but twitch!

“You… don’t tell me!…”

At this moment, inside and outside the video, everyone’s hearts suddenly tightened!

Kisame also showed a faint evil smile: “It seems that you remembered…”

Maitekai frowned, very nervous, and asked seriously: “Have you met me before?”.

The first chapter seems to be called puffer fish…


The entire ninja audience paused for three seconds.


All the members burst into exclamation of crying father and mother!

【Uchiha Madara: “Damn it! Thick eyebrows, are you kidding me!”】

【Kakashi: “Akai, seeing how nervous you are, I thought you remembered it, but you still didn’t remember it!”】

【Uzumaki Kushina: “I beg Ghostsame’s psychological shadow…”】

【Terumi Mei: “I understand, this is Matt Kay’s coquettish operation!”】

[Naruto: “This operation is indeed quite coquettish! Look at Kisame’s face turning green!”]

It has to be said that the effect of this wave of operations by Maitekai is directly full!

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