Lazily Yours.

Chapter 275: The Princess and the Tree

Shen Qui turned Lyca around, making her lie on her back as he moved on top of her and used his arms to support himself.

"I want to kiss you." He said.

"If you start now, it won't stop and your wound will bleed."

"Doesn't hurt anymore."

Lyca frowned. Of course, it won't hurt, she is giving him drugs that she made herself for him not to feel anymore! But this doesn't heal the wound. "It's not healed yet. If you move too much, it will still bleed."

"I am doing good."

"Tsk… if you won't listen to me… I will…"

"You will what?" he cocked his head as if challenging her.

"I will cut it."

"Cut what? Your happiness?"

"Mr. Shen… it seems that you have become bolder since you got the injury?" She lifted her eyebrow and stared at his beautiful lips that were inches away from her face. "Did that injury damaged your brain?" She frowned. Why does it feel like Shen Qui is not listening to her anymore? "Or did you forget that in this relationship… I am the knight while you are the princess?"

"Heh… hmmm" He wasn't able to finish his words when Lyca suddenly put a finger against his lips.

"Shhhh…. " Lyca tilted her head. "No need to say thank you. Just listen to my words. From now on, the Princess will be protected by the knight in shining armor. " A pleasant smirk flashed on her face when she saw Shen Qui's surprise face. Slowly, she removed her finger on his lips.

"Since when did you become so protective?"

"Since… I… " Since she realized that she loves this man. This is already her second life, a second chance to make it right. This is her second chance to make herself happy. And hell, she would never waste this opportunity to protect the people that she loves. What happened in her previous life would never happen again. Her mother, father, Shen Qui, and the Tang Family. No one would suffer because of her again. "Since I realized that I would never find someone as beautiful as you." She smirked. "Say, when you were a kid, did you play the princess of the prince?"

"Of course, the princess, I look like a girl. Let me guess, did you act as the prince?"

"Nah…" Lyca beamed. Prince? She was too lazy for that. "I was the tree."

These words made Shen Qui laugh until he ended up coughing. Seeing this, Lyca immediately made him lie back down. "You are still weak… give it two more days. For now, you need to listen to me and eat whatever I want you to eat."

"I don't smell, right?"


Shen Qui used some pillows and leaned against the headboard of the bed. "Every time I wake up, I am wearing different clothes too."

"Oh? You notice?" she gave him a mischievous smile. Before giving the man a wink. "You are welcome."

Shen Qui stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head. Lyca always claimed that she was lazy and yet she does a lot of things. If she was lazy then what about everyone else? "Are you going to tell me what kind of storm are you planning to make?"

"Well…. " Lyca hesitated for a few seconds before she leaned closer. "I am planning to take over this region."


"Why are you looking at me like that? I am not joking. I figured that taking over the whole region is better both in business and for our safety. We already let the Long Family know that we are in this City. It is time to start scaring them."

"Scaring them?"

"I just changed my plans," Lyca said seriously.


"When — "When she realized that she loves him. Of course, she needed to adapt and be flexible. "When I realized that it's actually better to have more people and scare the Long Family to death."


"Of course. I just thought that they tried to kill you so they should suffer until they die too." Lyca's mind is actually very simple. She wasn't the type to analyze and think of a lot of schemes. Since those people hurt the man that she loves then, she would make them suffer. No need to complicate things.

"Is that so?"

Lyca nodded. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like… you know my secret."

"Well… do you have one?"

Lyca only smiled before she put the food on the table. Without answering his question, Lyca started talking about what she planned to do with the territory and even the new name.

"The reason why I didn't provoke anyone is that you were asleep back then." Shen Qui said as the two started eating. "The territory is unstable and provoking them is a great disadvantage for me."

"Heh, no need to explain." Lyca waved her hand. "I already know why you were so docile. But no need to worry, you have me now and we can poison our way through this."

