Lazily Yours.

Chapter 274: Eating in Bed

"Miss Xi, just as you expected, they actually had a meeting. However, in the end, the one left is only Chu Yuyan and another two men."

Lyca immediately frowned when she heard Ma Ping's annoying voice. She glared at the man but realized that she was too lazy to reprimand him. So, she walked past him and went to the kitchen to make some sumptuous breakfast for Shen Qui.

"Miss Xi, are you going to start cooking breakfast? This is just the right time, I realized that I actually didn't have breakfast. That stinky Ronan just told us to cook whatever we like but I can only cook some noodles. Meaning, I have been eating noodles for days now. Someday, I will drown from MSG and die because I keep on eating noodles." Ma Ping happily followed Lyca toward the kitchen. "Miss Xi, what are we having for breakfast? I didn't know that Miss Xi could actually cook! Aiyo, this only proves that Boss Q is so lucky to become Miss Xi's husband."

"Silence," Lyca said as she slowly turned her head towards the man. She slowly picked up one of the kitchen knives while staring at Ma Ping.

"That— That— Miss Xi— Alright." Ma Ping immediately pursed his lips while staring at the knife in Lyca's hands. He already witnessed Lyca's skills there is no need to even ask himself what would happen if he continued talking to her. So, Ma Ping just sat on the counter while watching Lyca cook.

"Hm? What's happening? What are you doing here?" Rue asked when she noticed the man sitting just like a statue on the counter.

"Oh! Miss Rue! Shhhh… Shhhh, lower your voice. Miss Lyca said she doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Oh," Rue said and walked towards the fridge to get herself some milk and bread. She eyed the silent Lyca and realized that she was cooking the same black soup. "Hey, what is that?" she asked while standing next to her.

"It's a seafood soup."

"Hm? Why is it black?" she asked, wondering what has gotten into Lyca."Is that some sort of secret technique?"


"Really?" This immediately made Rue interested.


"Is it good? Can I have some?" she asked, curious. 



This statement, however, made Ma Ping smile. Miss Lyca actually didn't tell him that he couldn't taste this special food. This only means that she agreed to make some for him right?

"Why are you giggling on your own?" Ronan's voice made Ma Ping froze. "I told you to inform her about what happened last night. Did you?"

"Oh! Yes, I already did! I already did." Ma Ping intentionally lowered his voice. "Just relax and don't disturb Miss Lyca is making food for me."

"Hm? You— " Ronan was speechless. What kind of shamelessness was this? She eyed the pot that Lyca was using and immediately knew it was only enough to make two bowls of those black food. Of course, he knew that Lyca was only cooking for Shen Qui and herself. "Hey, Ma Ping… stop hallucinating. Xi is not making food for you. It's for Boss Q."

"But she said— "

"Did she?"

"Well… she didn't say anything and in my book silence means yes."

"Aiyo… Ma Ping… you are still young. You don't understand these things. Miss Xi is too lazy to even answer you. That's why she didn't say anything."Rue said before she stuffed some bread into her mouth. Then she drank some milk. "I suggest you go and make yourself some fried eggs or you will starve. Go and eat with the others… tell them to prepare. Xi might need you guys later."

"But… But…"

"Go— don't let Boss Q heard these words. Stop hallucinating or you will surely end up dead." Ronan said. Shen Qui wasn't someone that killed people without any reason however, he also had seen that man lost all the reason and walk around right after surgery. Who knows what he will do if he heard that Lyca would cook for another man?

"Oh, really?" Ma Ping scratched his cheek. Now that he thought about it, Lyca cooking for him was too impossible no? "Alright. I will tell the others to prepared. " Just like him, the others are also staying on the house at the ranch. That house is complete with amenities and food so staying there is more convenient. 

After Ma Ping left, Rue and Ronan met each other's eyes before shrugging and turning towards Lyca.

"I already took care of the pieces of jewelry that Ummm… you gathered last night. It was worth a few tens of millions. Should be enough to build another facility for the other people training in the mountains." Rue said. She already heard that Lyca actually made the Mayor agreed to give them the mountain. While she didn't know the exact thing that happened, she could already guess that Lyca did something illegal to get it. "You know… Boss Q never tried this stuff while you were sleeping."

"Hm?" Lyca removed her gaze from the pot. "What stuff?"

"You know… stealing."

"Oh!" Lyca nodded. "Got it."

"Got it? That's it? I mean… I have no problems with these methods but we are creating more enemies against us. I can't even sleep properly anymore. I am too scared that they will attack us anytime. I am scared that— "

"Miss Rue was truly funny," Lyca uttered while turning her attention back to the food. "Who told you that we are waiting for them to attack?"


"Tonight, the other Chu Family's jewelry stores will be robbed. The Clint Family's factories will explode and Arnold Yun's businesses will be compromised."

"You— " Ronan's eyes widened. "You said that we are going to wait! What do you mean why attacking them like that? That would only cause more trouble!" 

"I am too lazy to wait. I need to end this as fast as possible." Lyca said while preparing two bowls.

"What do you mean?"

Lyca only shrugged. Last night before she sleeps, she realized that she really couldn't just wait for them to attack her! Moreover, her enemy was not the people in her territory but from the other territory. She really needed to finish this as soon as possible, so she could start doing her next plans. Then she could finally rest.

"Ummm… Xi, may I know why it looks like you are in a hurry?" Ronan asked.

"I am in a hurry."


"Because… " She put the bowl into two trays. "Because I need to have my wedding soon. That damn Shen Qui just registered our marriage without giving me a good marriage. He owed me one."

"…" Rue and Ronan just eyed each other as they watched Lyca smiled at them before walking back towards their room. "Meet me after an hour in Q's office." They heard the woman say as they blinked their eyes over and over. 

"So… she wanted to fix it as soon as possible so she can have a wedding?" Ronan turned towards Rue.

"Yeah… "

"A wedding." Ronan knew some people who hired them before to ruin lives so they could get money, territory, wealth, influence. But this was the first time that he heard this kind of reasoning. Wedding. "Why do I feel like she's doing stuff just because of some shallow reason?" Ronan asked.

"Are you saying that Xi is shallow?" Rue asked. "She's not."

"I know! I'm just saying that it looks like she's playing around without any rhyme or reason then at the end of the day everyone will realize that they are just dancing in her palm like a damn puppet."

Rue shrugged in response. She, too, never once understood Lyca's personality. She seemed so complicated and unpredictable, thinking about her is only going to make her head hurt. 

Meanwhile, Lyca was beaming while staring at Shen Qui, who was still sleeping. She was honestly proud of herself, being able to wake up so early just to cook some food for her husband. She flipped her long hair and move her face closer to Shen Qui's. Right now, she honestly feels like the ideal wife. Beautiful, talented, fierce and knows how to cook some delicious but weird looking food. 

"Why are you smiling like that while staring at me?"

Shen Qui's words woke her up from her stupor. She was about to move her head back when Shen Qui suddenly put his hand at the back of her head and pulled her closer for a long kiss. "That's long overdue," he said after pulling his head away. Before Lyca could answer him, Shen Qui pulled her into a hug, pulling her towards the bed.

"What are you doing!? You are injured!" Lyca

"Not anymore."

She heard him chuckle before burying his head into her hair. "What are you doing?"

"You've been putting something in my food. You are making me sleep for hours and then suddenly I just woke up not feeling anything. Tell me, Miss Lyca Huang… what did you do to me?"

"Oi, Shen Qui… stop it. You need to eat first."

"I am going to eat…. " He said. "I won't leave this bed without eating."

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