Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch154- A Really Lame Story


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"It was a day just like any other, the sun shining down on Konoha, unaware of the dark clouds that were about to roll in. Just outside the village, a group of peculiar figures stood, their eyes reflecting an ominous determination. A woman, her hair as blue as the midday sky, asked naively, 'Can't we just pass through it?'"

Pausing, he chuckled a bit, and then, taking a deep breath, continued.

"But her leader, his head as orange as a summer sunset, shrugged off her question. 'Passing without alerting would take time, it is easier to just barge through it.' And with a swift motion, the towering, bald, orange-headed behemoth threw his petite, orange-headed comrade into the air. Like a comet, she rocketed through the barrier, descending right into the heart of the village."

His hands moved wildly, imitating the trajectory of the woman's flight. His eyes were gleaming now with excitement, every word, every gesture full of gusto.

"And as she touched down, she summoned the others. Five orange heads appeared in different corners of the town, and the hunt for the Kyubi's Jinchuriki began."

He took a moment to sip his tea, his gaze lost in the middle distance, as though seeing the past unfolding in front of him.

"They killed, they destroyed, they tore through the town like a hurricane. Their summoned beasts caused havoc, their power overwhelming. Many of Konoha's bravest fell, unable to stand against the terrifying might of the assailants."

"But in the end, the leader, the one with the piercing, orange-headed visage, proved himself an edgelord, proclaiming to the survivors, 'Pain? You know nothing about pain. I will show you pain. The world shall know pain!' And with a powerful shout of 'Shinra Tensei!', he razed Konoha to the ground."

"But let's not forget, even in the face of such destruction, hope managed to bloom. The noble Lady Tsunade and her trusted Katsuya, with great effort, saved many lives. Konoha was decimated, yes, but the spirit of its people remained unbroken."

"Amidst the destruction, amidst the barren expanse of what was once the thriving village of Konoha, a solitary figure stood. Her face was streaked with the ashes of their home and the tears of the loss, both equally bitter. In her heart echoed the agony of her people, their cries lingering in the quiet stillness that followed the storm. 'SAI!' Her cry was desperate, a singular plea against the overwhelming silence. 'Taskette!'"

"For a moment, there was nothing. And then, as if summoned by her anguish, another figure appeared. Sai materialized atop a series of frogs, his posture guarded but his demeanor resolute. His pupils, reminiscent of the amphibians he seemed to command, were unfazed by the scene that greeted him. His face mirrored the determination of an ancient warrior, ready to face the chaos of war."

Perched atop the monumental faces of the Hokage Mountain, the pair offered a stark contrast to the stone faces bearing down on them. Ino, her golden hair catching the sun's last rays, sat snugly between Koushin's long legs, her back pressed against his firm chest. His arms wrapped around her in a secure embrace, one hand resting gently on her thigh, the other aimlessly fiddling with a lock of her hair. His nose was buried in her soft curls, inhaling the faint floral scent that clung to her.

A low chuckle resonated in his chest as he finished his tale. "So, that's how Sai made his entrance - like a boss atop a heap of frogs," Koushin added, amusement lacing his words.

Ino, although trying to suppress her laughter, couldn't help but roll her eyes at his dramatic recounting. "And was it Yuyu who was calling out for him?" she asked, turning her head slightly to glance at him over her shoulder.

"Ah, yes," Koushin responded, his warm breath dancing along her ear as he nodded, sending vibrations through her hair. "Yuyu was always a little partial towards Sai."

She snickered, leaning further back into his comforting embrace, a question niggling at her mind. "But why not Shin? I mean, didn't you once say that both of them were... well, either asexual or gay?"

Koushin emitted another chuckle, the sound deep and mirthful. "Oh, well," he began, his voice tinged with humor. "Sai did spend a considerable amount of time with Jiraiya. I'm sure he absorbed a thing or two from that reprobate."

Ino hummed in response, her eyebrows knitting together in contemplation. "But Shin was with Kakashi most of the time. Isn't he also a bit of a...pervert?" She felt Koushin's body shake with silent laughter behind her.

"Nah," he eventually managed to sputter, "Kakashi-sensei's just a closet pervert. Jiraiya, on the other hand, is a rotting fruit basket of perversion."

Ino giggled, leaning back into him further, if that was even possible. His light-hearted banter and warm humor diffused the heaviness of the tale he'd spun, turning it into something far less tragic and more... human. It was a trademark Koushin maneuver, easing the tension with his unique blend of wit and charm.

"Does that mean," Ino started, her voice playful, "that Sai could be a perv, but Shin...well, he's just a hidden one?" Her laughter was infectious, causing Koushin to join in.

"Possibly," he replied, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips.

He turned his head slightly to look at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, what did you think of my story?" Koushin asked, a teasing grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Ino giggled, her laughter a delightful melody against the stillness of the dusk. "It was tacky," she replied, her own grin mirroring his. The playful banter between them was a comfortable dance they had perfected over time.

Koushin threw his head back, his hearty laughter echoing off the mountain. "I know, right? So incredibly lame," he conceded, his eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth.

Ino’s laughter joined his, her merriment at his self-deprecation a testament to their camaraderie. She brought a hand to her mouth, trying to suppress her giggles. "And why was Yuyu even crying? Isn’t she a kunoichi? She should get up and help, not cry for help," she retorted, her tone both teasing and pointed.

Koushin nodded, his chuckles subsiding to make way for a thoughtful expression. "Quite true, my lady," he agreed, giving her a knowing look. "Fortunately, Yuyu is not really like that. She's brave and kind, a true kunoichi through and through."

Ino nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes sparkling with playful defiance. "A really lame story though, Koushin. Full of plot holes," she challenged, her voice feigning severity, her eyes giving away her jest.

Koushin played along, nodding solemnly as if deep in thought. "Oh, undeniably lame," he conceded. His mouth curved into a grin, eyes dancing with shared amusement.

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