Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch162- Thunderfire


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As the towering gates of Konoha came into view, the group of five—Koushin, Tsunade, Sakura, Ino, and Karin—found their pace slowing, their steps hesitant. It had been a draining morning , their encounter with Nagato leaving them with more questions than answers. But in the dawning sun, the sight of their village brought a sense of comfort and familiarity that eased some of the tension coiling in their hearts.

Yet, just as they were about to cross the threshold, they were met with an unexpected sight. Three figures stood at the village entrance, their forms silhouetted against the dimming twilight. Samui, Karui, and Omoi—ninja from the Hidden Cloud—were unexpected visitors, their presence instantly piquing the group's curiosity.

Stepping forward, Samui, the leader of the trio, cut an imposing figure. Her stern gaze surveyed the group before resting on Tsunade. "We bring a message from Raikage A," she began, her tone firm. "He calls for an urgent meeting of the Five Kage. Also, we seek information regarding Orochimaru's attack on our village and the attempted abduction of B and Yugito."

Tsunade's brows furrowed, the weight of the situation apparent in her stern gaze. But before she could speak, Koushin's voice cut through the silence.

"Typical A, arrogant beyond belief," he said, a hint of exasperation coloring his tone. His comment was met with a flurry of frowns and flaring chakra from the Cloud shinobi.

The group from Konoha instantly tensed, their eyes shifting between Koushin and the Cloud ninjas. Despite the potential for conflict, Koushin maintained his calm demeanor, meeting their intense gazes with a nonchalant shrug.

"We warned you about such an outcome," he continued, his voice steady, but his words sharp. "We saved Yugito once, then warned you again when your oh-so-mighty Raikage decided to apprehend Kisame instead of ending him. But no, A wouldn't listen. Too stuck in his high cloud to care about the warnings from below."

Koushin paused, drawing a breath, his eyes hardened with the intensity of his next words. "Orochimaru deserted Konoha years ago. That's no secret. He has no ties with us. If A wants information, he can waltz into the Sound Village and interrogate Orochimaru himself."

Tsunade's eyes narrowed at Koushin's words, the stern look on her face clearly showing her displeasure. But she remained silent, allowing Koushin to handle the situation.

The tension was palpable, a ripple of unease passing through the air as the Cloud ninjas processed his words. Finally, it was Karui who broke the silence, her eyes icy and her voice even colder. "And who the hell are you?"

A smirk tugged at Koushin's lips, a glint of amusement flashing in his eyes. "Me? I'm nobody special," he responded, shrugging nonchalantly. His gaze locked with hers, the challenge clear in his eyes. "But if you're itching for a fight, I'm more than happy to oblige. Maybe then you'll see that the Cloud's arrogance doesn't have a leg to stand on."

His words hung in the air, creating a heavy silence. The Hidden Cloud ninjas exchanged glances, their hands instinctively moving to their weapons. Yet, despite their blustering, it was clear they were hesitant to initiate a confrontation.

Caught in the silent standoff, Samui was the one to finally break the pause, her voice echoing, "Koushin the Thunderfire," she uttered, her eyes unflinchingly meeting his violet gaze. "Your fame precedes you."

The title hung in the air, a whisper on the breeze that seemed to echo off the surrounding buildings. A flicker of surprise crossed Koushin's face, as if he was seeing an unexpected twist in a well-known story. "What did you say? Did I get a title?" he exclaimed, looking at Samui with a mixture of incredulity and delight.

In an instant, the gravity of the situation evaporated, replaced by the undeniable sparkle of amusement in Koushin's eyes. Without any hesitation, he turned to Ino and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his side. His voice was filled with infectious excitement as he started to shower her cheek with playful kisses, "Pumpkin, your hubby got a title. I am renowned in the world. Are you proud of me?"

Caught off guard, Ino let out a small gasp of surprise, her eyes widening as she was pulled into his embrace. For a moment, she was too taken aback to react, her gaze flickering between Koushin and the Cloud ninja, a blush blooming on her cheeks.

In the face of Koushin's sudden display of affection, the Cloud trio seemed at a loss, their stern expressions giving way to bewildered ones. The atmosphere, once heavy with tension, now resonated with Koushin's buoyant joy, leaving them uncertain about their next move.

On the sidelines, Tsunade and the others exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of exasperation and amusement. Though they were used to Koushin's whimsical demeanor, his knack for turning tense situations into entertaining ones never ceased to astonish them. Instead of reprimanding him or correcting the situation, they merely rolled their eyes, allowing Koushin his moment of levity.

Ino's heart fluttered as she was pulled closer, her eyes wide in astonishment at the playful energy radiating from Koushin. The unexpected proclamation of his "title" had clearly filled him with an uncontainable joy. Watching him laugh with delight and celebrate his new-found recognition was both disarming and endearing.

Torn between embarrassment and affection, Ino hesitated for a moment before finally giving in to Koushin's infectious joy. Standing on her tiptoes, she reached up to ruffle his hair affectionately. "Alright, Thunderfire," she said, her voice laced with amusement, "I am proud of you. You and your title."

Koushin's grin widened at her words, the warmth in his eyes brightening at her playful tone. He nudged her cheek with his nose, a contented hum echoing from his chest. "See, I knew you would be," he replied, the joy in his voice resonating in the quiet air around them.

Ino's heart ignited with an emotion she could barely contain. There was an enchanting twinkle in Koushin's eyes as he shared his newfound joy with her, striking a deep chord within her soul. Despite the stern Cloud ninja standing before them, the weight of the situation seemed to dissolve, replaced by a bubble of laughter that threatened to burst from her lips. In that moment, Koushin's instinctive reaction to his  title was to seek her out, drawing her into the heart of his jubilation. It was such a Koushin thing to do—overflowing with warmth and spontaneity.

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