Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch66- Putting On a Show

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

Rukia could hear the strain in his voice, a testament to the silent battles he had fought within the confines of his own mind. She found herself thinking about the captains of the Gotei 13. People she had looked up to, respected. Was it possible they were as corrupt as Kai suggested?

"But they are our comrades, our leaders. They're supposed to uphold the highest standards of integrity," she argued, her voice shaky.

Kai snorted, a bitter smile playing on his lips. "Are they, though? Look at what happened with Aizen. How many of us saw that coming?"

The mention of Aizen struck a chord in Rukia. She remembered how blindsided they all had been, how much they had trusted him. And he had betrayed them all, without a second thought.

"But not all of them are like Aizen," she protested, clinging onto her fading trust in her superiors.

"Maybe, maybe not," Kai replied, his gaze distant. "The point is, I can't afford to take that chance."

Rukia fell silent, mulling over his words. His distrust was like a heavy shroud, encompassing not just the Soul Society but their entire way of life. It was a frightening notion, but it was one born from Kai's experiences.

"Is it so wrong to want some privacy, Rukia?" Kai questioned, his voice soft. "Is it so wrong to want to keep my relationships, my abilities, my life separate from all the chaos?"

Rukia looked at him, seeing the vulnerability in his eyes. It was a side of Kai she had never seen before, a side he had carefully hidden away.

"No, it's not wrong, Kai," she admitted, her voice gentle. "We all have a right to our private lives. I... I shouldn't have invaded yours tonight."

Kai brushed off her apology with a chuckle, turning to lean back against the railings. The moonlight gave his already bronzed skin a sort of ethereal glow, emphasizing the soft sheen of sweat that lingered on his body. "It's okay," he dismissed, shrugging his broad shoulders nonchalantly. "We weren't exactly being quiet." His eyes gleamed with a touch of amusement in the dim light.

Feeling her cheeks heat up at the memory, Rukia looked away, fixing her gaze on the moon that hung low in the sky. The night was cool and quiet, the silence only interrupted by the occasional rustling of leaves. It was strangely peaceful, a stark contrast to the maelstrom of thoughts whirling in her mind.

"Besides," Kai added after a moment, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. He turned towards her, a small, mischievous smile dancing on his lips. "I'll admit I was showing off a bit, though."

Rukia blinked at him, taken aback by his confession. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Showing off?" she echoed, her voice rising in pitch. "You were showing off?"

Kai laughed at her reaction, the sound echoing through the quiet night. "Well, yeah," he confessed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. His silver eyes sparkled with amusement under the moonlight. "I mean, come on, Rukia. You and Matsumoto sneaking around like little mice? I thought it'd be fun to give you a bit of a show."

Rukia's mouth fell open, her cheeks burning. " knew?" she stammered out, flabbergasted. "And you still..."

"Of course I knew," Kai cut in, his smirk widening. "I mean, you two weren't exactly stealthy."

Rukia felt embarrassment wash over her like a tidal wave. She had thought they were being so careful, so quiet and weren't noticed until Kai looked at them when he got up for water. And all the while, Kai knew they were watching. She wanted to sink into the ground, to hide away from his teasing gaze.

"But..." she began, struggling to find her words. "But the girls, they...did they know?"

Kai laughed again, his chest shaking with mirth. "No, they didn't," he said, his voice barely a whisper against the night air. "But they won't mind, trust me."

"But that's…" Rukia started to say, but Kai cut her off.

"Oh, don't get all shy and embarrassed now," he chided, his voice teasing. "After all, you were the one sneaking around, peeking into other people's rooms."

The accusations were too much for Rukia, and she felt her face heat up even more. "That's not...we didn't...we were just curious!" she protested, stammering in her embarrassment.

"Curious," Kai echoed, his voice full of mirth. "Curious enough to watch the whole thing?"

Rukia sputtered, aghast at his audacity. " big idiot!" she cried, turning on her heel and marching back towards the room. "I can't believe you knew all along!"

She heard Kai's laughter ringing out behind her, a rich, deep sound that echoed through the quiet night. It only added to her embarrassment, making her cheeks burn even hotter. She pushed the door open and practically stormed into the room, leaving Kai chuckling on the balcony.

Inside, Matsumoto was still sound asleep, her peaceful snores filling the room. Rukia glanced back towards the balcony, where Kai still stood, his laughter slowly dying out. She caught a glimpse of his smirk, his eyes glinting under the moonlight, and felt another wave of embarrassment wash over her.

With a huff, she threw herself onto her makeshift bed, burying her face in her pillow. Her mind was a whirl of emotions - embarrassment, frustration, disbelief. She couldn't believe Kai had known they were watching all along, that he had been showing off for them. It was absurd, and yet so very Kai.

Her mind went back to Kai's confident smirk, the way he held himself with an easy grace. She remembered the strength of his body, the way he moved, the way he had made his girlfriends moan in pleasure. And she remembered his teasing words, his laughter echoing in the night.

The memory made her blush, but it also brought a small smile to her lips. Despite the embarrassment, despite the shock, she couldn't deny that there was a part of her that was intrigued by Kai. His strength, his confidence, his carefree attitude - it was all so different from what she was used to.


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