Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch135- The One Pulling the Strings


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Orochimaru's eyes narrowed as he witnessed Koushin's counter, the flames dancing in his cold, calculating gaze. He couldn't help but chuckle, the sound like the hiss of a serpent in the heated air. "You are full of surprises, Koushin," he admitted, his voice carrying a hint of respect.

"Just trying to keep things interesting," Koushin replied, his voice steady despite the energy he was expending. His hands were already forming another sequence of hand signs, prepared for Orochimaru's inevitable retaliation.

Orochimaru didn't disappoint. "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" he announced, his voice eerily calm amidst the chaos of their battle. A massive dragon, composed entirely of water, formed in the air before him, its maw opening to release a high-pressure stream of water towards the approaching wall of flame.

The water met fire, creating an explosive cloud of steam that filled the space between them. Orochimaru used the mist to his advantage, slipping into the thick fog. But Koushin was ready for his tricks. The corners of his mouth turned upwards into a smirk. "You forget, Orochimaru-san, that I can sense you."

"Is that so?" Orochimaru's voice echoed around him, the mist distorting the direction. "Then let's put that to the test."

Before the words even finished echoing, Orochimaru was in motion, his form slicing through the steam like a blade. His hands wielded a kunai, its edge glinting ominously in the filtered sunlight. Koushin reacted swiftly, pulling out his own weapon just in time to parry Orochimaru's strike. Their kunai clashed, sparks flying off from the impact.

Then it was a dance, a deadly ballet of precision and speed. Koushin's every move was met with a matching one from Orochimaru, their weapons clashing, their footwork a blur of motion. The mist around them dissipated slowly, but neither of them seemed to notice, so focused were they on each other.

As they locked eyes, Koushin felt the familiar tug of Genjutsu on his senses. He was about to swat it away when he noticed something unusual about it. This one was not a forceful attack, but an invitation. It was as if Orochimaru was asking him to accept his assault. Intrigued and obliging, Koushin lowered his mental defenses, allowing the Genjutsu to take hold.

In the next moment, Koushin found himself in a stark white space. Across from him, Orochimaru sat upon a throne, grand and imposing, its backrest curling into the shape of an enormous cobra, poised to strike. The snake's scales were intricately carved, gleaming in an uncanny light. Its fangs, protruding menacingly, were inlaid with ivory, the tongue, a sliver of ruby. Orochimaru’s eyes twinkled with amusement, a smug smirk playing upon his lips.

To his slight annoyance, before Koushin was a low chair, almost diminutive compared to the grandeur of Orochimaru's throne. Rolling his eyes at Orochimaru's theatrics, Koushin focused his chakra. As he did, the once modest chair transformed, bursting into a grand spectacle.

The chair had morphed into an impressive throne of its own, grander than Orochimaru's. It was fashioned in the form of a mighty dragon, its spine forming the backrest. It was as if the beast were rearing up, wings unfurled, with eyes of sparkling violet gems that mirrored Koushin's own. The scales of the dragon were a stunningly polished bronze, the wings studded with gemstones. The claws, which formed the base of the throne, were sculpted to perfection, seemingly ready to tear into the very fabric of the Genjutsu.

At this sudden transformation, Orochimaru looked taken aback. His amusement was quickly replaced with surprise. He chuckled, the sound echoing in the white expanse of their shared mindscape, "Well now, this is interesting. But tell me, Koushin, how can you alter my Genjutsu?"

Koushin responded with a smile, relaxing into his dragon throne, his violet eyes never leaving Orochimaru's, "Why, Orochimaru-san, I believe you've forgotten the basics."

Orochimaru's smirk faltered a bit, replaced by a look of genuine curiosity. "And what, pray tell, might that be?" he asked, his gaze sharp.

Koushin leaned back, folding his hands behind his head, a picture of utter ease. "Well, you see," he started, his voice echoing around them, "This might be your Genjutsu, but we are currently in my mind. As such, I have full authority here. I can do whatever the hell I want since I have the power to break this jutsu anytime I want."

Orochimaru's eyes widened in realization, and then he laughed. It was a hearty, appreciative laugh, the sound rolling around them like thunder. "Well, Koushin," he said once his laughter subsided, "I must say, you are a rather intriguing opponent."

"So, Orochimaru-san, why are we here? Didn't invite me in to insult me, did you?" Koushin asked, reclining comfortably in his dragon throne.

Orochimaru chuckled, "No, of course not, Koushin. I am here to talk."

A grin spread across Koushin's face. "And what, pray tell, would you like to discuss with someone as pitiful as myself? I'm just a regular shinobi after all."

Orochimaru's face changed at Koushin's words. His smile became a serious, almost crazed grin, "We both know you are far from ordinary, Koushin-kun. How did you manage to remove my soul piece from the cursed mark I gave you? Or did you find a way to remove the curse mark entirely?"

This time it was Koushin's turn to be taken aback. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Orochimaru carefully. "Didn't think you'd notice that," he admitted, the surprise clear in his voice.

"Did you truly believe I wouldn't?" Orochimaru asked, the edges of his lips curling upwards in a cruel smirk. "I can feel the presence of my own soul, especially when in close proximity. But from you... there is nothing."

Koushin nodded in understanding but did not provide an answer. He watched Orochimaru, his violet eyes flickering with curiosity. Orochimaru watched him back, his smirk never wavering.

"Regardless of how you did it, that's not why I am here," Orochimaru continued, leaning back in his own snake throne. "I have information for you, Koushin. Given your intelligence, I trust you'll know what to do with it."

His expression turned serious, his gaze hard as he locked eyes with Koushin. "The Akatsuki is not as it appears. The one pulling the strings... is Itachi."

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