Lazily Yours.

Chapter 273: Alliance

When Lyca arrived back in the underground, she immediately went to bed next to Shen Qui. Unbeknownst to her, what happened to the Chu Family already reached the ears of almost everyone in the whole City. It even reached the ears of the now very influential Santa Rivers.

Rumor has it that Lyca actually killed everyone in minutes just after they enter the walls of the ranch. Some say, it was such a bloody scene and that heavy artillery was used to suppressed those people, not even giving them the time to retaliate! When these rumors reached the streets, people heard that every wall of the ranch was actually equipped with automatic rifles that fire all by themselves! 

Some people claimed that they hear loud shots! They were so loud, their eardrums were affected! As the story was passed down, it became more and more frightening making everyone fear Q and his fierce wife. Of course, the other family members immediately became hesitant when they heard those rumors. In the first place, they haven't really seen the ranch. Moreover, the only one who claimed to know the ins and out of the ranch was Mr. Clint's son. He said that there was no defense system in those areas!

But how could they believe them now? Without weapons, how did all those people died in mere minutes? Those people were said to be proficient in martial arts! There was no way that they died from hand to hand combats! They immediately concluded that having a meeting with Matriarch Chu was for the best.

"And you needed our help now? You were the first to ridicule us when you heard the news! You actually forgot that you were also planning to attack her!" As her mother's representative, Chu Yuyan immediately showed her fierce personality. How could she let this opportunity go without giving them a piece of her mind? "Mr. Clint's son clearly told us there were no weapons! Yet, all those people died! If there were no weapons in the perimeter then how did they die?" Right now, Lyca didn't send the CCTV. However, Chu Yuyan was confident that once that the woman would surely send her those CCTV soon! After all, they already paid five million for it. 

And once that happens, they will surely know what happened to those people.

"Can't you check their bodies?" Mr. Clint said.

"Bodies?" Chu Yuyan balled her hands into two tight fists. "Their bodies were burned! All of them were badly burned before they were given to us! Clearly, they don't want us to know what happens!"


"So cruel!"

"They actually burned the dead bodies first?"

If that woman didn't return burned bodies, Chu Yuyan would have known what caused their deaths! She badly wanted to call that Lord Olfan as Lyca clearly said that the Lord was there. However, the man seemed to have changed his number overnight after betraying her! Everything was really going against their way! Everything was so hateful!

"Burned? Why would they burned it?" Mr. Clint frowned. His son clearly said that their spies know the ins and outs of the security protocols and defense of that place. How come they didn't say anything about a weapon? "Are they afraid that we would discover the weapons that they are using?"

"Or… they were really using fire!" someone said. "I mean… if we think about it. What if they didn't deliberately burn them? What if they have some sort of a weapon or trap that would cause some fire?"

Silence followed that person's words. Even Chu Yuyan fell into deep contemplation. That statement actually made sense. What if, they burned those people? What if it was really an explosion? "A bomb?"

"Perhaps… maybe some traps on the ground. And that is the reason why they were badly burned."

"The people living near the area— "

"The people living near the ranch is actually a mile away. I am certain they can't hear some explosives, especially the ones that are not designed to give a big explosion but just send chemicals that could easily attract fire."

Chu Yuyan looked at everyone at the table. She was already in a very bad mood earlier when she met that woman. She never actually thought that her mood would get worse instead of getting better after they found the pieces of jewelry. The pieces of jewelry that they found were only a worth few millions, including the diamonds! It wasn't even fifty million! Now that Chu Yuyan thought about it, she felt that Lyca actually played her like a damn ball!

First, she let her believe that the person who stole from them was only Lord Olfan when clearly, she was working with the Lord! Of course, this was the only conclusion that she came up with after deliberating everything. Lord Q might be working with Lord Olfan! Those two people made them look like a fool!

However, Chu Yuyan cannot do anything about it. She and that woman already made a promise not to touch each other again! She could only send some secret messages to the Chu Family in the northern regions and asked for their help in getting rid of that woman! How hateful!

Then this meeting happened.

At first, she thought that the woman was just so cruel, burning the bodies of the Chu Family's people as a retaliation for what they did. However, this was immediately debunked by these conclusions. The fact that the weapon that was used on them meant that being burned was their fault. It was not Lyca's fault. Those people approached the walls so they were burned. It was that simple.

Now, she can no longer blame that woman's cruelty! To Chu Yuyan, this was so infuriating, she could feel her blood vessel burst from anger!

"I don't know about you… but I am no longer participating in this quest to kill them." Someone's words woke Chu Yuyan up from her stupor.

"Same! I would rather pay than have my people killed by something like that!"

"I would agree! I am withdrawing from this secret alliance too!"

The statements made Mr. Clint frown. "So, we are going to allow them to treat us like jokes? Increasing the money that they wanted! And even letting someone stole from the Chu Family? Is that really what you wanted to happen?"

"Mr. Clint, you don't understand. We originally paid for our safety and now we are going to attack the person that is keeping us safe from those burglars from other territories? Think about it! The Chu Family only got robbed after they sent their people to attack! It only happened before they attack Q and his base! I think they are lucky that Q didn't retaliate!" Just like Chu Yuyan, everyone here also believed that it was Q who stole from the Chu Family. After all, all of them knew that Q is only interested in weapons.

Unlike other lords, Q only focused his business on various weapons. He wasn't interested in drugs and other criminal crime groups do like stealing and killing. How could they believe that Q would have professionals to steal something from the Chu Family?

"He is right! That burglary only happened because Q's wife removed the security from the Chu Family! Those burglars were only smart enough to know the perfect timing. My guess is they have been observing the Chu Family and immediately acted when they saw that the Chu Family is already down."

"So, you are saying it is my Chu Family's fault?" Chu Yuyan coldly asked.

"Isn't it?" another one answered. 

"Miss Chu, you are still young. I suggest, you clearly think about everything that happened. Everything started when you attack your own. They only retaliated by removing the security! You are lucky that Q's wife didn't kill you along with your people!"

"Hmph! I am leaving this meeting. I no longer wanted to involve myself in your Chu Family! The life of my own family is far more important than this alliance!" An old man with white hair and white sword-like brows stood before promptly leaving the room. 

"Same! I am leaving. I think this meeting is already done! Everyone who doesn't want to attack Q should leave while the people who still wanted to attack them, can stay! Of course, you can only blame yourself for being too stupid once you fail." Another person left.

"Look at those cowards!" Mr. Clint hissed. "Isn't it only a weapon that could burn something? Why don't we just find it! Let's have a bomb expert and find the weapon! We only need to be more careful and not attack them when we aren't ready! Moreover, my son's team are experts in things like this! They can surely find someone that could disassemble a bomb!" Mr. Clint tried to reason but it wasn't enough to stop most people at the table from leaving. To these people, it was just not worth it.

There is no way that they would risk their families. It is better to just pay millions. Moreover, they are paying for their security! It's not like Q's people are using the money for drugs! They must be using the money to supply high tech gadgets that could easily stop a burglary!

"Cowards!" Chu Yuyan rolled her eyes before looking at the other two people on the table. "So, I guess it's just the three of us?" she asked.

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