Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch155- You Are My Wife, Oath or Not!


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Together, they rose from their perch atop the monumental faces, the stone visages of Hokage past looming over them like ancient sentinels. The couple walked hand in hand, their fingers interlocked. Slowly, they descended the mountain, their shadows lengthening and merging with the orange and crimson hues of the setting sun.

As they neared the village, they spotted a familiar duo navigating the cobblestone paths of Konoha. Shin, a spitting image of Kakashi, was attempting the age-old tradition of walking while reading. Clad in a charcoal grey vest and dark pants that matched his spiky hair, he was a photocopy of his mentor. His eyes were focused between the pages of his book and the path before him. The blank book, as always, was his constant companion. Though he had yet to master the art of walking while reading, Shin stumbled every few steps. With each misstep, he would stutter and trip on the cobblestones of the path, his focus never wavering from the pages of his beloved blank book.

Yuyu, his teammate, trailed behind him, a bemused expression on her face. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her brows furrowed in exasperation. A string of questions ran through her mind. 'Why do I have to deal with this? What karmic retribution have I invoked to be stuck with not one but two weirdos?' Her glance flickered from the back of Shin’s head to where Sai would usually stood.

The sight of Koushin and Ino approaching was a welcome relief. Yuyu's face lit up, her earlier frustration giving way to a gentle smile. "Thank Lady, normal people," she sighed, her voice conveying her relief.

Her words seemed to startle Shin out of his reading-induced stupor. Looking up from his book, he glanced at her, perplexed. "Oi, I am normal," he retorted, his tone defensive yet earnest.

Koushin's laughter filled the air at Shin's indignant response. "Ah, Shin," he called out, an easy grin on his face. "Normal is such a relative term, isn’t it?" His words held a touch of irony, a gentle teasing that was both warm and amiable.

Ino chimed in with a soft giggle. "To be fair, you do have some... unusual habits," she pointed out, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Yuyu, in response, merely rolled her eyes. She gestured towards Shin's attire, which eerily mirrored that of Kakashi. "You're a walking, talking tribute to Kakashi-sensei, Shin," she said.

"Hey, hey! At least he's dedicated," Koushin interjected, his voice breaking the momentary silence that had descended over them. The words were spoken lightly, yet they held a certain sincerity that hinted at the respect he held for his comrades. His eyes twinkled with mischief, as he rested a hand on Shin's shoulder, "You know, there is a great man that I too seek to emulate."

The mention of a 'great man' piqued Shin's curiosity, drawing his attention away from his beloved book. A spark ignited in his eyes as he turned to face Koushin. "Really?" He blurted out, his voice echoing the anticipation bubbling within him. "Who is this great person?"

Koushin's grin broadened, pulling his facial features into an expression of pure mischief. "Oh, he's amazing," he responded, his voice dipping into a theatrical whisper. "He's strong, he's brave, he's so incredibly good-looking. I try to mirror not just his attire, but also his charming demeanor."

The air was filled with a palpable suspense, Shin's eyes practically shining with curiosity. "Who is he?" He demanded, hanging onto Koushin's words.

In response, Koushin straightened his posture, resting his hands on his hips in a dramatic flourish. "Well, my dear Shin," he started, a smirk playing on his lips, "That incredible man is none other than... myself!"

For a moment, there was silence, and then the tranquillity was shattered by two simultaneous moans of disbelief. "Ugh!" Yuyu and Ino groaned in unison, their voices melding into a chorus of exasperation. They both rolled their eyes, the amusement and affection in their gazes belying their feigned annoyance.

Yuyu turned to Ino, a bemused smile playing on her lips. "Still a narcissistic jerk, I see," she observed, her tone light and teasing.

Ino merely nodded, her lips curving into a fond smile. There was a twinkle in her eye as she agreed, "Yup, a narcissistic dork."

Koushin's laughter echoed around them, the sound as light-hearted and warm as his personality. He took their jests in stride, his chuckles merrily punctuating their words. "Guilty as charged," he admitted, holding up his hands in a playful gesture of surrender.

