Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch140- Pride Leads to Death


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Back in the village, Tsunade had just arrived at her office and slumped down onto her chair. She felt the weight of the day's revelations still hanging heavy over her. A sigh escaped her lips as she reached for a hidden bottle of sake within her desk, pouring herself a cup.

Just as she was about to take a sip, she sensed a familiar presence by the window. Rolling her eyes, she set the cup down and swiveled in her chair to face the intruder.

"Isn't it a bit early to drink, Tsunade?" Jiraiya asked, leaning casually against the window frame, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"It is never early for a drink," she retorted, her gaze frosty. She wasn't in the mood for his teasing. "What do you want, Jiraiya?"

The Toad Sage feigned hurt, his hand clutching his heart dramatically. "Is this how you treat an old friend?"

She snorted, her eyes sparkling with sarcasm. "This is how I treat an annoyance. Now, say what you want to say."

Jiraiya noted the cold edge to her voice and decided against any further jokes. He straightened, his playful demeanor fading. "I have a lead on Akatsuki's leader," he announced, his tone somber.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya, amusement evident in her expression, despite the heavy news of the day. "Oh, pray tell, what you know?" she asked, placing her untouched cup of sake back on the desk. She leveled him with a stern gaze, her previous irritability replaced by a resolute determination.

Jiraiya met her gaze squarely, the weight of his revelation sinking in. He straightened, letting go of the playful demeanor that usually cloaked him. "I've been tailing them for quite some time now," he began, his gaze shifting towards the various scattered documents on her desk. "And I've been able to trace a series of their activities across multiple countries."

"And?" Tsunade's tone held an edge, her patience wearing thin.

"Rain Country," he finally announced, the two words resounding in the room with an almost ominous echo. "I believe that's where their leader has been hiding."

"Those are old news, Jiraiya." Tsunade snorted, her eyes, still burdened with the day's revelations, held a glint of amusement. "Itachi is the true leader of Akatsuki. He's using a powerful Genjutsu to control others."

Jiraiya's eyebrows shot up, his normally composed expression giving way to surprise. "What did you say?" he asked, his voice louder than he intended. "How can you possibly know all of this? Even I —"

Tsunade clicked her tongue, her stern gaze cutting through his surprise. "While you were gallivanting after your childhood crush, we were gathering crucial information," she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The words stung, and Jiraiya frowned at her choice of phrasing. "My pursuit of Orochimaru was not —"

"Oh, save your explanations," Tsunade cut him off, her patience wearing thin. "We have more pressing matters at hand. Koushin found out from Orochimaru himself."

The mention of Koushin made Jiraiya's frown deepen. A twinge of envy flickered through his eyes before he could suppress it. "And you believe him?" he asked, his tone laced with an undertone of resentment.

Tsunade looked at him, her brows furrowing as she picked up on his implications. "I don't trust Orochimaru, but this information holds water."

Jiraiya shook his head, his irritation flaring up. "I'm not questioning Orochimaru's honesty, Tsunade. It's Koushin I'm skeptical about. How can he unearth something so crucial? He must be in league with Akatsuki."

Tsunade's face contorted in fury at his insinuation. She stood abruptly, her chair screeching against the floor, her fists clenching. "You dare question Koushin's loyalty?" Her voice echoed in the room, laced with fury. "The man who has done nothing but serve this village with honor? He saved your hide on the bridge against Orochimaru, and now you doubt his integrity? Is your ego so bruised, Jiraiya, that you'd stoop this low?"

Jiraiya flinched at her words, taken aback by the ferocity of her response. He looked at her, his lips parting slightly as he tried to formulate a retort. "I am just saying—"

"No, you're just sulking!" Tsunade retorted, her icy gaze unwavering. "Koushin's been nothing but forthright. He's risked his life for us, for this village. He's shown nothing but goodwill. And all you can do is question his honesty because he managed to find out something you couldn't? Grow up, Jiraiya!"

She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. Her fists unclenched, and she crossed her arms over her chest, her gaze still piercing him with indignation.

Jiraiya looked at her, at a loss for words. He had never seen Tsunade so fiercely protective of someone. He opened his mouth to apologize, but the sharpness of her gaze made him falter.

Tsunade sighed, her fury simmering down as she realized her outburst. "Jiraiya," she began, her voice softer but still firm. "I understand your concerns. But you must understand that this is not the time for petty jealousy or unfounded suspicions. We're dealing with an unprecedented situation. We need to trust each other, now more than ever."

"I'm telling you, Tsunade, there's something off about this whole thing," Jiraiya asserted, his typically jovial face stern and lined with determination. He stood abruptly, his chair screeching against the wooden floor. "I'll infiltrate the Rain village. I'll unearth the truth myself."

Tsunade, sitting opposite him, her normally bright eyes hardened with concern, frowned at his words. "It's dangerous," she protested, her voice gruff yet tinged with the slightest edge of fear. "You're gonna get yourself killed, Jiraiya."

He smirked at her concern, a cocky confidence masking the pain in his heart. "I'll survive," he retorted, "I'll bet my life on it."

Tsunade, her fury now ignited, waved her hand dismissively, her sake-filled cup nearly toppling over. "Fine, go and do whatever you want. But just remember, Jiraiya, the Akatsuki is far more dangerous than you think. You'll die in vain if you rush headlong into this."

Jiraiya froze at her words, taken aback by the seemingly uncaring tone that fell from her lips. Tsunade was a caring individual, but he had probably pushed her too far this time. That realization stung more than any wound he'd ever received in battle. "I'll show you, Tsunade," he responded, his voice laced with an unfamiliar hardness. "The truth is vastly different from what you believe." With a final, lingering look, he turned and walked away, his exit leaving a heavy silence in the room.

Once he'd gone, Tsunade slumped back into her chair, the force of her emotions nearly knocking her sake from the table. She reached for the cup and downed the contents in one gulp, the liquid burning her throat but not dulling her worry. "This is the Shinobi world," she muttered to the empty room. "Pride has no place here. It only leads to death."

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