"That…." Shen Qui pursed his lips while nodding. "That is a very peculiar way of saying stuff." Poison their way? He couldn't help but wonder if Lyca was actually planning to poison the Chu and Clint family. Suspicion flashed in his eyes. "Are you— "

"No." Lyca shook her head. "At least not everyone. We still needed them for money. But I am cleaning this territory, and everyone who is going to act like a pest will die like one."

For some reason, Lyca's words sent shivers down his spine. He opened his mouth to say something but ended up closing it. Until now, Lyca didn't tell him what she was planning to do with the Chu, Clint, and Yun Family. She only told him what would happen after that. After a few minutes, the two finally finished eating, and after a few minutes, Shen Qui fell asleep.

Seeing her husband now back in his bed, Lyca kissed his forehead before walking towards Shen Qui's office. The medicine that she made is hopefully enough to make him feel better. Her gentle expression instantly changed when Lyca arrived in Shen Qui's office. She nodded at the three people in the room. "One of these three families, helped the Long and Zhang Family create an ambush," she immediately said. "And they have spies both in the port and the ranch. I want to know the names of those spies and the family who assisted our enemies."

"Is that why you didn't touch the Chu Family?" Cleo asked before avoiding Lyca's gaze.

"Hmmm. But we are going offensive. Starting today, the whole Territory will know that we are not easy to deal with." Lyca said. The conversation was interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

"Miss Xi?"

"Come in Lai Su."

The man immediately opened the door but didn't go inside. He only smiled at the other three people before turning towards Lyca. "That thing is ready. If you want— "

"No. We will go with everyone else." Lyca said and gestured for everyone to follow her to the lab.

"This is actually my first time going to the lab," Cleo said as they walk inside the spacious room with white walls. "It's intimidating." Knowing that this was the place where Lyca makes her poisons is very frightening.

"Everyone pick a suit."

"What for?" Cleo asked Lai Su. "Are we going to see something really dangerous?"

"Just for safety purposes. We wouldn't want the chemicals to burn your precious skins." Lai Su gestured towards the room that will be used for disinfection. After leaving the next room, you will go to that room to clean yourselves, take a bath and check if you had some harmful radiations in you— "

"Radiations?" Rue and Ronan said at the same time before looking at Lyca.

"What is happening here? Are you going to bomb some regions?" Rue asked, panicked. Lyca always had a different way of thinking. This made her wonder if she would send some nuclear bomb to the Long Family for hurting her precious husband. "You— you aren't going to— "

"Why are you so nervous? Do I look like a cold-blooded murderer to you? Hey, Lai Su? I thought you said I am very nice?"

"When did I say that?" Lai Su immediately argued but soon realized his mistake when he saw Lyca frowned. "Ah… oh! Right, I remember. Miss Xi is indeed the nicest person. I said that just now."

Lyca rolled her eyes. "Just go and change your clothes. I want to show you something." Lyca said. It didn't take too long for them to finish suiting up.

After making sure that everyone is already protected, Lai Sue led everyone to another room. "I just finished the one that Miss Xi asked me to do. " He gestured towards the small tablet-like metal that was supported by an arm like metal in the middle of the table. "This might look metal but it's made of soluble materials. But it will only react to acid in our stomach. I have tried the material on rats. Since… we don't have any human subjects. It took three seconds before the nuclear material inside exploded." He then showed them the second tablet which, was in a metallic blue casing. "This one contains a poison that Miss Xi personally concocted. It doesn't explode and kill people immediately."

"Hmmm." Lyca nodded. "And this is where I would need Ronan's help."

"Hm? I don't know Chemistry." The latter immediately shook his head. Nuclear bomb? Poison? This — This is above his pay grade.

"Nah, relax." Lyca smiled before asking. "I need your brains. I am sure that I am not as good as you in advanced math. I need something that we can put inside this metallic tablet. Some sort of a timer that we can detonate anytime we want." Her statement immediately made the room silent.

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