Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch131- The Blitzing Lightning


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Staring blankly at the Konoha sky, Koushin couldn't help but roll his eyes at his friends' audacity, a hint of amusement creeping into his gaze. Slowly, he pushed himself up from his sprawled position, the solid texture of the Hokage building's roof feeling cool against his palms. "What should I do now?" He murmured to himself, scratching his head idly as he glanced around the now vacant rooftop. "Those two went god knows where."

A thoughtful frown lined his features as he pondered his next steps, an idea quickly taking root in his mind. A smirk tugged at his lips as he muttered, "I guess I'll create another Rasengan variation. RasenGalaxy, maybe? No, that's too flashy. How about RasenShuriken?" He chuckled, almost able to visualize Naruto's incredulous expression at the sight of a new Rasengan variant.

But just as quickly as the humor had washed over him, a wave of realization replaced it. His eyes widened in a rare display of shock as he came to a silent revelation. 'It's time for Naruto to invent Rasenshuriken if the events followed the anime timeline. That means...'

His heart clenched uncomfortably at the thought of Ino, away on her mission with her team. They would have encountered Hidan and Kakuzu in the normal course of events, a prospect that sent a shiver of fear coursing through his veins.

Koushin's gaze darkened at the memory of the grinning Akatsuki member he'd defeated months prior. Hidan was no longer a concern, but his partner, Kakuzu, was still a looming threat. 'The Fire Temple…' The realization struck him like a punch, a sense of unease pooling in the pit of his stomach.

The Fire Temple had been attacked by Kakuzu in the past, and with Hidan out of the picture, his partner is most likely Orochimaru! Asuma and his team, including Ino, could still be in danger. 'I need to find Ino,' he decided, determination solidifying within him.

In the Hokage's room, Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, sat behind her imposing desk, the weight of the village's responsibilities etched into her stern expression. Across from her was Kakashi, his hands gently spreading scrolls of parchment across the polished wood surface. Reports from different parts of the village - updates on security, missions, and general affairs - their mundane yet critical content soaking up the quiet stillness of the room.

Karin, Tsunade's student, stood nearby, her eyes skimming over the contents of an open scroll in her hands. Sakura, another of Tsunade's apprentices, leaned against a nearby wall, a furrowed brow showing the strain of the intense concentration as she listened to the conversations.

The room was permeated with an air of dedicated focus, a cocoon of calm that was abruptly shattered when an unseen wave of chakra vibrated through the village. The building seemed to shake under its force, the scrolls on the desk fluttering and shifting like disturbed birds.

Karin's body stiffened, her crimson eyes widening in alarm. Her unique sensory abilities making her the first to react to the powerful chakra pulse. "So angry, so devastated, so protective, so loving," she murmured, her voice wavering as she attempted to decipher the complex web of emotions tied to the chakra. "What are these emotions? How can they appear in the same person!"

Before anyone could reply, the wave of chakra intensified, a tangible, electric presence that sent ripples of alarm through even the non-sensors in the room. The once steady air was now pulsating with a sense of dread and urgency that urged the occupants to action.

The occupants of the room - Tsunade, Kakashi, Sakura, and Karin - all rushed to the window simultaneously. They stared in shared shock as they observed a streak of lightning, pulsating with raw power, tearing through the sky, cleaving the heavens as it surged in a specific direction.

Kakashi, his usual nonchalance replaced by a grimace, was the first to break the silence. "Koushin," he muttered, the name escaping his lips in a grim whisper. His intuition as a seasoned shinobi recognizing the unique signature of his student's chakra.

Tsunade was next to speak, her voice laden with concern and anticipation. "Something's got him riled up," she said, her gaze riveted to the dazzling display of raw power. "We have to find out what's going on."

No sooner had Tsunade’s words faded, a gentle gust of wind drifted through the room, ushering in a messenger hawk. The bird landed delicately on the window ledge, a scroll bound with Team 10's insignia clenched tightly in its beak.

Tsunade moved quickly, her hand stretching out to accept the message from the hawk. Unfurling the scroll, her gaze flitted over the hastily penned message, her eyebrows knitting together in consternation.

"Team 10 has encountered Kakuzu and Orochimaru. They need backup!" Tsunade declared, the grave nature of the situation evident in her voice.

The room descended into silence as the occupants absorbed the news, the gravity of the situation pressing heavily on their shoulders. The dangerous combination of the Akatsuki member and the rogue Konoha ninja was a formidable threat, one that Team 10 might not withstand on their own.

"But how did Koushin know about this?" Tsunade mused aloud, her eyes narrowing in thought. Koushin’s recent surge of chakra and his direction of departure now made chilling sense.

Kakashi’s gaze snapped to Tsunade, his relaxed demeanor replaced with resolute determination. "No time to ponder that now, Lady Tsunade. We need to mobilize."

Tsunade nodded, her sharp gaze meeting Kakashi’s. "Kakashi, take Naruto and Hinata and go. Provide them with backup. I will follow with Gai."

"Understood," Kakashi replied, already turning to leave. His gaze lingered on Sakura, offering her a nod of reassurance before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Tsunade turned to Sakura, her eyes serious. "Sakura, stay here and coordinate the village's defenses. Keep an eye out for any additional threats."

Sakura nodded, the weight of the responsibility settling heavily on her shoulders. "Yes, Tsunade-sama."

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