Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch65- Apology

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

The visuals of what they'd seen played in their minds, fuelling their imagination in ways they hadn't anticipated. They found themselves picturing what it would be like to be one of Kai's girlfriends. The raw, intimate love, the shared laughter, the shared satisfaction.

Matsumoto was the first one to break the silence. "Have you ever thought about it?" she asked, her voice shaking a little.

Rukia turned to her, her eyes wide with shock. "Thought about what?"

" know," Matsumoto blushed, her gaze fixed on her twiddling thumbs. "Being in one of their places. With Kai."

Rukia gaped at her, stunned. She hadn't expected Matsumoto to voice out such thoughts. She was about to deny it, but the image of Kai's body, his sculpted muscles gleaming under the moonlight, flashed before her eyes. She remembered the bliss on Orihime's face, the ecstatic moans that had filled the room.

She realized, she had thought about it.

"I...I don't know, Matsumoto," Rukia finally admitted, her voice barely audible. "It's...complicated. I mean, he's not just with one woman. He's with four."

"And they all seem happy, don't they?" Matsumoto countered, her gaze meeting Rukia's. "Orihime, Tatsuki, Chizuru, and Machiru. They all seem to be in bliss when they're with him."

Rukia was silent, her gaze dropping to her hands. Matsumoto was right. All of Kai's girlfriends seemed content. More than content, they seemed ecstatic, living in a world where they shared their love with Kai and each other. It was an unconventional arrangement, but it seemed to work for them. And the more she thought about it, the more she could see the appeal.

"I...I guess they do seem happy," Rukia finally said, her voice trembling.

Matsumoto nodded, her mind wandering back to the image of Kai. She remembered how strong he had looked, how he had moved with such grace and power. She remembered how each of his girlfriends had looked at him with love and adoration. The idea of being one of them was...intriguing.

"But it's Kai," Matsumoto finally said, her voice shaking. "I mean, he's lazy, he tries to avoid any trouble. But when it comes to them, he seems...different."

Rukia nodded, her mind running along the same lines. She remembered how Kai had always been laid back, always looking for the easiest way out of any situation. But with his girlfriends, he had been attentive, passionate, caring.

"It's he's not lazy when it comes to them," Rukia said, her voice soft. "Like he'd go to any lengths to make them happy."

Matsumoto agreed, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt a strange heat building up in her body, her thoughts wandering back to the scene they had witnessed. She remembered how Kai had looked, how he had made his girlfriends moan in pleasure. She found herself imagining what it would be like to be in their place.

A few hours later, close to three in the morning, Rukia found herself awake. Matsumoto's soft, rhythmic breathings served as a quiet soundtrack in the still room, indicating her peaceful slumber. Sleep, however, was elusive to Rukia. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, images, and sensations that refused to let her succumb to sleep's embrace.

With a sigh, she extracted herself from her makeshift bed and walked over to the balcony. The moon was full tonight, casting an ethereal glow over the world below. Standing there, bathed in the cool lunar light, she noticed Kai.

He was leaning against the railings, his shirtless figure a testament to the captivating scene she had witnessed earlier. The moonlight caressed his toned physique, accentuating his muscular contours. Memories of the previous scene flashed before her eyes, causing a blush to creep onto her cheeks.

She was about to retreat back into the room before Kai spotted her, but his voice stopped her in her tracks. "Please stay," he said. His voice was calm, a soothing balm against her turbulent thoughts. "I want to talk to you."

Rukia, still shy and unsure, nodded and walked further into the balcony. She stood next to Kai, her gaze fixed on the moon that hung low in the sky. She waited for Kai to speak, her heart pounding in her chest.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again. "I'm sorry I used Memory Altering on you," he confessed, his voice low. The apology caught her off guard.

"It's okay," she responded quietly. She turned to him, her eyes meeting his in the dim light. "I know why you did it." Her voice was barely a whisper, but it carried an understanding that surprised even her.

Initially, she had felt a pang of betrayal, a sense of deep hurt that Kai hadn't trusted her. But as time went on, she had realized that it wasn't her Kai didn't trust, but the Soul Society. The entity she had devoted her life to. The realization had brought a bitter taste to her mouth. She understood that Kai's actions, although drastic, were born out of a desperate need to protect what he held dear.

If anything, her experiences with Aizen had shown her how misplaced her trust had been. Kai had seen the deceit, the corruption, before she had. His actions had been a protective measure, not a display of mistrust. It took her some time to come to terms with this understanding, but now that she had, she couldn't hold any resentment against him.

Kai turned towards Rukia, his gaze steady in the moonlight. "I am an unknown, Rukia. No one likes unknowns. The Soul Society, they'd want to question me, experiment on me, or worse," he confessed, his voice hollow. "I don't want anyone snooping in my private life."

His confession made Rukia think about what she and Matsumoto had done earlier that night. They had invaded Kai's privacy in a way they hadn't thought about at the time. An uncomfortable guilt crept over her, but she also realized that Kai's fear of prying eyes extended beyond what they had seen tonight. It was a more deep-seated fear, a wariness of the world around him.

"Is that why you hid it from us? The memory manipulation?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kai nodded, his gaze dropping to his bare feet. "Yes. I don't trust many captains of the Gotei 13. Not only Aizen. Many of them have questionable moral standards."


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