Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 35

As the group neared, Nury stepped in front of Arland spreading her wings to show that she'd protect him.

The leader of the group pulled up, aiming a lance at the three as the other spread around, encircling them, "Why would such a ragtag grouping be nearing our estate?"

Nury spoke in a low, calm tone, "We have business with the master..."

"HAH! And what business would a demon, a dragon, and a human have with our master?!"

"I'll only say it once more... I have business with the master. And I refuse to relay it to one of his retainers."

The lead horseman leveled his lance at Nury's chest, "Retainer? Ignorant little girl... I'm the son of this Dukedom, Arland Norman! You'll have to go through me should you wish to assail the keep!"

Nury sighed, "And should I choose to burn the entire estate to the ground? Would you be willing to perish with the rest of them? Because I will."

Arland placed his hand on her shoulder, "Easy. Don't cause trouble."

The false Arland chuckled, "Listen to your master, dragon. Slink off back to the slums. We don't have time to deal with low lives like yourselves."

The real Arland stepped around, "Listen, you cockbite... I don't know who you think you are to speak to my girlfriend like that, but you sure as shit won't get away with it. State your name!"

"I'm Arland Nor-"

"YOUR REAL NAME!" Arland bellowed.

The horseman blinked and stared at him, "What kind of nonsense is this? I told you my name."

"Then prove it. Remove your helmet."

The horseman sighed and nodded to two other horsemen who moved up. Once he felt it was safe, he set his lance in the saddle holder before removing his helmet. There, under the steely gaze of the helmet, sat a face that Arland barely recognized.

Nury gasped, "Arland, what the hell...?!"

Arland smirked, "Budgie, what the hell do you think you're doing? Borrowing my name while you don't think I'm using it?"

The horseman blinked then dismounted, "Arland? But... You're... You're dead..."

Arland beamed, "Not last I knew. Still alive and kicking."

Nury stepped back, "Arland, please explain, my love..."

The warrior turned to her, "This is Budgie. He and I used to be friends. We looked enough alike that most people would mistake us. The biggest difference was that he was more talented with a lance while my specialty has always been a sword. Last I knew, he was on track to be a Wyvern Knight."

Budgie shrugged, "Yeah, well... I flunked out of that... The way they treat the wyverns... I couldn't abide it. They treat them like mindless beasts."

Nury chuckled, "Wyverns are, though."

Budgie turned on her, furrowing his brow, "But they're not. They may lack the intelligence that sets humans and dragons apart, but they're not mindless. They're more like... Like dogs or horses. They have minds and personalities, but you have to let that shine through."

Nury nodded, "That may be, but even dogs and horses can be trained for war."

Budgie grunted and turned back to Arland, "So if you're not dead, aren't you back a little early?"

Nury folded her arms and turned her head while Arland held up the flag, "I'm not marching as myself but as a delegation for the Anti-Demon force."

Budgie laughed, "Is that a joke? the Anti-Demon Force?"

"Not a joke, but it was a spur-of-the-moment naming, so forgive me."

Budgie nodded, "Come, let's go. Your father will be anxious to see you after so long. But... Your companion..."

Arland waved him off, "She's fine. She's part of the delegation. As for the demoness... Take her to the jail and have her wait for me."

Trinar scoffed, "Yup. Lock up the dangerous demoness..."

"You are dangerous though. You could report back," Arland explained as they began walking back towards the keep.

Trinar shrugged, "I suppose I can't deny that. Except that I'd be killed simply for having been captured."

The party rode up to the gates. As they neared, the guards immediately recognized Arland, opening the doors for them and saluting him.

Arland nodded his greeting. The guards opened the gate, allowing the group in.

As a pair of guards led Trinar away, Arland called out to them, "If any of you harms her in any way, you'll have me and my dragon to answer to."

The guards turned and offered a quick, shaky salute before leading her down into a dungeon.

Arland turned to head inside when the door burst open. There stood his father, seeming just as large and imposing as he had all those years ago. Harald marched down the stairs, sword in hand. He shrugged his cloak off, "You've violated your exile, Arland! You know the consequences, yes?!"

Nury held up her hands but Arland placed his hand on her shoulder. When she glanced over her shoulder, he flashed her a smile.

She stepped back and Arland stepped forward, "Indeed I do, Father. Though I don't ride under my banner."

"Regardless. You set foot on Norman land. Prepare yourself, boy!" He drew his sword and rushed forward. Arland kept his smile as he sidestepped the slash. He easily dodged the next few strokes.

