Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 18: Bonding

Sabrina felt on top of the world. She awoke with Jade in her arms bright and early, feeling more refreshed than any baseline human would ever experience. She was covered in perpetually fresh cum, and had morning wood, but she was refreshed. Taking care of aforementioned morning wood was a simple matter of taking off her dick, bringing it to her mouth, and expertly fucking her own throat. The nutritious cream she pumped straight into her belly made a good precursor to breakfast.

She snuggled Jade a little while longer, and then the couple got up to check on the new additions to their household. Said household included one more person than Sabrina realized. Sloan’s new goblin friend apparently didn’t simply sleep in her capture pod, as Sloan left Sabrina’s old room carrying the green girl under her arm.

“Sup,” Sloan greeted casually, not breaking her stride towards the kitchen.

Sabrina considered remarking on Sloan airing her pubes out in the kitchen, but nudity was the new normal here. She stuck to bringing up the goblin. “So what’s that about? Some kind of training?”

“Sorta,” Sloan said. The goblin didn’t seem to be struggling. Rather, she looked content being slung around like a pillow. “I let her out to see what kind of accord we could come to. No chance in hell I’m keeping a slave or prisoner, no matter the species, so I wanted to see if there was an amicable arrangement we could come to or if I should just release her back into the dungeon.”

“What’s the verdict?”

The goblin answered in a smoker’s voice, smiling and hugging Sloan’s arm. “I’m her teddy bear.”

“More or less,” Sloan confirmed. “She’s kind of fucked in the head. Whatever faction of goblin culture she comes from is pretty into dom-sub relationships. I’m all for people putting on the roles of dom and sub for sex, but outside of that it’s kinda…”

“Gross?” Sabrina guessed.

“Yep. Grody as hell. I don’t even want to touch on how creepy it is to have a submissive concubine, won from conquest. Apparently goblins sleep in big piles, though. She’s pretty obsessed with cuddling and was insisting I give her some kind of job, so… teddy bear. I’m gonna take care of her and pay her in exchange for that job.”

“You’re gonna pay her?”

“In silver, yeah. She’ll either figure out something to do with it or not. Maybe she’ll eat it, I don’t know.”

“Alright,” Sabrina said, rolling with the weirdness. She looked to the goblin. “Nice to formally meet you, and welcome to our home. I’m Sabrina. What’s your name?”

“Spoons,” the goblin croaked.

“Because you…”

“Because I spoons, yep. I was unnamed and Sloan said I should name myself.” When she was done talking, she licked her own nose with a long red tongue and when back to hugging Sloan’s arm.

Sabrina let out a long exhale from her nose. Her life had gotten very weird, and Sloan was weird already. She simply moved on, brewing some coffee while Jade started on breakfast.

With coffee in hand, she checked in on Alice, who was in the new room at the end of the hall. Alice was hunched over her new runesmithing table in an oversized T-shirt. When she noticed Sabrina at the door, she gave a “hello” in a sing-song voice.

“Working in your subclass? What can you do with it?”

“Hmm? Yeah. Been goofing with it all night. What I can do with it is change the world. Or, at least pieces of it. In the long run though, anything is possible.”

“Change the world?”

“Exactly. You know how you’ve got that base totem that changes your apartment? I can make aura totems. They broadcast an aura over an area that makes them into a domain, and then I can use a runic coding language to basically change things about that domain the same way that you’d change our base.”

“Holy shit,” Sabrina said. “That’s incredible! I mean… holy shit. How long do you think it’ll be before you can test it out?”

“Right now. It uses jellies as a power source, which was the main issue. You see, Mysticism jellies work best for this kind of magic. If I had just one of those I’d have enough power. I’d have to go solo down into the dungeon though, and that would make me a liability to the team. After a few hours tied to a chair with a heavy duty vibrator up my ass, two smaller ones strapped to my cocks, and plugs in my dickholes keeping the cum from escaping, I was able to gather seven Lust jellies, which was enough to get the job done.”