Shin, meanwhile, looked at Koushin with an expression of profound exasperation mixed with admiration. "You had me there, Koushin," he admitted, shaking his head in disbelief. His eyes then sparkled with newfound determination, "But I still stand by my choice to emulate Kakashi-sensei. Even without the Sharingan, he’s one of the best shinobi out there.”

Laughing off their teasing comments, Koushin waved goodbye to Shin and Yuyu. Ino's hand was comfortably nestled in his, and together they strolled through the hustle and bustle of the Konoha streets. The golden hue of the setting sun washed over the village, casting long shadows and bathing everything in a warm, ethereal glow.

Ino swung their clasped hands lightly, a contented sigh slipping past her lips. "That was fun. Your storytelling always does bring a certain... flair to the day."

He smirked, turning to meet her eyes. "I aim to please," he replied, the mischief in his gaze matching the tone of his words.

Passing through the familiar streets of Konoha, they soon found themselves in front of Yamanaka Flowers. The flower shop was a staple of the village, known for its beautiful blooms and aromatic scents that often drifted through the village.

Ino released Koushin's hand and walked up to the entrance. As she unlocked the door, she turned to him, a soft smile lighting up her face. "It's been a while since you've been here. You should come in."

Koushin raised a brow, his face settling into a look of feigned surprise. "Naughty, naughty, Pumpkin-chan," he teased, "Trying to lure a virtuous man like me into your lair, are you?"

In response, Ino’s cheeks blossomed a delicate pink, her eyes narrowing in mock annoyance. "No, you big oaf," she retorted, leaning against the door frame. Her tone softened, the words tumbling out almost as a murmur, "I just thought... we could sit and talk. Maybe I could make some tea for you."

A warm smile curled at the edges of Koushin's lips, his eyes twinkling with delight at her tender offer. "Ah," he declared, a playful smirk tugging at his lips, "My wife, looking after her husband. How touching." He leaned over, encircling his arms around her.

Rolling her eyes with an affectionate shake of her head, Ino playfully swatted at Koushin's chest. "Who is your wife, hmph?" she grumbled, her tone teetering between annoyance and amusement.

With a chuckle, Koushin drew her in, burying his face in the crook of her neck. His voice was muffled, yet the distinct rumble of his words against her skin sent an involuntary shiver down her spine. "You are mine, Ino," he whispered, his breath ghosting over her sensitive flesh. "You are my wife, oath or not."

Heat swarmed her cheeks at the bold proclamation, her heart pounding in sync with the steady rhythm of his. She turned to face him, her azure eyes meeting his, blazing with an intensity that made him catch his breath.

"And you are mine, Koushin," she declared, her voice filled with a quiet certainty that sent a jolt of warmth through his veins. "No matter what happens... you belong to me."

With that, she reached up, drawing his head down to hers. His lips were warm and inviting, the familiar taste of him spreading through her as she kissed him deeply, her fingers twining in his hair.

Pulling back from the tender moment, Koushin gave her a roguish smile, his dark eyes sparkling with unmistakable affection. "Now, I believe there was mention of some tea that my darling wife has prepared?" His voice was gentle, carrying a teasing undertone that made her heart flutter in response.

Ino, her cheeks still warm from the stolen kiss, nodded and extended her hand towards him. A quiet laugh left her lips, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Very well, my darling husband, let's go in." Her tone carried a mock sternness as she gave his hand a tug, pulling him into the shop with her.

The interior of Yamanaka Flowers was as breathtaking as ever. Every available space was filled with blooms in every imaginable color, their fragrances mingling in the air to create a heavenly aroma. The setting sun streamed through the windows, casting an ethereal glow on the flora and the pair.

"You've outdone yourself, Ino. The shop looks amazing," Koushin said, allowing his gaze to wander across the sea of flowers, each more beautiful than the last. His voice was genuine, filled with appreciation for the woman who had breathed life into this magical space.

"Thank you, Koushin. I do try," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes as she walked him towards the cozy living space at the back of the shop. A petite wooden table sat there, surrounded by plush cushions and draped with a vibrantly colored throw.

As Ino busied herself with the tea preparations, Koushin's gaze lingered on her. Her movements were graceful, each action laced with a familiarity born of routine. The way her fingers danced over the tea leaves, the manner in which she held the teapot—it was a sight to behold.

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