Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch163- Thunderfire’s Honor


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Their connection was special; he held a unique place in her heart. His immediate impulse to share his happiness with her spoke volumes about how much he cared for and loved her. It touched her deeply, affirming the bond they shared. And as they celebrated together, the world around them faded, leaving only their shared laughter and the genuine affection that bound them tightly.

Ino couldn't help but be overwhelmed with warmth and gratitude for the playful, witty, lightning-and-fire-wielding ninja who had captured her heart and soul in a way she could never have imagined.

Ino's heart was ablaze with an emotion she could hardly contain. There was something in the way Koushin's eyes twinkled as he shared his joy with her that struck a chord deep within her. Despite the austere Cloud ninja standing before them, the tension of the situation seemed to melt away, replaced by a bubble of laughter that threatened to break through her lips. His instant reaction to his so-called title, seeking her out, drawing her into his celebration—it was such a Koushin thing to do, so full of warmth and spontaneity. It was one of the countless reasons why he held such a special place in her heart.

On the other hand, their companions weren't quite as captivated by the couple's display of affection. Tsunade rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "I swear, you two are impossible," she muttered, shaking her head in exasperation.

Karin , standing next to Tsunade, couldn't contain the chuckle that escaped her lips. "It's... cute," she admitted, a smile tugging at her lips as she watched her friend being playfully swarmed with kisses by Koushin.

"Cute? More like nauseating," Sakura grumbled from the other side of Karin. She wrinkled her nose, a grimace pulling at her lips. "Can't they save the lovey-dovey stuff for later?"

While their friends exchanged amused comments and rolled their eyes at the scene unfolding, Ino finally managed to wriggle free from Koushin's enthusiastic embrace. Flushing, she swatted his shoulder, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Alright, Thunderfire," she huffed, her hands on her hips. "Don't you think it's time to stop celebrating and start taking things seriously?"

Koushin chuckled, stepping back but not releasing her completely. His hand found hers, their fingers naturally interlocking. "You're right, Pumpkin," he agreed, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "I suppose we should address the Cloud ninjas' concerns."

Still chuckling, Koushin turned back to the Cloud ninja, his eyes twinkling with humor but also holding a newfound seriousness. "So, Raikage A wants a Five Kage meeting, huh?" He mused aloud, "Now that's something to think about."

"Alright then, we shall meet at Iron Country in five days for the Five Kage Summit," Koushin announced, his lighthearted tone belying the seriousness of the upcoming meeting.

Samui arched an eyebrow, glancing at Karui and Omoi before posing her question, "How do you know it's in Iron Country, and in five days?"

Koushin only chuckled in response, his violet eyes twinkling with mirth and a hint of mischief. He kept his sources close to his chest, giving the Cloud ninjas a knowing smirk instead of an answer. His silence, however, was not met with further queries. He had earned a reputation for knowing more than he let on, and the Hidden Cloud ninjas knew better than to press him for answers.

As they were about to turn and leave, Koushin's voice stopped them in their tracks. "Stay for a few days," he said, the casual nature of his words contrasting with the earnest look in his eyes. "You must be tired. We wouldn't want the rumor of our inhospitality to spread. We are, after all, quite hospitable."

The three Cloud ninjas exchanged a glance. A shared understanding passed between them, and Samui gave a curt nod. Koushin's offer had been unexpected, but they were not foolish enough to turn down a chance to rest and gather their strength before their journey.

Sakura, having been quiet through most of the exchange, stepped forward. Her emerald eyes were filled with understanding as she gave a slight bow to their unexpected guests. "Please follow me," she said, her voice gentle. "I'll show you to your accommodations."

As Sakura led the Cloud ninjas away, Tsunade finally turned to Koushin. A wry smile played on her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you the Hokage or am I?" she asked, her tone tinged with amusement and a touch of annoyance.

Koushin rubbed the back of his neck, his grin sheepish as he met her gaze. "Sorry," he said, shrugging. "I was annoyed with their attitude."

Tsunade sighed, shaking her head slightly. She couldn't stay annoyed with him for long, especially not when his intentions had been so transparent. He had been trying to establish dominance, to put the Cloud in its place without escalating the situation into a conflict. It was a skill he had honed over the years, blending his natural wit and charm with a subtle assertiveness that most often got him what he wanted.

That was one of the things Tsunade appreciated about Koushin. Behind his jesting exterior, he possessed a keen mind and a strength of character that made him reliable in delicate situations. This was why she trusted him, why she allowed him to handle situations in his own way. Even if his approach was unconventional, it was effective.

"I understand," Tsunade said, her voice softening. She knew Koushin well enough to see his intentions were not malicious. He was just being himself—unconventional and somewhat unpredictable, but always with Konoha's best interests at heart.

Koushin gave her a grateful nod, the tension in his shoulders dissipating. He could always count on Tsunade to understand his methods, even when they seemed questionable. It was a testament to the trust they had built over the years.

"Alright, Thunderfire," Tsunade continued, using the new title to bring back the lightness that usually characterized their interactions. "Just remember not to overstep your bounds. I don't need the other Kage thinking I can't control my village."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Lady Tsunade," Koushin retorted, grinning cheekily at her use of his new title. His response elicited a laugh from Tsunade, a soft chuckle that was as much a reprimand as it was an acceptance of his unique approach to diplomacy.

"Yes, well," she said, a hint of amusement still present in her voice. "Just remember to behave at the Five Kage Summit. We don't want a repeat of the last time."

"I promise, no sake contests this time," Koushin reassured, lifting his hand in a mock salute. "Thunderfire's honor."

"Let's hope so," Tsunade replied, her voice heavy with feigned doubt, but her eyes sparkling with suppressed laughter. "Now go, get some rest. We have a long journey ahead."

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