Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch49- Vizards are Here!

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Do you prefer Vizard or Visored? Let me know!


Back in the safety of the human world, life carried on as if nothing had happened. Despite the upheaval in Soul Society, the world around Kai remained blissfully ignorant of the danger that had just been averted.

While Yoruichi was away in Soul Society, Kai found himself uninterested in the conflict there. He certainly didn't want Rukia to die, but his current strength level was nowhere near enough to be of any assistance. And so, he decided to focus on the here and now.

Kai, for his part, couldn't find it in himself to care much about the problems of Soul Society. He was more concerned about the people he cared for right here. Despite his memories of the last big war, he wasn't interested in getting involved. He had his hands full with his own little circle - Orihime, Tatsuki, Michiru, and Chizuru. The girls, his girlfriends, offered enough distraction from any potential existential crises.

The bell for the end of the class rang, pulling Kai out of his thoughts. Orihime, who was sitting next to him, turned to him with a smile. "Kai, are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Kai nodded, flashing her a reassuring smile. "Just thinking," he replied, patting her hand gently.

Just then, Ichigo, Sado, and Ishida walked into the classroom. Their faces were tired but held a sense of relief. The mission had been a success, at least partly. Rukia had been saved, and they were back safe.

However, the revelations from Soul Society were a cause for concern. The big villain was revealed to be Captain Aizen. Kai remembered Aizen from the memories he had taken from Zannosuke. A formidable opponent, one who carried a dangerous aura around him.

Seeing his friends enter, Tatsuki leaned over to Kai. "Ichigo looks like he's been through hell," she commented, her gaze flicking over to the orange-haired shinigami.

Kai glanced in Ichigo's direction. "Yeah, he does," he agreed, noting the tiredness in Ichigo's eyes. "But at least  Rukia is safe."

Tatsuki nodded, her face softening. "True. That's what matters."

As the starting ring of the school bell faded away, Ichigo and Sado made their way towards Kai. Ichigo's usually scowling face was softened by a touch of gratitude, while Sado, always quiet, had an air of seriousness about him.

"Kai," Ichigo began, his voice lacking its usual gruff edge. He seemed to hesitate, his gaze flickering to the side before returning to meet Kai's. "We wanted to thank you."

Kai raised an eyebrow, his gaze flicking from Ichigo to Sado and back again. "Thank me?" he asked, an amused smirk playing on his lips. "What for, Kurosaki?"

Sado, standing beside Ichigo, let out a soft sigh. "For the training, Kai," he said, his voice deep and calm. "If it hadn't been for you, we... we might not have made it back from Soul Society."

Ichigo nodded, echoing Sado's sentiments. "Yeah," he agreed, his gaze locked on Kai. "We owe you one."

Kai leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. He studied Ichigo for a long moment before his gaze shifted to Sado. His face softened, and he gave a small nod. "Sado, you're welcome. I'm just glad it helped."

Sado gave a small smile, his gratitude clear. "It did. More than you know."

Kai's gaze then shifted back to Ichigo, his expression hardening slightly. "As for you, Kurosaki..." He trailed off, his eyes narrowing. "Don't think I did this for you. I did it because I promised to Yoruichi and I didn't want Orihime or any of the girls to worry."

Ichigo flinched slightly, but he didn't look away. "I know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "And I appreciate it. Really, I do."

The moment was cut short as the classroom door slid open, revealing their homeroom teacher. The usually strict woman had a somewhat amused expression on her face as she ushered two new students into the room. All eyes were drawn to them, their presence demanding attention.

One of the newcomers was a boy, tall and slim with an air of nonchalance about him. He had a unique style, wearing a bucket hat atop his head, covering part of his tousled blonde hair. His attire was casual yet stylish, differing significantly from the standard school uniform. A pair of dark shades rested on his hat's brim, adding to his already eccentric look.

Next to him was a petite girl, her grumpy expression contrasting greatly with the boy's relaxed demeanor. Her short hair was a vibrant blonde, cut in a tomboyish style that suited her well. She wore the same school uniform as the other girls, but with a twist. Her tie was loosely knotted, her shirt was partially untucked, and her socks mismatched.

The pair stood in stark contrast to the rest of the class, their distinct personalities emanating from them. The classroom was silent, the tension thick as everyone watched the new students. Their homeroom teacher motioned for them to step forward.

"Why don't you introduce yourselves?" she suggested, her voice carrying throughout the classroom.

The boy removed his hat, revealing a set of vibrant blue eyes. He flashed the class a lazy grin, completely at ease despite the dozens of curious eyes fixed on him. "I'm Shinji Hirako," he introduced himself, his voice confident and carefree.

He received a round of polite applause, but his attention seemed to be on Kai, his gaze sharp and calculating. Kai felt his eyes on him and looked back, raising an eyebrow in silent question.

The girl, in turn, introduced herself with a scowl, crossing her arms over her chest as she did so. "Hiyori Sarugaki," she grumbled, her voice laced with annoyance. She didn't wait for any applause before she turned to look at Kai, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Kai leaned back in his seat, his gaze flicking between the two new students. He recognized the names, of course, from his borrowed memories of Zannosuke. Shinji and Hiyori, the Vizards - shinigamis who had gained hollow powers.


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