Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 20: Tanks

Two of the orcs had hammers, one had a battle-axe, one had a flail, one was barehanded, and the leader had something akin to brass-knuckles. Sabrina assumed that one was the leader, because she was the largest, at easily over seven-feet-tall. She had a pink mohawk, a septum piercing, and, as she displayed by ripping off her vest: nipple piercings.

Sloan was impressive, starting her one-on-six by repeatedly battering the orc who hit Jade until she finally died. Then, the hulking bitch who Sabrina decided to call ‘Pinkie’ stepped in and turned the tides. With Sloan busy beating on the first orc, the rest of the group stood back to let their leader do her thing.

Pinkie swung a mean right hook at Sloan’s rib from behind. Sloan, apparently, was playing up her distraction because as she took the hit, she smacked Pinkie in the head with her club, disguising the movement as pulling up to hit the downed orc again. It looked like something from the three stooges to Sabrina.

Dispute the small victory, the hit to her rib was the more devastating of the traded blows. Fortunately, tangled nets of slime-rope kept the rest of the group at bay for the moment, so at least Sloan had a chance. It was a slim chance, though, exemplified by Pinkie’s next punk, broke Sloan’s nose so bad that it faced sideways.

“Need an assist?” Sabrina asked over the dick-radio.

“Hold steady, don’t strike until the moment is just right,” Sloan commanded. Sabrina couldn’t lie, this side of Sloan was doing something to her. Sabrina stood by, waiting for her moment. She looked over to check on Jade, and breathed a sigh of relief to see her face was almost fully healed, as she sucked on her own tit.

Sloan dropped her club for now, engaging in this melee bare handed. She began with a hard kick to the orc’s pussy, oddly enough. It was just enough to make Pinkie wince, and in that window, Sloan punched up to hit her chin. She felt like a little kid fighting a large adult. She’d taught tall men before, but nothing like this.

Pinkie smirked and lunged to grasp Sloan’s neck in her left hand. The orc then lifted Sloan like a doll in her strangle hold, and began an onslaught of punches with her other hand. It didn’t look like Sloan would hold on much longer.

Sabrina looked around, frantically. Jade helped center her, grabbing her shoulders and looking in her eyes with determination. She looked up and gestured for Alice to come, then back at Sabrina. Jade held her tit and gave Sabrina a look that said “shut up and drink.”

Sabrina drank, and got a message in her head.

Temporary buff: next attack will be laced with [acid] damage and induce [lingering acid] effect.

Go do your thing, Bean,” Jade told her. “After you stab that bitch, that’ll be the signal for Alice to release the nets. Once the big cunts get in close, do your explosion spell thingie, and then get out of there. Got it?”

Sabrina gave a half nod, and vanished. She appeared behind Pinkie, and then flew forward with her blitz attack. She penetrated deep, almost shoving the spear out through her chest. The orc dropped Sloan and fell to one knee. Then, an overbearing rush of movement came from all sides and the group closed in on her. Right as they all reached her, Sabrina cast her spell, exploding a concussive shockwave that knocked everyone around her off of their feet. Then, she simply blipped back to Jade, giving herself (and her dick) a small orgasm.

The downed orcs were quickly fastened down with tendrils. Sloan weakly pulled herself back up and was met by a potion-laden tendril repelling gently down. Sloan downed it, stood fully, and picked up her club. With all of her might, she brought the club down on Pinkie’s head, killing her.

As Sloan got working on the next orc, Sabrina and Jade ran into the action to to stab the others. Meanwhile, magical knives rained down to help them chip away at the considerable damage sponges. After enough repetitive hits, victory was secured.

Perhaps their fight was enough to give the other monsters pause, because nothing bothered them as they each got a turn suckling Jade’s milk. In fact, they even saw a friendly face. Hearing an intonation of “yum,” Sabrina looked up to see Red.

“That was pretty hot,” Red said in congratulations. Then looking at Sloan she asked, “did you have a dick before?”

“No,” Sloan said curtly, and elaborated no further.

