Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch165- Such Cliché


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Koushin, who'd been sitting behind the curtain, now sat atop the round table, nonchalant as though he had been invited to do so. His violet gaze was pinned on A, a gentle mockery playing in his eyes, his tone filled with light-hearted disdain. His words hung heavy in the room, reverberating off the ancient walls, plunging the room into a stunned silence.

Almost immediately, the room sprung into action. As if on cue, the curtains shielding the Kage's guards were slashed open, each figure moving protectively towards their leaders. The floor vibrated with the sudden force of movement, a spectacle of power and loyalty unfolding in an instant.

Koushin remained perched on the table, unfazed by the sudden surge of activity. His attention was solely on A, his gaze sharp and questioning. The usual levity in his expression was gone, replaced with an intense seriousness that was all the more potent for its rarity.

A surged to his feet, his hand connecting with the table surface with a deafening crack. A tangible wave of ire rolled off the towering Raikage, his broad shoulders shaking with barely contained rage. It was an important meeting, a summit where Kages conversed, not a playground for insolent brats to flaunt their arrogance.

"You!" His voice, typically booming and brash, was an incensed growl that filled the chamber. His finger jabbed in Koushin's direction, his eyes gleaming with unfiltered fury.

The memory of their first encounter, a sour incident that had never settled well with A, rushed back. Koushin, the audacious outsider, had dared to utilize the sacred lineage technique of the Raikages' Lightning Cloak. His act was a blatant disregard for their traditions and pride, an insult that A was forced to swallow for the sake of his rescued Jinchuriki, Yugito.

But that was then.

Now, the same presumptuous youth had the audacity to insult him before all the Kages. Such insolence was not only disrespectful, but a blatant challenge to A's authority and stature. The very thought was simply unacceptable!

Koushin, however, remained unfazed by the explosive reaction his words had elicited. His eyes met A's burning gaze steadily, the gentle mockery in them unfaltering. He was a vivid contrast to the furious Kage, his relaxed posture atop the table a stark opposition to A's livid stance.

"You know," Koushin started, his tone casual yet laced with a pointed edge, "If this was a debate, you'd lose points for personal attacks." He brushed an imaginary speck of dust off his trousers, nonchalantly avoiding A's indignant stare.

His words served as fuel to the already raging fire within A, a flame that was quickly spreading throughout the chamber. The room buzzed with heightened tension, the startled murmurs of the other Kages echoing off the walls. Rasa, Mei, and Onoki exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of how to react to the sudden turn of events.

A's face twisted further in displeasure, a visible struggle within him. The need to maintain his decorum as the Raikage was at war with his wounded pride. "You disrespect me in front of the other Kages, and you expect me to sit back and take it?" he finally managed to spit out, his voice a venomous hiss.

Koushin's face underwent a sudden transformation. His earlier smirk dissolved into an expression of contrition, his eyes softened, echoing a sincere apology. "I am sorry," he said, his tone ringing with regret. "I think there is a misunderstanding here."

The abrupt shift in his demeanor left many in the room taken aback. A ripple of surprise swept across the faces of the Kages, their eyes widening slightly. The only exception was Ino, standing beside a visibly exasperated Tsunade. Having spent countless moments with Koushin, she could discern his playful deception even behind the mask of sincere regret.

"I am not insulting you," Koushin continued, his voice as mild as a spring breeze. "I am merely stating a fact. You, A, are an idiot. This is a statement, not an insult."

The words hung in the air like an unsheathed blade, sharp and chilling. The room echoed with stunned silence as jaws dropped, all eyes zeroing in on Koushin and A. The simmering rage in A transformed into a volatile energy, the air around him crackling with lightning.

"I should've realized it when I saw how composed Samui, Karui, and Omoi were," Koushin mused aloud, his gaze thoughtful. "Your clever trick must've involved using the Tailed Beast Chakra to forge a clone. So when the Akatsuki 'caught' them, you'd be able to trace the chakra back to their base. Am I correct?"

At this, A was taken aback. His electrified aura faltered, replaced by a spark of surprise. "How...how do you know that?" He demanded, his voice betraying his shock.

Koushin exhaled a sigh, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. He rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward as he addressed A. "You're missing the point, A. Do you know why the Akatsuki are gathering the Tailed Beasts?"

The silence in the room was palpable. Everyone leaned in subtly, their attention riveted on Koushin’s next words. He continued, his tone measured and his gaze piercing.

"Konoha has been more than generous in sharing what we know of Akatsuki's plans from day one. We shared that they were gathering Tailed Beasts for some grand scheme. Yet, you went ahead and basically handed them the chakra of two Tailed Beasts. So, tell me, A, in light of this, do you dispute my earlier statement that you are a fucking idiot?"

Darui, the right-hand man of A, clenched his fist. He could feel his pride stinging, his teeth grinding as he tried to suppress the bubbling anger. The words of the purple-eyed brat were an affront to their Kage, but the sad reality was, Koushin was right. This left him in a conundrum. What could he say?

The tense atmosphere was cut by the calm voice of Mifune, who intervened with the authority of his role. "Can we all please calm down," he began, his voice steady and clear, his words echoing in the silent chamber. "We need to find a common stance to create this alliance, not throw insults."

Koushin turned his attention to Mifune, his lips curving into a playful smirk. "Again, it's a statement, not an insult," he corrected, pointing a finger to the air for emphasis.

Mifune, mirroring Tsunade's earlier action, began to rub his brow with a sigh. "No statements that involve derogatory terms either," he replied, his tone carrying a note of finality.

With an amused chuckle, Koushin responded, "A fine Admin for such an occasion, you are good."

In response, Mifune allowed a small smile to cross his otherwise stern features. But before he could reply, an unexpected event took place. A whirling vortex of space-time swirled into existence atop a wall in the room. Out of it emerged a figure whose presence sent a collective shudder through the room.


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