Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch48- Hollowfication

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

The memories of the war were chaotic, filled with the desperation of an impending doom. It was a time of profound fear, but also a time of unprecedented unity. Dondochakka could see the faces of comrades ready to fight, their determination lighting the gloom of impending war.

Finally, the wave of memories receded, leaving Kai once more in the deafening silence of his room. He was left panting, his heart pounding in his chest.

As Kai stood in the familiar surroundings of his room once more, he couldn’t shake the residual feelings that clung to him, remnants of Dondochakka's life. The memories felt so raw, so real, that he had to remind himself they weren’t his own.

But before he could dwell on it further, a strange energy began to unfurl within him, wrapping him like a shroud. It wasn’t the familiar warmth that had accompanied the previous orbs. Instead, it was a churning tempest of power that clawed at his insides, demanding release.

"Ah, damn it, not again," Kai muttered, grimacing as he clutched at his chest. He didn't know what was coming, but he knew he had to get away, get somewhere safe where he wouldn’t harm anyone if this energy burst forth uncontrollably.

In a swift motion, he slipped from his physical form, adopting his Shinigami form. He dashed out of his room, the world blurring around him as he sprinted through the quiet, late-night streets. Despite his instinctive laziness, he knew he couldn't take any shortcuts this time. He had to get as far away as possible.

Finding a remote location away from prying eyes, Kai came to a halt. His body trembled as he tried to contain the turbulent energy threatening to explode from within him. He was gritting his teeth, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Whatever you are, just do it already," he muttered through gritted teeth, bracing himself.

That’s when he felt it. A cool sensation started from the base of his neck, creeping over his face like a second skin. He reached up, only to feel a hard, porcelain-like material under his fingertips. It was a Hollow mask, its appearance mirroring the internal surge of chaotic energy.

“Wait… a Hollow mask?” Kai gasped, his eyes widening. He could feel its presence, its power. The realization washed over him that he was undergoing Hollowfication, a process he'd only heard of in hushed whispers and cautionary tales.

Struggling with the mask, he tried to pull it off, his fingers slipping against the smooth surface. Panic threaded through his veins, joining the whirlpool of emotions within him. The mask clung stubbornly to his face, as if fused with his skin.

He staggered backward, trying to comprehend what was happening. His mind was a storm of confusion, fear, and surprisingly, curiosity. The energy inside him was immense, wild, and enticingly powerful.

“I never asked for any of this,” Kai murmured to himself, his voice muffled by the mask. His hands dropped to his sides, the initial panic starting to ebb away. Despite the alarming circumstances, a lazy part of him found the situation rather fascinating. His eyes were filled with a mix of fear and curiosity, the pulsating power within him reflected in their depths.

Just as quickly as it began, the tumultuous energy receded, the mask crumbled, and Kai was left panting in the cool night air. His heart hammered in his chest, matching the residual thrum of power still coursing through his veins.

As he fell to his knees, Kai couldn't help but let out a weak chuckle. "That was...certainly something."

The silence of the night descended once more, Kai's shallow breaths and the distant sound of nocturnal creatures the only disturbance. Despite the chaos, Kai felt a strange sense of calm. He was far from understanding what had just transpired, but for the time being, he was alive, he was safe, and most importantly, he was still himself.

“And I thought being a Shinigami was troublesome,”He murmured, the corners of his mouth lifting into a wry smile. His body felt unusually light, yet there was a certain heaviness in his heart. He had just experienced something very few had and lived to tell the tale, something that could change his life drastically if word got out. But for Kai, all that mattered at that moment was that the explosion of Reiatsu he'd been afraid of hadn't happened.

Slowly pushing himself to his feet, he looked down at his hands, turning them over. They were still the same. He was still the same, at least on the outside.

A shiver ran down his spine as he recalled the feeling of the mask on his face. It had felt natural, a part of him, yet so foreign. It was power, raw and unbridled. He wondered what it would feel like to let it take over, to give in to that intense energy, but the lazy part of him quickly dismissed the idea. That sounded like too much effort, too much trouble.

With a final glance around the deserted area, he began to make his way back, his steps slower than before. He felt drained, the whirlwind of events finally catching up to him. As he walked, his mind was filled with thoughts of Dondochakka and the mask.

Reaching his room, he sighed deeply as he returned to his physical body. The world seemed different now, his perspective changed. He climbed into his bed, his body sinking into the soft mattress. His eyes roamed over the familiar surroundings, a sense of nostalgia washing over him.

"Well," he said, a weary smile on his lips, "looks like tomorrow's going to be just another day full of troubles."


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