Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch139- Dragon Wifu!


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Koushin's gaze softened as he looked at her, a slight hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her close to his side as a comforting gesture. With the other hand, he reached up to tenderly caress her cheek before leaning in to plant a soft kiss there.

Ino's cheeks flamed, embarrassment and surprise mingling in her expression. She hadn't expected such a public display of affection, especially not in the middle of a discussion so grave. Yet the familiar warmth of his touch and the tender kiss seemed to work magic on her, slowly allaying her fears.

A soft chuckle escaped Koushin's lips as he watched her reaction, his eyes glinting with affectionate mischief. "Ino," he began, "do you remember our initial lessons in strategy?"

The abrupt change of topic seemed to catch her off guard, yet she nodded, her expression slowly shifting from flustered to thoughtful. "Yes," she finally replied, her voice steady. "You said that the key to victory often lies not in what is said but what is unsaid."

"Indeed," Koushin acknowledged, his gaze still locked with hers. "And it was the unsaid that led me to see through Orochimaru's plan."

"I saw through his plan," Koushin continued, his gaze hardened as he once again addressed the group. His voice echoed through the silence, every syllable filled with resolute conviction. "Orochimaru, in his own twisted way, tried to make a deal with us. Something he knew we'd refuse."

Naruto's brows furrowed, his hand scratching his head in bewilderment. "So, he wanted us to say no?"

"In a manner of speaking," Koushin replied, his gaze momentarily flicking towards Naruto before focusing back on the group. "He was going to ask something impossible, so we would just reject him and owe him one."

Understanding dawned on Shikamaru's face. "A ploy to create a debt under the guise of a favor. Classic trickster strategy," he mused, his gaze sharp and calculating.

Asuma gave a short nod at Shikamaru's conclusion, his hand unconsciously going to the stubble on his chin. His thoughtful eyes watched as Koushin continued.

"But," Koushin said, his tone shifting to a more serious note. "That wasn't his endgame. His real goal was to lead us to Itachi, possibly kill or injure him, then he would swoop in and most probably snatch his eyes."

A collective gasp echoed around the dome, followed by a tense silence. The severity of Orochimaru's plot was not lost on any of them. The thought of the snake sannin getting his hands on Itachi's Sharingan sent a chill down their spines.

Gai clenched his fists, the cheerfulness that usually clung to him like a second skin was nowhere in sight. "So, we were to be the bait for his twisted fishing game," he ground out, the distaste evident in his voice.

Koushin gave him a terse nod, his stern gaze softened a fraction as he looked at Ino who still clung to his arm. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, "But since I saw through his ploy, we don't owe him anything."

Ino's azure eyes widened in surprise, then relief washed over her face. Her grip on Koushin's arm relaxed slightly as she processed his words.

"Are we going to just follow his plan? Act like his puppets and go after Itachi?" Asuma asked, his voice filled with indignation. The painful memory of his father's death at Orochimaru's hands flashed before his eyes, causing a tight knot of anger to form in his stomach.

Tsunade, too, clenched her fists, her gaze hardening at Asuma's words. The betrayal by her former comrade was a wound that had never fully healed.

Koushin turned to look at them, his expression thoughtful. "We don't have a choice," he said, his voice carrying a weight that resonated with their shared pain. "We were already enemies with Akatsuki."

"But that doesn't mean we should fall into Orochimaru's trap," Tsunade retorted, her voice heavy with frustration.

Koushin tilted his head slightly, acknowledging her point. "True," he conceded. "But remember, Tsunade, we have the advantage of knowing his plan."

Naruto's brow furrowed in confusion. "How is that an advantage, Koushin-sensei?" he asked, his voice ringing out in the silence that had settled over the group.

Koushin smiled faintly at Naruto's innocent curiosity. "Because knowledge gives us power, Naruto," he replied, his eyes holding a steady and comforting warmth. "We can anticipate his moves, adapt our strategies. We're not his puppets. We'll be playing the game on our own terms."

"But the risk..." Asuma began, only to be interrupted by Koushin.

"Is a part of every mission," Koushin finished for him, his voice steady and calm. "We can't shy away from it. What we can do is prepare for it, be ready for every possibility."

Gai, who had been silently listening, finally broke his silence. "Koushin is right," he said, his usually vibrant demeanor replaced with a solemn intensity. "We must remain steadfast in the face of adversity. That is the way of the shinobi."

"Let's return to the village for now." Koushin said, his stern gaze sweeping over the group. He raised his hand, and with a subtle movement, the translucent dome of lightning around them began to crumble, the shards falling around them like stardust, glinting in the dim light.

"Lady Tsunade," he began, turning to the Godaime Hokage. His tone held a note of urgency, a sharp contrast to his earlier jests. "We must inform the other villages as well. The more the fight, the easier it will be."

Tsunade nodded, her gaze serious as she processed the information. "I'll send out the messages immediately." Her gaze flitted to Naruto, a silent understanding passing between them.

Once the seriousness was out of the picture, Koushin let out a sigh, his tension visibly dissipating. The corners of his lips curled into a small smile as he turned to Ino, his blue eyes sparkling with a playful gleam.

Moving towards her with the speed of a lightning bolt, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace. "Pumpkin, you were awesome. My wife is a dragon!"

Ino's cheeks flushed a deep red, her surprise evident in the wide eyes that met Koushin's playful ones. "Who is your wife, idiot?" She tried to sound stern, but her voice faltered slightly, her eyes betraying the affectionate smile that was threatening to surface.

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