Sabrina’s mouth fell open. All she could think to ask was, “where did you get all that?”

“Challenge rewards,” she said simply. “They’re enchanted. You should try one of the urethra plugs for your part-time dick. It’s insane.” Getting back on track, she continued, “so, wanna come with me downstairs to try this out?” She held up dodecahedral stone with runes carved on the faces.

“Sure. What’s it gonna do?”

Alice chose not to answer, instead leading Sabrina downstairs to the laundry room. “What’s going on?” Sabrina asked. “Are you gonna make the dungeon open during the day or something?”

Alice scoffed. “There’s no way I could even touch the kind of magic that door uses. That’s a tear between realities. Or, more accurately, a tear between reality and an unreality. I’m starting smaller. I’m fixing the laundry room.”

“Oh thank god,” Sabrina said, reminded of the headache her laundry room had been. “I’m so sick of the machines being out of order.”

“They’ll be a lot more than ‘in order,’ they’ll be extremely energy and water efficient, have the same magic water as the apartment, take like a minute per load, and best of all, they’ll cost nothing.”

Sabrina was in awe. “You can do all that? With your first totem?”

Alice shrugged and tucked the stone behind a dryer. “Let’s find out.”

After a moment, all of the machines except for the dungeon entrance shimmered and, in a blink, they were different. They looked sturdier and simpler, and no longer had coin slots. Alice asked, “got any laundry that needs doing?”

Sabrina chuckled, amazed. “Uh, yeah, actually. My bedding is a mess.”

Alice giggled, and said, “you don’t have to tell me. That cum smells amazing, by the way.”

Ah yes, Sabrina realized. Not just new roommates, but new roommates with senses that make privacy impossible. Lovely.

After cleaning her sheets in less time than it took for the omelettes to be ready, Sabrina ate, joked around with her friends, and went to check out her own subclass. The biohacker workstation was unusual. It was consisted of a black lab table that reminded her of science class, with a big glass vat of pink liquid.

It wasn’t a very hands-on form of crafting. All she needed to do was sit at the table and meditate. Then the video-game like interface in her mind opened up to an in-depth menu. It showed essences she owned, recipes she could craft with those essences, and cryptic descriptions of what the final product would do.

She started with the essence she looted from Red. She could craft Red’s Imp Mutagen (Vagina/Vulva) using the essence and two Lust jellies. She could also add other essences to modify the effects. She went ahead and just made the simple version.

As soon as she hit confirm, Red’s Essence appeared inside of the tube of pink liquid, and the liquid began bubbling. After a minute or so of the bubbling, the liquid drained out into some unseen reservoir. Once the liquid was gone, the tank tipped forward and dropped the mutagen. It was the shape of the imp essence, but now made of glowing green rubber of some sort. Above it, floated a menu prompt.

Mutate? (Y/N)

“Anyone wanna turn their pussy into an impussy?” Sabrina called out to the apartment.

“Nope,” Jade shouted back, “but I want you to have an impussy.”

Sabrina stared down her creation. Did she even want to do this? Had she wasted her subclass? What was the point of monster genitals? Whatever, she decided.


The mutagen shifted states into luminescent green smoke, which darted straight for her pussy. A strange and tingly heat overcame her pussy, and she grabbed onto her chair to try help her bare it. When the process was complete, she got a message.

Vagina/vulva mutated! New traits acquired:

>Classification: demonic

>Temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit

>Flavor and spice

>Craving/rush pheromones

>Grippers gained— *grippers refers to the many bumps that line demonic vaginal walls. Grippers are extremely sensitive.

>Cervix replaced with a Hellmouth— *Hellmouth refers to a demonic cervix, which can open up to suck on objects. At full strength, this suction can reach hazardous pressures. Oral bonus has been applied to Hellmouth.

