Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch164- Being Idiotic Again, A?


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As the towering gates of Konoha faded into the distance, the motley group of four—Tsunade, Koushin, Ino, and Kakashi—found themselves enveloped by the biting cold of the snowy landscape. The flurry of snowflakes dancing in the wind blurred their vision, creating a picturesque yet harsh environment. Still, their eyes held a spark of determination, their pace never faltering.

"Our hospitality must have been too great," Koushin teased, his breath forming small clouds in the frosty air. "I swear, those Cloud ninjas looked a little too comfortable before they left."

Ino chuckled, her cheeks reddening from more than just the cold. She pulled her cloak tighter around her, the fur lining soft against her skin.

"Are you cold, Pumpkin?" Koushin's voice came from beside her. He appeared next to Ino, defying the rapid pace they were moving at, and enveloped her hands in his. The warmth of his touch seemed to seep into her skin, providing an instant respite from the biting cold.

"A little," Ino teased, the twinkle in her eyes belying the shiver that ran down her spine. "How do you intend to make it warm?" Her voice was light, filled with playful curiosity.

Koushin's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, his lips curling up in a cocky smirk. "I'll burn this world if necessary," he declared, his voice booming with an exaggerated bravado that elicited chuckles from their companions. Tsunade rolled her eyes at the theatrics, while Kakashi's visible eye crinkled at the corners, signifying his silent amusement.

True to his word, however, a subtle change rippled through the air around them. A slight warmth began to spread, encircling Ino, and extending outward in a protective radius. It was a comforting, gentle heat, like the caress of an invisible flame.

"What is this?" Kakashi's voice interrupted the moment, a subtle note of intrigue lingering in his tone. He held a hand up, feeling the sudden change in temperature, his eyes reflecting the dancing snowflakes illuminated by the encroaching dusk.

"Seems like Scorch Release," he mused, the analytical part of his brain kicking in as he tried to decode the phenomenon.

Koushin chuckled, shaking his head slightly, "Nah, it's just my chakra flared by Fire Release lightly. Consider it a discounted version of the Fire Cloak I imitated from the Lightning Cloak," he explained nonchalantly, as though he were discussing the weather rather than a feat of advanced chakra manipulation.

"In battle, I can blaze like fire," he continued, his tone an odd mix of casual and boasting, "But for now, this should be enough." His eyes met Ino's, their softness contrasting his earlier bravado.

Ino nodded, a small, coy smile playing on her lips. "It is," she replied, her voice barely a whisper, her eyes expressing her gratitude. Despite the warmth, her cheeks still held a tint of pink, the blush lending an endearing charm to her otherwise fierce persona.

Their journey continued, their pace unfaltering despite the cold. The playful banter and subtle displays of power serving to lighten the harshness of their environment. Koushin's words sparked laughter and soft smiles among the group, his infectious humor tempering the gravity of their mission.

Underneath the steel-grey skies of the Land of Iron, the silhouette of the iconic fortress commanded a formidable presence amidst the snow-blanketed landscape. Here, where the seasons were etched into the skin and the spirit of the samurai resonated through the quiet chill, Kakashi bid farewell. With a nod and a rare genuine smile, he faded into the ethereal embrace of the snowfall, prepared to answer the call should it come.

As Tsunade, Koushin, and Ino drew closer to the imposing fortress, a phalanx of samurai guards—dressed in traditional armor, their eyes sharp and disciplined—greeted them. The cold steel of their katana belied the warmth of their reception, an honor reserved for those respected across nations.

A samurai with a distinct banner led the trio inside, through grand corridors adorned with ancient murals of past battles and heroes. The magnificent tapestry of history threaded with the quiet hum of present politeness made for a surreal ambience.

Finally, they were ushered into a large round chamber where the Five Kage Summit would convene. In the center, a polished round table stood surrounded by five chairs, each denoting a Kage. At the helm was Mifune, the leader of the Land of Iron, his features calm yet firm, his eyes reflecting wisdom earned through countless seasons of peace and strife.

The Kages took their respective places around the table, while the accompanying shinobi, including Koushin and Ino, were led behind a curtain, just behind their respective Kages—an arrangement that satisfied the stipulation of each Kage having only two guards present, and yet gave them a chance to participate should the need arise.

As the heavy silence settled, Mifune broke it with a subtle clearing of his throat. "I thank you all for travelling through this harsh weather to meet here," his voice echoed across the room, every syllable carrying the weight of his respect for the gathered leaders.

A's abrupt interjection pierced the burgeoning calm, effectively shattering the expected pleasantries. His towering figure bristled with an impatient restlessness, his voice carrying an unmistakable urgency.

"There is no time for pleasantries. We know where the Akatsuki Headquarters is," he declared, his eyes flicking over each of the other Kages as he continued, "I called you so we can raid and destroy it."

The room rippled with shock, the significance of the revelation not lost on the assembled Kages. It was Raasa who found his voice first. "How did you come across this information?" he demanded, his tone tinged with bitterness. The abduction of Gaara, his own son, by the Akatsuki was a fresh wound that had yet to heal, and it lent an additional edge to his voice.

A met his gaze evenly, unphased by the visible anger. "It is not important. We outsmarted Akatsuki, you should only know this." His tone was dismissive, yet there was a hint of defensive arrogance underlying his words.

However, before the Kages could respond, a new voice sliced through their collective contemplation. "You did something idiotic again, haven't you, A?"

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