Konoha: Inventory of the Top Ten Show Operations at the Beginning

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Other ghosts have hinted like this, but he still didn’t remember it.

This forgetfulness is really great!

However, just when everyone felt that Maitekai’s operation was really powerful and that he could actually be on the list, the screen flickered and the screen started to play again!

In the picture, there is a closed alien space.

At this time, there were two people inside.

It’s Rabbi Ojinjuriki and Uzumaki Naruto!

At this time, Naruto had already put on the tailed beast coat.

The whole body becomes golden.

[Kakashi: “Hey! This mode! Isn’t this what Naruto looked like when he was fighting with that white-eyed long-haired girl!”]

Everyone recognized it at a glance. This is the posture Naruto used to confuse the white-eyed girl with the reverse harem technique last time. It should be the posture of the nine-tailed beast!

[Fourth Raikage: “Damn! Konoha’s stinky brat has also learned the tailed beast mode! It’s really abominable!”]

【Onoki: “If I remember correctly, it was Naruto who used the technique of **** and seduction to lure Kirabi, and finally succeeded in letting him teach him the method of controlling the tailed beast?”]

【Darui: “Master Kirabi really didn’t hold back in the end, alas…”】

[Terumi Mei: “Damn it, listen to what you mean, did Naruto sacrifice himself in the end?”]

[Uzumaki Kushina: “Damn it! This, is this true!”]

【Namikaze Minato: “This…”】

【Oshemaru: “I can’t tell that this Eight-Tails Jinchuriki has such a strong taste! Knowing that Naruto is a boy, he can…”】

[Qi Rabi: “Big tooth road! Broad and oppressive! Don’t talk nonsense if there is no real evidence! Maybe this uncle was moved by Naruto’s sincerity! Also, I am not interested in women! I am more interested in men. not interested!”】

There was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room!

After all, this picture clearly reveals a message: that is, Kirabi is teaching Naruto how to control Kyuubi!

There is also a Yamato next to him to assist!

Combined with the show operation video that Naruto was on the list before, it’s easy to think wrong!

on screen.

Naruto who can turn into a beast seems to have a different function.

Because Nine Tails is the embodiment of hatred and evil, Naruto is very sensitive to the feeling of “maliciousness”.

Instantly felt the existence of the ghost shark in the space.

“Do you think you can hide it?”

Naruto roared angrily at the big sword shark muscle on Kirabi’s back.

Now that it has been discovered, the ghost shark hidden in the muscle of the big sword shark will no longer hide.

Just show up and run away quickly.

Naruto tried to chase him down, but was unsuccessful and got stuck on his ankle instead.

With the help of Shark’s body, Kisame quickly escaped from this different space!

At this time, the screen changed.

Came to a different space.

Before a waterfall.

Metkay is talking to two guard ninjas.

“Why, as long as you stand in front of the waterfall, your true self will appear in the waterfall?”

Metkay was curious about the efficacy of this real waterfall.

“Yes, Naruto defeated himself here, why don’t you try, too, Mr. Kai?”

After some thought struggle, Maitekai stepped forward.

Just as he was staring at the screen intently, his dark side emerged:

“To be honest, you don’t have the right to talk about your youth all day long! An old man, don’t be brave, and be careful not to break your body! I also understand that you must set an example for him in front of Li. You have to pretend to be very youthful, but in fact, no one needs you to slap your face to look fat!”

Hearing such words, how could Maitekai bear it?

Immediately angrily said: “Come out, don’t hide in there and talk nonsense!”

Soi Ying: “Alright, let’s see what you really look like!”

Just when everyone was expecting the dark side of Maitekai to show up, by coincidence, Kisame rushed out of the waterfall!

“What! This is the real me, a rare monster!?”

Guixie glanced at the man in front of him, and said a little speechlessly: “It’s you again, you are really a rare beast!”

Akai hasn’t reacted yet, thinking that the other party is his dark side.

Immediately kicked up and flew up!

“You guy who has forgotten your youth, let me teach you a lesson!”