>Second G-spot added between vagina and anal walls

>Volume and plushness of labia majora increased

>Clitoral sensitivity and arousal increased

Sabrina looked down. Her bodysuit already showed a lot of cameltoe, but now with extra fat and squishy pussy lips, she was spilling out of the sides. Something about the devilish warmth that radiated from her crotch made her feel sexy and powerful. Maybe monster genitals weren’t so bad, after all.

With a brand-new demon pussy, Sabrina was too horny to think. She wordlessly got up and went straight for her room to grab the Living Dildo. When she got her hands on it, she was overwhelmed with happiness. She showed her joy with a lip-smacking kiss on its head.

She was beginning to understand the Living Dildo differently. It was a magic item, and remotely attached to her. She got the sense that it was also a separate living being as well, though. She was inexorably linked to and responsible for another living thing that existed only as a penis. Thinking of it this way, she couldn’t help but feel love, compassion, and appreciation for it.

With that in mind, she gave the Living Dildo a treat. She attached it to a post on the lower-left corner of the bed frame, and sat down on it. Right away here face fell limp and she began leaking drool.

Sabrina didn’t know which part was better. Feeling the dick penetrate her and rub against her sensitive grippers with immense pressure like a drug. Feeling a hot pussy with textured bumps littering every centimeter was something she’d sell her arms and legs to feel more of. It burned so good, like stepping into a maximally heated jacuzzi.

When she hit the Hellmouth and opened it to suck her dick inside of it, her lungs collapsed with overwhelming pleasure. This reflexively made her Hellmouth suck even harder, creating a feedback loop of torturously good sensations. She couldn’t even move. It was like getting her dick stuck in pneumatic mail tube. Fortunately, she was in no rush, and it would likely take over an hour for her to die from holding her breath.

Everything would have been fine, if Sabrina hadn’t overreached. The extreme sensation was holding her at the edge of delicious orgasm indefinitely. She decided to push herself further; thus, she began rubbing her index finger against her clit as she rocked her hips back and forth.

She got the multi-pronged cocktail of orgasms that she’d intended. This turned the suction into overdrive, however. The Living Dildo was pulled between her Hellmouth and it’s anchor-point on the bed post like a bowstring until the weakest link gave out. The Living Dildo was yanked from the bed post, and without that tension, was sucked fully into Sabrina’s pussy.

Her large balls being suddenly pulled into her hot, pressurized tunnel was fairly painful. The real trouble, though, would come if she couldn’t stop her Hellmouth from swallowing The Living Dildo whole. Only at the last possible second was she able to clamp the Hellmouth down hard enough to resist her suction. This felt like having a painfully tight steel cock ring stuck at the very deepest base of her cock, but it saved her balls.

The pain and fear weren’t nearly enough to stop the cum from being forcefully sucked from her cock. So long as that went on, she had no hope of relaxing her Hellmouth. She would just need to hold on tight until her full-body seizure of an orgasm subsided. That took a grueling five minutes, as the longer it went on, the more perverse pleasure she took from her own torture.

Finally, though, the cumming stopped, and the beast within her was soothed. Slowly relaxing her Hellmouth, Sabrina contracted and manipulated her enchanted pussy muscles to slowly push the living dildo out of herself. With a sigh of relief, she deposited it onto the bed.

This experience has increased your bond with Living Dildo. Bond evolved!

>You will now feel a deeper connection to the feelings and desires of your Living Dildo.

>Magic saturation of semen increased.

>Semen production increased.

>Wearing the Living Dildo while it has an orgasm grants the wearer a 20% bonus to attack damage for 2 hours.

>While Living Dildo is worn by yourself or an ally, wearer gains a 50% bonus to max HP.

>While worn by an ally, you gain a telepathic link with the wearer for communication.

Sabrina’s first thought was, “wow, that’s amazing.” Her horrified second thought was, “fuck! I have to bring this whenever I go to the dungeon!”

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