Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch50- Late Night Visit

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Let's give a big, hearty welcome to our newest patrons, Big Boy and Kloud! These two magnificent individuals have descended upon our humble realm, ready to embark on a thrilling literary journey with us. May their presence add an extra sprinkle of delight and a cloud of whimsy to our merry band of readers!


Kai didn’t like the way the two newcomers were scrutinizing him, their eyes seeming to suggest a knowledge that shouldn’t have been there. It was as if they were privy to a secret they had no business knowing. He found himself recalling the night he first gained his hollow powers, wandering through a desolate, forgotten part of the city. Could he have been discovered then?

Annoyance pricked at him. Kai wasn’t the type to worry or feel fear easily, but the audacity of these two newcomers to inspect him as if he were some curious artifact was nothing short of irritating. Besides, he was not a fan of uninvited trouble. He preferred a lazy, trouble-free life. The way they were looking at him suggested complications.

"Is there a problem?" he asked, his eyes flicking from Shinji to Hiyori. His tone was measured, but the slight edge to his voice was hard to miss.

Shinji shrugged in response, the smirk on his face unchanging. His gaze was steadfast, never straying from Kai. "Just wondering," he said, his voice nonchalant.

Kai raised an eyebrow, leaning back against his seat. "Wondering what?"

Shinji's smirk widened a fraction. "Just about you, mate."

Kai couldn’t help but snort at that. "Really? Do I look that interesting?"

"More than you'd think," Hiyori chimed in, her gruff voice dripping with sarcasm.

The rest of the classroom seemed to have recovered from their initial surprise at the arrival of the new students, and some students even began whispering among themselves. Orihime and Tatsuki glanced at Kai, their expressions filled with curiosity and a hint of concern.

Ichigo, on the other hand, wore a thoughtful look on his face, clearly picking up on the tension between Kai and the newcomers. Sado, ever the silent observer, remained quiet, though he was watching the interaction with a keen eye.

Their teacher, noticing the lack of attention her new students were receiving, clapped her hands to get everyone's attention back. "Alright, everyone, settle down," she ordered, her tone stern. "It's time for your English lesson."

The night was still, punctuated only by the soft hum of the city and the occasional meow of a stray cat. Kai, Orihime, and Tatsuki patrolled the streets quietly, their eyes scanning for any lingering spirits. The girls were dressed in their usual attire, but with one significant addition: Orihime's hairpins gleamed in the dim streetlight and Tatsuki's hands were encased in a pair of pristine boxing gloves.

As the three friends ambled along, their conversation was hushed and sporadic, filled with random musings and idle chatter.

"Hey, Tatsuki," Orihime began, her voice laced with curiosity, "Did you know that every single snowflake is unique? There are no two snowflakes alike!"

Tatsuki chuckled, glancing at her friend. "Well, that's true, but it's not snowing, Orihime."

"I know," Orihime replied, her tone dreamy, "but just imagine how amazing it would be to see each unique snowflake."

A lopsided grin tugged at Kai's lips as he listened to their conversation. It was these moments that made him realize how much he cherished the companionship of his girlfriends, how much he loved the normalcy and tranquility of their shared experiences.

However, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered as Kai, in one fluid motion, drew his sword and blocked an incoming attack. The clash of steel on steel echoed in the otherwise quiet street, the sound unnaturally loud in the silence of the night.

Facing him was Shinji Hirako, his usual laid-back expression replaced by one of serious determination. Behind him, Hiyori stood ready with her own sword drawn, her eyes alert and focused.

"Why the attack, Hirako?" Kai asked, his voice cool as he blocked another strike from Shinji.

Shinji smirked, his blade locked against Kai's. "Just testing your reflexes," he said nonchalantly. "You passed, by the way."

"Great," Kai retorted, his tone dry. He swiftly disengaged from Shinji and took a step back, gesturing towards Orihime and Tatsuki with his sword. "Now, would you mind explaining what's going on? They're my friends, not target practice dummies."

Hiyori snorted, her gaze shifting from Kai to the two girls. "We're here because we have a job to do, not to play around."

"Oh, is that so?" Kai countered, his eyebrows raising in intrigue. "And what job might that be?"

Shinji shared a glance with Hiyori before turning back to Kai. "We're here to help you," he said simply.

Kai’s gaze hardened. He didn’t particularly enjoy the vague way Shinji phrased things, as though they held some sort of secret. He was more interested in straight answers, not cryptic declarations. But he was also aware of his own curiosity, a niggling little worm that gnawed at his insides.

"Help me?" Kai repeated, keeping his tone as even as possible. "How so?"

Shinji's gaze remained steady on Kai. "We can help you control your Hollow powers. I don't know how you got them, but hollow powers can be troublesome"

The sudden declaration had Orihime and Tatsuki exchanging worried glances, their eyes flickering back to Kai questioningly. The shock was visible on their faces, their concern for him evident. They had been aware of Kai's hollow powers when it first appeard, but the idea of it being a problem or something he needed help controlling wasn't something they had anticipated.

Kai, aware of their concern, shot them a reassuring look. He waved his hand dismissively, hoping to alleviate some of their immediate worry. "It's alright," he said, his voice steady. "I'll explain later."

Satisfied for now, the girls retreated a few steps, their eyes never leaving Kai and their bodies tense in case they needed to jump into action.

Returning his attention back to the Vizards, Kai assessed them critically. Shinji's relaxed demeanor was a stark contrast to Hiyori's impatient scowl. He couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at Shinji's confident, almost smug, smile. It was as if he held all the answers and Kai was just a puzzle waiting to be solved. A puzzle he didn't particularly want to be.


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