Red looked to Sabrina, trying to brush off Sloan’s rudeness. Sabrina eagerly asked, “what’s with all this shit? Why’s it so chaotic down here now.”

Red shrugged. “The dungeon triggered a mass migration, bringing a bunch of monsters from lower floors up here. Happens sometimes, but usually as a slower seasonal shift.”

“I’d like to think it’s a coincidence, but we also got a quest to stay here for a whole day, and I guess we’ll get double loot during daytime,” Sabrina said conspiratorially.

That got Red’s attention, as both eyebrows went straight up. “Oh shit. That’s not a coincidence. Sounds like the dungeon’s going to great lengths to level you guys up fast. Totally ominous, I dig it. Anyway, what’s with your snippy friend’s cock?”

“It’s mine, actually. I’m just letting her borrow it.” Red furrowed her brow in confusion. Sabrina explained, “it’s a legendary item, called a Living Dildo. It’s always connected to me, but other people can wear it and be connected to it too. Provides some buffs, so she’s wearing it.”

Red looked completely astonished. “Shut the fuck up!”

“It’s true.”

“How much do you want for it?”

“It’s not for sale.”

“Well can I try it?” Red pleaded.

“Sure, some time when it’s safe. By how things are looking, I don’t know when that’ll be,” Sabrina said, non-committal.

Red was frantic now, like Gollum having the One Ring taken away from him. “Wait! I know a place where you can be safe any time! Just find a safe room. Monsters can’t go in there, though, so you’d have to make me your familiar.”

Alice and Jade shared an oddly excited look. Sloan, seemed to be overtaken with a sense of urgency. Sloan barked, “where? Take us there!”

Red jumped slightly at Sloan’s serious manner. “I don’t know, exactly. It’s different for every party, and safe rooms are invisible to monsters. If you make me your familiar, though, I can help you find it. I even know where you can find a map.”

Sloan huffed, agitated. Sabrina would need to check on her. For now, she asked Red, “what would that entail? —Making you a familiar, I mean.”

“You’d give me a support role in your party. In this case, I’d be your ‘pocket pussy.’ I’d be bonded to you, and have special privileges in how I can help you, and restrictions of acting against you. As a bonus, I can teach you how to use that new cunt of yours properly. I know what my pussy smells like, and baby you reek of it. All demon pussies are powerful, but mine is the cream of the crop. That’s way too much power to be in untrained hands.”

Sabrina was amused to realize that it seemed Red was angling to get fucked by the Living Dildo, when it seemed before that she wanted to wield it. “Alright, fuck it. You’re the party’s pocket pussy.”

Red flew uncomfortably close to Sabrina, and in a chaotic voice, offered, “seal the deal with a kiss?”

Sabrina slightly puckered her lips, and immediately had Red’s full lips sucking her own, and along with a long, writhing tongue exploring her mouth.

>You’ve gained a familiar: Red the imp!

Red rode on Sabrina back, pointing to navigate the party to their next destination. Behind Sabrina, Jade and Alice were chattering about how exciting it was that they were going to use a real life safe room. In the back, Sloan was brooding quietly.

“What’s that you two are geeking out about?”

Alice snickered, and said, “ask Jade, she’s the bigger geek about this.”

“Lies! You made me watch a two hour video essay on Resident Evil,” Jade argued.

“Yeah, no. You came to my apartment while I was watching a ninety minute Resident Evil video essay, and then you made me put on the seven and a half hour Resident Evil video essay that the chick referenced. Don’t try to put that off on me.”

Jade looked slightly guilty. “Oh yeah, huh?” She then looked back to Sabrina. “Alrighty, Bean. Safe rooms are where you take a breather and save your game in survival horror games.”

Sabrina nodded slowly. With incredulity, she said, “yeah, I know. I’ve played a video game before. That’s it, though? You’re losing your shit because a part of this video game-ass dungeon is like a thing from a video game?”

Jade shrank down. She defended, “from a really cool video game.”

Sabrina chuckled at her girlfriend and grabbed her hand to hold it as she walked. The dungeon was showing itself to be a dangerous place. More than that, though, it was a wondrous place. It was where Sabrina felt the most alive.

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