Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch141- Meeting


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Inside a dank and dripping cave, the members of the Akatsuki were scattered throughout the gloom, the atmosphere crackling with tension. Nine formidable figures lurked within the darkness – Itachi, Pain, Konan, Obito, Kisame, Zetsu, Orochimaru, Kabuto, and the recent addition to the team, Gaara.

Just moments prior, they had finished the laborious task of sealing the Three-Tailed Beast, as well as the beasts inside the new members, Roshi and Utakata. Despite the odds, they had successfully gathered four tailed beasts. But success hadn't come without sacrifices and setbacks. Yugito had been rescued by Konoha's forces, resulting in Hidan's death and Kisame's temporary capture by Raikage, only to be later freed by Obito. Kakuzu had met his end at the hands of Koushin.

"Never thought I'd miss the old geezer, Kakuzu," Kisame mused aloud, his voice echoing eerily off the cold stone walls. His shark-like eyes flickered with the reflection of the tiny flame in the middle of the cavern.

Obito, mask obscuring his face, nodded silently. The void left by their fallen comrades weighed heavily on all of them. “We have the same enemies, Kisame. Our comrades’ deaths are a necessary sacrifice.”

As if on cue, the room stilled, the only sound was the slow dripping of water from stalactites. Everyone’s attention shifted towards the cloaked figure in the center of the cave.

Kisame's sharp voice cut through the silence. "That brat, Koushin, gives us too much trouble. Itachi-san," he began, turning his gaze to the enigmatic figure, "didn't you say you would speak to him? About his parents' murder, orchestrated by Danzo. Surely, that would sway him to our side?"

Itachi, a commanding figure despite his youth, glanced at Kisame through the slits of his cloak. A calculating look danced across his eyes as he observed each member's reaction to Kisame's words. Itachi's leadership had a quiet strength to it; he didn't need to raise his voice to demand respect or attention. His mere presence commanded it.

"Hn," he hummed in response. It wasn't dismissive, rather, it indicated that he was contemplating Kisame's words.

"I will speak to him soon," Itachi began, his voice steady, every word laced with purpose. "I needed to get him stronger before he could be useful to us. Now that he is a trusted person in Konoha, when he switches to our side, I can make better use of him."

Across the room, Orochimaru's eyes gleamed in the dim light, a spark of mischief flaring before being swiftly extinguished, hidden behind an inscrutable facade. The Snake Sannin knew better than to wear his intentions openly, but his interest in Itachi's statement was hardly surprising. After all, subterfuge and manipulation were his preferred tools.

Just then, the eerie silence of the cave was broken by Zetsu's dark, ominous voice, echoing with an unsettling chill. "Toad Sannin is infiltrating the Rain."

The news hung in the air like a shroud, sending waves of tension through the room. Several members stiffened, eyes darting to one another as they mentally prepared for the potential repercussions of Jiraiya's infiltration. But despite the grave news, Itachi remained composed. His face was as serene as ever, the calm in the storm that was the Akatsuki's volatile existence.

Rising to his feet, he looked over the members of his group. His piercing gaze fell on each member, a silent testament to his control. He didn't need to raise his voice; his mere presence commanded respect and obedience.

"Go after Han and Fū," he ordered, his voice echoing in the cave. He paused, casting a calculating gaze across the room. "Leave Yugito, B, and Naruto alone for now. I will deal with them later."

His words prompted immediate action. Kisame grunted in agreement, his sharp shark-like teeth bared in a savage grin, eager for the hunt. Konan merely nodded, her paper wings rustling as she prepared to take flight.

Obito, however, hesitated. "Itachi-sama," he started, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. He was not one to question orders, yet the mention of Naruto, the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, stirred a sense of unease within him. "Are you sure about leaving them be?"

Itachi's gaze landed on Obito, and for a moment, silence ruled the cave. The tension hung heavily in the damp air, almost tangible. When he finally spoke, his voice held an edge of command, dismissing any doubt. "Yes, I am. We have more urgent matters to attend to."

Obito inclined his head, his question answered, but the unease remained. However, he trusted Itachi. He was their leader, after all, and his word was law.

Kabuto, who had been silent all this while, stepped forward. "I trust your judgment, Itachi-sama," he said, his voice laced with subtle reverence. "I will proceed as you have directed."

Gaara, the newest member of the Akatsuki, eyed everyone warily. His sand rustled in anticipation, betraying his nervousness. But he didn't voice his fears. He was here to learn, to grow stronger. This was his path, the path he had chosen. He was part of the Akatsuki, and he would follow Itachi's orders without question.


Bathed in the silvery glow of the moon, Koushin sat atop the Hokage Building. The entire Hidden Leaf Village was silent except for the sporadic chirping of insects and the occasional whistle of the wind. He leaned back on his hands, his gaze fixed on the full moon, lost in its tranquil beauty.

A soft footfall behind him broke the stillness. Koushin didn't turn, nor did he give any indication that he registered the newcomer. He simply waited for the other to speak. It took a while for the newcomer to break the silence.

"Koushin Kami," Itachi uttered softly, his voice echoing faintly in the quiet night.

Koushin responded without turning, "I don't have a last name." His voice was steady, a hint of mirth dancing in his words.

"It is as if you were expecting me." Itachi's tone was laced with mild surprise. He had assumed that offering Koushin the last name of his parents, a name Koushin had never known, would be a powerful tool to sway him to the Akatsuki's side. But instead, Koushin didn't even bother to look at him.

"Oh, it is because I was, Itachi-san," Koushin responded, a grin creeping onto his face as he finally turned to face the Uchiha. However, his gaze remained downwards. Itachi followed his line of sight and his eyes narrowed at what he saw. A seal, previously undetected, was now plainly visible under his foot.

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