Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch132- Dragon Lady


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At the same time, Koushin was in a full sprint, moving at a speed that blurred his surroundings into indistinguishable streaks of color. His form was surrounded by an aura of crackling lightning, a testament to the immense chakra he had unleashed. His mind was fixed on one destination - the Bounty Collection Spot - a location burned into his memory from countless hours spent immersed in the Naruto series.

His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing his mounting concern. He was no stranger to danger, to the thrill of a fight, or the bitter tang of fear, but this... This was different. This was Ino, and the very idea of her facing such powerful adversaries as Kakuzu and Orochimaru, it was enough to stir a rage within him that was as wild as it was focused.

"I swear," he muttered to himself, each word punctuated by the rhythmic pounding of his feet against the ground. "If you've laid even a finger on her, you'll learn the true meaning of suffering." His voice was low, a dangerous growl that promised retribution.

His thoughts spun around the hope that he would reach the collection spot in time. If he was too late, his only remaining chance would be for Ino to use his blood to summon him, but he doubt she would use it once again, especially against Orochimaru.

The rush of wind against his skin was almost a physical barrier, resisting his desperate dash towards his destination. But Koushin was undeterred. His eyes were sharp, the world beyond his path rendered insignificant by his singular goal.

The surge of emotion was strong, twisting in his gut like a physical entity. He was angry. Furious. But it wasn't an explosive rage that clouded his mind and consumed his reason. It was cold, calculated anger that gave him a deadly focus. Each burst of speed, each spark of electricity dancing over his skin was a testament to his resolve.

There was no space for despair in his heart, no room for weakness or doubt. Despair would imply that he'd lost hope, and he was far from giving up. He had faith in Ino, in her strength and resilience, and he had faith in himself. Koushin knew he would reach her in time. He had to.

Suddenly, a dark silhouette appeared on the horizon, a blot against the bright sky. The Bounty Collection Spot. Koushin’s heart pounded harder in his chest as he pushed himself to move even faster, his Lightning Chakra Cloak illuminating his path.

The closer he got, the more he could make out the destruction that marred the usually quiet area. Trees were uprooted, the ground torn up as if by wild beasts. And there, in the center of the devastation, was Team 10.

A massive figure dominated the horizon, drawing Koushin's attention as he approached. The sight of the dragon, suspended in the air, brought both relief and concern. He knew the creature all too well – Sahrotaar, an old adversary from the world of Oblivion. He had slain it, and then altered its remains to create a formidable weapon for Ino to use with her unique technique. If the dragon was present, it meant the enemy they faced was indeed a formidable one.

Koushin admired the evolution of Ino's unique jutsu, which expanded upon her inherent Mind Transfer ability. By connecting her consciousness to the deceased body, she took control of its movements, effectively turning it into a living weapon. Ino had pushed the limits of the jutsu to master the Necro Puppeteer technique, controlling the dragon as if it were an extension of her own body. However, he knew that the technique was not without its drawbacks – the mental strain, the chakra drain, the vulnerability of Ino's own body – these were all risks that Ino bravely shouldered. Luckily, Koushin altered all the bodies in a way so she can hide within the corpses.

Koushin's eyes narrowed as they fell upon two gigantic figures standing resolute against Orochimaru's glistening form. One of them, a colossal creature covered in coarse, icy-white fur, towered over most shinobi, its broad shoulders and muscular limbs imbued with a brute strength. Two curved horns arched upward from its monstrous head, with eyes gleaming with an eerie blue intelligence.

Next to the icy behemoth, a Minotaur Lord held ground, its humanoid form cloaked in thick, brown fur, crowned by a set of massive, twisted horns. The creature's muscled form was a testament to its power, its beastly face twisted into a snarl of defiance as it challenged Orochimaru.

Neither creature was natural to the Naruto world, their forms and essence bearing the marks of an Elder Scroll realm, yet their fierce and terrifying presence was tangible and real. They stood in perfect harmony, their movements synchronized under the shadow that writhed beneath them, a testament to Shikamaru's enhanced Shadow Control Jutsu.

Shikamaru himself was some distance away, his face set in a mask of intense concentration as he manipulated the shadows beneath the two colossal figures. His jutsu had evolved into a complex art of necromancy, a testament to his intellectual prowess and his determination to protect his comrades.

Facing the two creatures was Orochimaru, a sinister smile playing on his lips. His new Sage body, a body borrowed from Jugo, pulsated with an unsettling aura of strength. He clashed against the two giants without faltering, his form slithering and dodging with an unnatural agility, occasionally shooting off a powerful jutsu to keep Ino's dragon form at bay.

Further away, the battle between Choji and Kakuzu was just as intense. Choji, channeling Yang chakra into his muscles and bones, had transformed into a form denser and tougher than his normal self, a feat possible thanks to his new jutsu, Yang Release: Muscle and Bone Enhancement. The resulting physique wasn't excessively large, but it radiated an undeniable power.

Choji's form was reminiscent of an impenetrable fortress, his muscles bulging and bones reinforced to withstand the relentless onslaught of attacks from the Edo Tensei-revived Kakuzu. The glint of Asuma's blade occasionally caught the sunlight as he assisted Choji, their combined forces holding back the Akatsuki member.

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