Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 34

Arland stopped at a crossroads. Nury glanced back at him and the demoness rolled her eyes.

He met the dragon's gaze, "This is it. The edge. Any further and I'm violating my exile order. Y'know, we could leave and come back here in another year. The vardor set the timeline to three years, so we've got time to spare."

Nury walked back, "Arland, baby... I love you. But you need to suck it up. It takes time to rally troops. Your father will understand why you violated it. You're preparing for a war. What better reason to come back than to ensure that you're alive to come properly later?"

Arland nodded, "You're right. Of course, you're right. I'm just nervous. It's been so long since I've seen everyone. It feels like my heart is going to pound out of my chest."

The dragoness moved her arms around his shoulders, pressing herself into his back and whispering into his ear, "Relax, dear. They're your family. They'll all be glad to see you. It's been years."

Arland sighed and stepped across the boundary, "I guess there's no going back now. We should find a way to fly the banner."

Nury held up the banner as they walked - a red flag with a generic scowling skull with horns crossed out in red, "Done."

The demoness looked at the flag, "Is this how we're represented? Geez, it's no wonder Agdron hates humans... Fucking racists..."

"Hey, you lot are the ones that enslaved the elves," Arland retorted.

"Nuh-uh! The elves gave themselves up willingly. Lady Rania said so."

"Right, because anyone would give themselves up willingly."

The demoness shrugged, "Not like I was there to see, anyhow. I'm too young."

"How old are you," Nury asked, tilting her head to the side.

She sighed and looked between the pair, "I suppose there's not much to hide. My name is Trinar. I'm twenty. I just joined. This was supposed to be a simple observation run. Find and observe you. But my partner was a fucking moron and didn't want to stay hidden. He was a ten-year veteran of the demon lord's army."

Arland looked over at her, "And just how did you know about me? No one has made a move yet. Unless the demon king has spies..."

She sighed and met his gaze, "No. A turncoat. A purple dragoness by the name of Nepheline."

Nury gasped, "Nephy?! There's no fucking way! You're lying!"

Trinar smirked, "And just what could I gain by that? I'm literally captured behind enemy lines. The only reason I know who gave us the information is that she stopped by the barracks after she spoke with Lord Agdron."

Nury looked at Arland, "Do you think it could be true?"

Arland nodded, "I don't want to believe it, but if what she says is true, then Nephy is a traitor to our cause."

"I wouldn't say a traitor," A voice called out.

All three looked up to see Nephy coming down to meet them, "My apologies for not speaking to you about it first. Arland, as a noble, what's the greatest disadvantage an army can have?"

He thought for a moment before replying, "There are a number. Uneven terrain, lack of information, unfavorable conditions, and a smaller size. But I'd say even greater than all that... I was always taught false information."

Nephy nodded as her feet touched the ground, "Indeed. I'm feeding Agdron incorrect information. Should he prove intelligent, he'll march after you, allowing you time to properly set up an ambush."

Arland folded his arms, "And if he doesn't? What if he decides he wants to march on me right now? Wipe me out before I have my army built up?"

"Quite simple, my dear boy. I've got it all in hand. Please, trust me. I'd never harm my dearest sister."

Nury glared at her, "Nephy, I love you dearly, but you really should've run this by us first."

Nephy walked up and embraced the dragoness, "I'm sorry, sis. But I didn't have the time. I'm sure you can understand."

"One thing... I don't remember telling you our plans."

Nephy looked away and chuckled nervously, "Yes, well... I've been keeping an eye on you two... Arland, You're with my sister. And Nury, you were the only one in our family to stand up for me when mom and dad sent us away."

Nury shrugged, "I did more than stand up for you... After they banished you, I left."

"You... Left as well?"

Nury nodded, "Yeah. It's not my family unless my sister is there with me. But since then, I've found a new family." She walked over and put her arm around Arland, "My wonderful boyfriend."

Nephy smiled and patted her shoulder, "Good for you, little sis."

Nury grinned and stuck her tongue out, "I'm not the one that's little."

Nephy let out a small chuckle, "I guess not." Her eyes roamed over her sister. Nury was by far taller and thinner, despite being the younger one of the two.

Trinar cleared her throat, "This is all very touching, but can we hurry and get me to a jail cell? This rope itches and I think it's cutting off circulation."

Nephy looked her over, "Ah, yes. My apologies, demon." She turned to Nury, "I'll go and fetch my tribe. How long until the vardor are ready?"

"Three years."

"Good. That'll give us time to properly train and ensure the next generation."

"Wait," Arland interjected. "Nephy, I can't ask you to place your tribe in danger for my quest."

She turned to him and walked over, trailing a single claw along his chest, "And who said you're asking? We're all connected, dear boy. You're with my sister. I'll die to protect her. And my tribe has agreed to enter any war I'm a part of. The only one who can call any of this off is you. If you go, so do we."

Arland sighed, "Fine. Let's get to it. Nephy, continue feeding him false information. Do what you can to ensure he doesn't march early. We'll set up in the twin plains."

"That area between the two plateaus separating Cheecia and Devilwood?" The violet dragoness asked.

"Indeed. That'll be the most direct path for us. Tell him we plan to gather there before marching through the plateaus."

Nephy furrowed her brow, "Are you certain it's wise to tell him where you'll be?"

"I never said we'd be there. Just that that's where I want him to think I am."

Nury opened her mouth to reply, but Nephy held up her hand, "Smart. If he starts to get suspicious and tries to torture me, I can't spill the beans. That's a genius move, Arland."

He blushed and scratched his head, "Well, truth be told, it was less that and more I'm just not sure if we can't fully trust you yet."

Trinar sighed loudly, "Are we going?! I'm anxious to be locked up properly. The war won't be won with this inane chatter!"

Arland sighed, "Right, let's go."


Arland, Nury, and Trinar began walking, with Nephy taking to the air and swooping before flying off, toward the horizon.

"I can't believe Nephy is on our side. I feel so much more confident about the coming war," Nury said.

Trinar shrugged, "Assuming she actually is. We demons have done such things before. Sharing true information while passing it off as spreading falsehoods."

Nury sighed, "That's true... It's a risk that she could be working for them for us for them, so to speak..."

Arland laughed, "Not a chance. That's too complex. Once we hit circular logic, it breaks down. We have one simple question. Do we trust her?"

Nury thought for a moment, "Yeah. I do."

The warrior smiled at her, "Then so do I. But only a fool doesn't hedge his bets. Even if we lose the bet, we can still win the war overall."

Trinar spoke up, "It's simple. If the orcs are on our side, so is she. If not, then she's against us."

Arland looked over at the demon, "And why are you helping us?"

"Why not? It got boring watching you lot run in circles. And besides... You're right. Why would the elves sell themselves into slavery...? It doesn't make any sense."

Arland stopped, with Nury and Trinar stopping just behind him. He jutted his chin out, drawing attention ahead of the group, "My sister rides out to meet us."

The girls both look forward as a group mounted on horses make their way out, riding at a healthy speed towards the group.


Just a quick reminder, don't forget to check out my SubscribeStar! I'm currently up to chapter 37 there, plus I've got nudes of the characters and other randoms!!

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