Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch136- The Key Read Head


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Koushin's eyes widened slightly at the revelation. He sat up straighter in his chair, his expression serious. "Itachi?" He questioned, a hint of disbelief in his tone. "Are you certain?"

"I am afraid so," Orochimaru's voice echoed in the stark white expanse of the Genjutsu, a chill seeping into his tone that contradicted his usual lighthearted demeanor. "Until a few months ago, even I was under his command, unable to refuse any of his orders."

Koushin's eyes widened, surprise clear in his violet gaze. Orochimaru's words echoed in his mind. He had known that his existence in this world would cause deviations from the original Naruto anime timeline. The fact that Orochimaru was still part of Akatsuki, for example, was a stark contrast to the narrative he was familiar with.

Then there were the reanimated Akatsuki members. In the anime, Sasori, Deidara, and Kakuzu had lived their natural lives until they met their respective ends. Yet, in this world, they had chosen to be reanimated to enjoy eternal life. He knew his presence in this universe would inevitably lead to changes, but predicting the full extent of those alterations was impossible.

The revelation of Itachi as the puppeteer behind Akatsuki, however, was a twist he hadn't anticipated. "Are you certain, Orochimaru-san?" He asked, his voice measured, hiding the surge of concern that welled up in him.

"And how did you escape his control?" Koushin asked after a few moments of consideration. His eyes, still locked onto Orochimaru's, were filled with curiosity and intrigue.

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out," Orochimaru answered, his smirk broadening into a full grin. His eyes danced with amusement, the snake-like pupils narrowing as he watched Koushin's reaction.

For a moment, silence settled between them as Koushin processed the information. His mind raced, piecing together the implications of Orochimaru's revelations. Then, his gaze hardened, a spark of understanding flaring in his eyes. "Karin," he said simply, his tone flat.

At the mention of her name, Orochimaru's smug grin faltered, replaced by a brief moment of shock. His eyes widened, his pupils contracting in surprise. The usually unflappable Snake Sannin had been caught off guard.

Koushin's smirk mirrored Orochimaru's earlier one. He leaned back in his throne, his eyes glittering with satisfaction. Seeing Orochimaru's shocked expression was a small victory in this mental chess game they were playing.

Koushin tilted his head back, eyes half-closed, as he considered Orochimaru's revelation. His thoughts spun, probing, assessing. Something wasn't quite adding up. To orchestrate the moves of a group like Akatsuki, simple Genjutsu wouldn't suffice, no matter how proficient Itachi was in that domain.

His eyebrows knitted together as he continued to ponder. Sasuke's eyes were safely tucked away in his inventory, an unseen precaution to protect the younger Uchiha's powerful Mangekyō Sharingan from falling into the wrong hands. That left Kotoamatsukami, an incredibly potent Genjutsu belonging to Shisui Uchiha. Itachi did have one of Shisui's eyes. Itachi then killed Danzo and effectively taking back Shisui's other eye, completing the set.

Peculiarities of the Sharingan. The Sharingan was often called the eye of love and hatred. It was awakened through intense emotions, generally spawned from experiencing loss or immense pain. The deeper the love, the greater the possibility for the eye to awaken.

His gaze turned distant as he recalled Shisui and Itachi's close friendship. They had been best friends, closer than brothers. The loss of Shisui was a tragic event that had undoubtedly impacted Itachi deeply. It was no surprise that the incident had awakened Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan.

However, the theory of Itachi awakening his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan through Shisui's eyes was a bit harder to digest. The general notion was that awakening EMS required the transplanted eyes to be of a close family member. Yet, the essence of it was rooted not just in blood relations but the strong emotions carried by the bearer.

Considering the depth of Itachi's relationship with Shisui, it wasn't entirely impossible. He might have been able to awaken his EMS through the love he held for Shisui, a bond so profound that it transcended the boundaries of blood.

Shisui was not just Itachi's best friend, he was the embodiment of his love and admiration, a representation of the peace and camaraderie he sought. To Itachi, Shisui was the epitome of the Uchiha he wanted to be, the personification of the clan he had yearned to belong to. The hatred that came after his death was not for Shisui but for the circumstances that led to his demise.

Koushin's gaze hardened as he reached a tentative conclusion. The idea was a bit radical, yet it made sense. If Itachi could replace the physical requirement with the depth of his emotional bond, he might indeed have awakened EMS with Shisui's eyes.

And the Kotoamatsukami? He wondered, the corners of his lips curling into a thoughtful frown. Shisui's strongest genjutsu was said to be the ultimate mind-controlling technique. If Itachi had access to it, then his influence over the Akatsuki seemed far more plausible. A startling notion, but the Uchiha were always full of surprises.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains." Koushin began, his eyes remaining fixed on Orochimaru's serpentine gaze. "Although Karin is not that proficient at it, when she used it on you, it suppressed whatever jutsu Itachi had planted. That's why you vacated the battlefield so abruptly that day."

A slow clap echoed through the white expanse. Orochimaru was genuinely impressed, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Keen as always. Good observation. Can you also tell me what Itachi uses to control us?"

Koushin's eyes narrowed, his mind whirling. It was a trap, a cleverly set snare. He had the answer, but he couldn't afford to expose his extensive knowledge. He chose his words wisely, playing safe. "A strong Genjutsu, probably something related to his Mangekyō abilities," he replied, his voice a low rumble.

Orochimaru nodded in approval, his snake-like eyes glinting with amusement. "You continue to impress, Koushin."

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