Harald growled, "Draw your blade! Show me my trust in Leera wasn't misplaced!"

Arland sighed and shook his head, "Very well, Father."

Nury stepped back, watching as the two men clashed. Steel on steel rang out, echoing around the courtyard.

Harald jumped back before following up with another three strikes. Arland's blade could barely be seen moving - it's more accurate to say it simply appeared in the path of each stroke.

With a quick flourish, Arland swiped the blade out wide, stepped in, and planted the point at his father's throat.

Harald panted. The pair both stopped. The crowd that had gathered watched with bated breath.

Finally, Harald began chuckling as he dropped his sword. He pulled his son into a hug, "My boy! You're alive!!" His tears fell freely as Arland returned the hug.

Arland pulled back and looked at his father, "I return. You told me if I ever needed help to return. I'm here, father. I request aid."

"Bah!" Harald exclaimed, "You're family! Drop the formalities! Come, come! Let's head in. Your girl there is welcome as well."

The three head inside while Harald gives orders for a meal to be prepared.


As they sat around the dinner table, Nury finally asked the question that had been weighing on her mind, "Arland, how did you know he wasn't serious?"

The swordsman grinned at her, "Simple. My father was never one to earnestly attempt to harm his kids. No matter how badly I messed up, he always had a kind hand."

Harald nodded as he took a bite of the savory white meat the chef had served, "Indeed. I just wanted to measure Arland's strength. He's always been a genius with the sword, but... He was just toying with me out there. When he left, he had to be serious about his fighting. Now, he has the strength to smile and play with his opponents. He's certainly grown."

Arland blushed, "Nah, You've just slowed in your old age."

Harald choked on his wine, "Excuse you?! I'll have you know I can still best any of my soldiers here! All that training with the elf gave you some superhuman speed or something!"

Arland shrugged, "It did seem like you were moving at a crawl."

Harald met his gaze, "You want to go again?"

"You sure your pride could handle two losses, old man?"

Harald glared for a moment longer before he started laughing, "Yeah, I don't think so. Changing subject, who's this vision of beauty?" He motioned towards Nury.

Nury blushed and averted her gaze, "I'm Nury, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

"Nice to meet- wait... Again? No... Arland, this is Nury? THE Nury?! That red dragon you met and befriended as a child?"

Arland beamed a smile, "One in the same."

Harald chuckled, "You prefer the older girls, do ya? Just like your old man. Ah, but I had a thing for some sexy milfs when I was younger... of course, now they'd be ancient, so..."

Arland threw a pea at him, "Dad! Nury isn't that much older than me! As for life stages, we're about equal."

"Aye, but she'll grow, what, a year or two older in the span of your whole life?"

Nury nodded, "Yeah, and that sucks. But it's something we've come to accept, Sir."

"Enough with the 'Sir' crap, Nury. You're family. It's 'Harald' or 'Dad' to you."

She looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you... Dad."

He grinned, "See? Much better. Anyway, what brings you this way?"

Arland's face turned serious, "We need the army. I'm going to war with the demons. We're going to be freeing the elves."

Harald matched his son, "What makes you believe you can? And how is it your problem?"

"I promise Leera. As for why I know I can... I must. I've got the vardor, a dragoness, and her tribe of orcs, plus Nury. I'll also be petitioning the guild to post a recruitment message across all kingdoms."

"And how do you plan to pay everyone?"

"Those who require payment will be allowed anything they plunder from the war. The rest are joining of their own volition."

Harald leaned back and tapped his chin, "And who'll be leading them? You?"

"Yes," He said simply.

"What's your plan of attack?"

Arland smirked, "I'm thinking we set up an ambush between the twins."

"I can't send my troops there. That's foreign lands. I'd need the backing of my king."

Arland crossed his arms, his smirk growing wider, "If it were official, yes. But if you pardon any deserters that return later... You could plead that they weren't under your orders, but that your troops went of their own volition."

Harald stared at his son for a moment before chuckling, "You've grown, my boy. You've got my troops, should they wish to join you. I'll permit you to speak to them. Under the condition that you return after this war."

"Will you provide housing for the elves?"

"I'll permit them to build a town nearby. Have you spoken with the lord of the Devilwood about using his land for this war?"

Arland held his hand out, which Harald clasped. Arland replied, "That was the plan after this stop."

Harald held his son's hand for a moment longer, "I'll send a letter with you to vouch for your status. I'll also permit you to officially resume your name and title. Welcome back, Arland Norman, as a noble of Cheecia."

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