“Konoha bad rock rise!”

boom! !

After a huge explosion, Kisame was kicked away and fell heavily on the rock beside the waterfall.

The guard ninja next to him was anxious: “Kai! Look carefully, this guy is not your dark side! He just rushed out of the real waterfall the moment you opened your eyes!”

Maitekai stopped to watch carefully: “This guy…”

Seeing Maitekai’s confused expression, he looked familiar.

The whole ninja world held its breath!

【Kakashi: “Should I recognize it this time?”】

【Thousands of Hands: “You must recognize it, this is the third time you have fought!”】

【Namikaze Minato: “Akai, it’s a bit unreasonable not to recognize…”】

Under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Under Kisame’s nervous gaze…

Matt Kay spoke.


“I remember what it was called… fish?”

“It seems to be called puffer fish?”.

Chapter No. 1 in the Sao operation list, no one can guess it!

Seeing this, the ghost shark on the screen completely exploded.

The audience outside the screen is not calm anymore!

【Didara: “Three times! I haven’t recognized him after three fights! This **** is too memoryless!”】

【Onoki: “If I were Kisame, I would probably be so angry that I would vomit blood on the spot!”】

【Thousands of Hands: “Maitkai, these operations of yours are too coquettish…”】

【Terumi Mei: “I just want to know Kisame’s psychological shadow now.”】

The whole ninja world is full of crazy complaints!

Everyone also felt that Maitkai was worthy of the name on the show operation list!

It even feels a little weird!

This number is like this, the former name can’t fly to the sky!

【The Leader: “Kakashi, please choose the reward!”】

After hearing the prompt, Kakashi immediately opened the treasure chest.

[The leader of the list: “Congratulations to Kakashi for getting the Chakra Double Card!”]

After hearing this reward, Kakashi frowned and became a little nervous!

“Board, leader of the list, what does this prize mean?”

Kakashi asked tremblingly.

Leader: “This prize is called the Chakra Doubling Card. As the name suggests, it is an item that can double your Chakra amount.”

“Double? How is this possible!”

Kakashi looked puzzled.

He felt like he was listening to a dream!

Lord Leader: “Is it true? You just need to tear off the card to find out.”

Although he still had doubts in his heart, Kakashi complied.

Stabilizing his mind, Kakashi tore off the card in his hand.


A vast amount of Chakra poured into Kakashi’s body in an instant, and his Chakra volume doubled!


Feeling the abundant Chakra in his body, the expression on Kakashi’s face was shocked.

As we all know, Hatake Kakashi, also known as Hatake Fifty-Five.

Because he can hit twice no matter who he is fighting with, he got this title.

But little is known.

Kakashi actually has another identity, which is the chakra unit of measurement.

Kakashi = open = Raikiri.

Kakashi didn’t have much mana in the first place, and kept one Sharingan open all the year round, so he was short of mana all the year round, an unshakable low mana warrior.

As a signature ninjutsu, Raikiri can only be released at most once when the mana is full.

It is enough to see how poor Kakashi’s Chakra is.

And now, Kakashi’s Chakra has doubled!

This means that Kakashi can take out a lot of ninjutsu that usually consumes a lot of energy!

For a large-scale killing ninjutsu like Raiqie, you can release one at a time!

Chakra evolves into Chatonla!

“This, this is incredible! I can feel that the Chakra in my body has really increased!”

Hearing Kakashi’s words, Sakura and Naruto, who were a little disbelieving at first, also opened their mouths in surprise.

“I’ll go, is it really so awesome!”

“Naruto, you big fool! Why did you only take a wallet just now!”

Naruto shook the back of his head, and said cheerfully, “Didn’t the person called the leader say that I already have the strongest ninjutsu? So it’s normal for me to get some money, right?”

Sakura couldn’t refute this.

Naruto is different from her. She comes from a wealthy family, and she was raised spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. She is not short of money at all.

For an orphan like Naruto, maybe money is better than ninjutsu!

“Oh, I’m so envious, when will I get it right again…”

Sakura’s envious eyes turned green.

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